Classes and Powers
- Classes and Powers
- Creating a Character
- Classes
- Commander
- Exemplar
- Guardian
- Harlequin
- Mageblade
- Magician
- Priest
- Reaper
- Sylvan
- Kits
- Playing with Kits
- About Kits
- Redundant Features
- Powers and Associated Disciplines
- Binds Familiar
- Brews Poisons
- Channels Godmind
- Charms Animal
- Conjures Fiends
- Dabbles in Commanding
- Dabbles in Exemplary Combat
- Dabbles in Guarding
- Dabbles in Harlequinry
- Dabbles in Mageblading
- Dabbles in Priesthood
- Dabbles in Reaping
- Dabbles in Sylvanry
- Dabbles in Wizardry
- Eats Monster Hearts
- Embodies Charisma
- Embodies Intelligence
- Embodies Speed
- Embodies Strength
- Sculpts Their Body
- Takes Bestial Form
- Worships the God of Life
- Worships the God of Peace
- Worships the God of Tyranny
- Worships the God of War
- Feat Paths
- Disciplines
- Key and Secondary Abilities
- Angel’s Trumpet
- Identify Target
- Make Room
- Quick Save
- Targeted Call
- Break Will
- Geometric Strategy
- No One Hits The Chief
- Rescuing Angel
- Hold Fast
- An Ounce of Prevention
- Encouraging Peal
- Inspire the Troops
- Pride Leader’s Stance
- The Strength Within
- Call to Action
- Rallying Instruction
- Golden Commander Stance
- No One Left Behind
- Inherit Toughness
- When A Plan Comes Together
- Milestone Foe
- Identify Weak Point
- Bolster the Line
- Control The Battle Theatre
- Golden General’s Victory
- Now What Did We Learn?
- Restraint
- Lead the Group
- To Arms
- Discipline of the Holy Host
- Look Alive!
- Hang Together
- Martyr
- Blitzing Yell
- Critical Moment
- Pull It Together
- Peal of Hope
- On Your Feet
- Just Stop …
- Blessed Feast
- Take Me
- Encouraging Reaction
- Full Suite
- Boost Performance
- Gripped with Fear
- Battle Symphony
- Remember Me?
- Art of War
- Blades in the Dark
- Deadly Thrust
- Evasive Strike
- Flying Blade
- Sure Cut
- Retort
- Pocket of Sand
- Roll With It
- Tumbling Strike
- Attack from the Blue
- Double Down
- Sloppy Strike
- Bleeding Strike
- Kip-Up
- Deflection
- Slick Feint
- Thief’s Strike
- Assassin’s Gambit
- Spikey Bastard
- I’ll Take It
- True Targeting
- Death’s Twin
- Twirling Towards Freedom
- End of the Beginning
- Born to Run
- Cantrips
- Cup of Brimstone
- Burn It Off
- Stab in the Soul
- Death Mark
- Redoubled Misery
- Least Binding
- Perverse Blessing
- Everburn
- Minor Binding
- Dance in Fire
- Mocking Curse
- Lesser Binding
- Flaming Teleport
- Demonic Explosion
- Sadistic Shot
- Prestige Binding
- Follow the Blood
- Abyssal Bargain
- Keep Burning Please
- Rabble Babble
- Advanced Binding
- Golden Claw
- Carrion Screech
- Greater Binding
- Killing Doubt
- Ultimate Binding
- Cup of Brimstone Summons
- Deep, Dark, Truthful Mirror
- Elemental Flux
- Energy Jolt
- Spark Strike
- Variable Flux
- Eldritch Shield
- Fluctuation Movement
- Arcane Shield
- Degrade Resistance
- Elemental Nimbus
- Elemental Realignment
- Eldritch Fang
- Elemental Strike
- Energy Spark
- Elemental Flux Stance
- Lance of Power
- Raging Flux
- Assay Resistance
- Arcane Torrent
- Energy Hammer
- Eldritch Consumption
- Chaotic Blow
- Elemental Drive
- Redirecting Flux
- Elemental Absorption
- Nexus of Elemental Retribution
- Enter the Vortex
- Cascade of Elemental Wrath
- Elemental Vortex
- Zephyr Flux
- Eldritch Energy Hammer
- Elemental Destruction Ring
- Strike of Elemental Devastation
- Frontline Fighting
- Rope-A-Dope
- Unbalancing Strike
- Full Sweep
- Sudden Leap
- Best Defense is Good Offense
- Insult to Injury
- Redirection of Energy
- Roll With It
- Adaptable Warrior
- Mistaken Aggravation
- Overreach Lunge
- Flawless Victory
- Hip Throw
- Smack-Attack
- Consequential Attack
- Jaw Strike
- Any Opportunity
- Knock-Out Button
- Last Second Recovery
- Pound for Pound
- Snap-Sweep
- Vicious Hook
- Battle Stride
- Roundhouse Attack
- Gambit Recovery
- Knockout Power
- String-Combo
- Wear Them Down
- Lights Out
- Off the Bone
- Blocking Pose
- Calculated Strike
- Spherical Discipline
- Master Combo
- Roundabout Strike
- Flow Like Water
- Sure-Kill
- Golden Lion
- Pack Pounce
- Tactical Strike
- Demoralizing Roar
- Hunting Party
- Pride Movement
- Distracting Strike
- Defending the Pride
- Circling the Prey
- Warning Roar
- Pyrite Swipe
- Kill the Wounded
- Direct the Pride
- Golden Lion Charger
- Charge of the Battle Cat
- Golden Swipe
- Harry the Prey
- Guard the Pride
- Roar of Battle
- Strategic Blow
- Golden General’s Stance
- Lord of the Pridelands
- War Lion’s Charge
- Lion Lord’s Agony
- Triumphant Lion’s Leadership
- High Cunning
- Juggernautical
- Devastating Body Attack
- Knock-About Strike
- Inconsequential Injury
- For the Common Honor
- I’m the Juggernaut
- The Behemoth
- Out of the Fire
- Wade In
- Once More Into the Breach
- The Bulldozer
- In The Face
- He Ain’t Heavy
- The Runaway Boulder
- Like An Elephant
- Down Fighting
- The Fortress
- Nosebleed
- Just Got the Wind Knocked
- Just Walk It Off
- Blatant Disregard for Personal Safety
- Behind Me!
- Last Laugh
- Biting Taunt
- Failure to Communicate
- Tricky Taunt
- Who, Me?
- Exploit Weakness
- Personal Betrayal
- Forked Tongue
- Parley
- Grace Under Pressure
- Winning Smile
- Talk Down
- Perfect Masquerade
- Sow Distrust
- Smooth Talker
- Cool Nerves
- Fast-Talk
- Empathic Response
- Instant Infatuation
- Read Body Language
- I Know This Trick
- Center of Attention
- Gruff and Tough
- Backup Plan
- Stunning Good Looks
- Method Acting
- Unshakable Persona
- Dazzling Personality
- Intimate Assassin
- Lead the Shot
- Butt In
- All Attention
- Feign Mortality
- Touched a Nerve
- Destructive Criticism
- Commanding Presence
- Mastermind’s Gambit
- Instinctual Reaction
- Mark of the Puppeteer
- Tactical Alteration
- Distracting Attack
- Into the Fire
- Stick to the Plan
- Force It Back
- Make It Dance
- Bring Me Everyone
- Cover The Escape
- Encouraging Advice
- Back-To-Back
- Cover Opportunity
- Attract Attention
- Blind Spot
- Right into the Trap
- Take the Lead
- Aggravate the Wound
- Proud Target
- Boar’s Head
- Taunting Mockery
- Diverting Attack
- Positive Reinforcement
- Subtle Encouragement
- Hearten the Squad
- No Time to Bleed
- Direct Strike
- Plan of Attack
- Center Peel
- Direct Threat
- Target Priority
- Secure Perimeter
- Focus Target
- Sudden Exposure
- On A Pile of Corpses
- Point Of No Return
- Pinpoint Objective
- Brilliant Opportunity
- Perfect Timing
- Shock And Awe
- Shining Example
- Puppeteer’s String
- Befuddle
- Neural Spear
- Instant Friends
- Recall Probe
- Dreamtrancer
- Imprint
- Long Range Communication
- Indirect Camouflage
- All a Jumble
- Cut the Strings
- Reverberation
- Direct Manipulation
- Making Matters Worse
- Deep Scan
- Instill Confidence
- Psychic Refresh
- Visual Deletion
- Act Casual
- Neural Slice
- Telepathic Blocker
- Blackout
- Transplant Senses
- Field Control
- Phrenic Cascade
- Godly String
- Pure Puppeteer
- Personality Manipulation
- Radiant Dawn
- Dismiss
- Expose Weakness
- Staunching Strike
- Spoils of War
- Decree of Mercy
- Bolster
- The Caged Sun
- Curate’s Strike
- Decree of Purity
- Healer’s Bane
- Witness to Glory
- Armaments of the Empire
- Decree of Death
- Disrupt Essence
- Lifeburst Strike
- Decree of Silence
- Lifeburst Imbuement
- Sunstroke
- Shatter Spell
- Sunlight Shields
- Divide and Conquer
- Battle Against the Sun
- Noblesse Oblige
- Decree of Freedom
- Awaken the Sleeper
- King’s Castle
- Swords to Ploughshares
- Path of the Sun
- Push the Advantage
- Decree of Vengeance
- Harsh Light of Day
- Judgement Day
- Tyrant’s End
- Rapier’s Point
- Dance of Blades
- Gentlefolk’s Challenge
- Sure Thing
- Only Fooling
- Scornful Laugh
- Lunging Draw
- Calling Card
- Throw Off
- Through the Foot
- Certain Strike
- Bravado
- Fend Off Horde
- Blur of Cloaks
- Harmless Misdirection
- Press the Advantage
- Call Bid
- Rescuing Intercept
- Dodge with Panache
- Swift Riposte
- Lethal Misdirection
- Deflect Attack
- Red in Tooth and Claw
- Blood Lust
- Bob and Weave
- Stout Rebuff
- Knockback
- Mad Rush
- Powerful Swipe
- Sic ’Em
- Sneaky Strike
- Tongue Lash
- Venomous Strike
- Drag Down
- Choppers
- Flailing Attacks
- Rake
- Wild Swings
- Shape of the Badger
- Shape of the Bear
- Shape of the Cat
- Shape of the Dire Rat
- Shape of the Elk
- Shape of the Tortoise
- Shape of the Wolf
- All Fours
- Bramble Step
- Quick Change Artist
- Wild Empathy
- Agile Animus
- Forceful Animus
- Full Moon Stance
- Scout Form
- Bear Hug
- Fearsome Roar
- Hard to Miss
- Illogical Rage
- Panicked Switch
- Shape of the Frog
- Shape of the Toad
- Shape of the Serpent
- Shape of the Weaver
- Animal Instincts
- Regenesis
- Rhinohide
- Scent
- Frenzy
- Shape of the Bat
- Shape of the Eagle
- Shape of the Shark
- Shape of the Wyrmling
- You, Afraid?
- Active Camouflage
- Bloodhound
- Flittering Form
- Survivor
- Tenacity
- Through New Eyes
- Deimatic Display
- Ferocious Feline
- Shape of the Manticore
- Shape of the Raptor
- Perfect Form
- Threat Discouragement
- Into the Fray
- Bad Bear
- Shape of the Dragon
- Feline-Like Grace
- Instant Regeneration
- Shake It Off
- Stampede
- Scratching Tempest
- Shape of the Chimera
- Shape of the Great Wyrm
- Seershot
- Aimed Shot
- Sharpshooter
- Snap-Shot
- Beyond The Call
- Swift, Silent, Deadly
- Keyhole Attack
- Fake Echo
- Hold The Breath, Skip A Beat
- Batter The Target
- Expose Target
- Organ Shot
- Check the Wind
- Pinpoint Accuracy
- Penetrating Shot
- Nock Three Arrows
- Failure Is Not an Option
- Act of God
- Careful Targeting
- Eye Shot
- No Exit Wound
- Sharpshooter’s Aim
- Deep Cover
- Found the Sweet Spot
- Go for the Kill
- Internal Ricochet
- Ghostly Form
- Accompanying Elfshot
- Assassin’s Arrow
- Guide My Hand
- Clean Kill
- Spells of Ice and Fire
- Thermal Touch
- Thermodynamic Bolt
- Bottled Thermodynamic Transfer
- Entropic Burst
- Resonant Ray
- Thermal Absorption
- Elemental Restraint
- Thermal Isolation
- Expanding Phase Transition
- Frozen Creation
- Thermal Wall
- Broken Equilibrium
- Dynamic Tempest
- Halo of Fire
- Thermal Shield
- Rocket Propulsion
- Blood Tell
- Ice Castle
- Starfall
- Attack of Necessity
- Micro Burst
- Potential Push
- Rapid Shots
- Focused Shot
- Pinning Shot
- Shot on the Run
- Wildfire
- Barbed Arrows
- Covering Shot
- Eye the Enemy
- Black Sky
- Standing Barrage
- Chain Shots
- To the Rescue!
- The Killing Field
- Tri-Shot
- Distracting Arrow
- Force Back
- Machine of Destruction
- Battle Position
- Clearing the Room
- Stacked Volleys
- Tracking Shots
- Wildfire Blitz
- Bandit’s Yell
- Toxophilite
- Flurry of Arrows
- Mosquito’s Nip
- Mindless Mayhem
- Suppressing Shots
- New Position
- Behemoth-Killer
- Clear the Ground
- Cloud of Hellfire
- Cone of Barbs
- One on One
- Overwatch
- Finish the Job
- Selective Shots
- Fall of Heaven
- Measured Response
- Strong Bidding
- Third Mind
- Veiled Moon
- Dimensional Strike
- Disturbing Blow
- Cursed Fate
- Ghost Hunting Blow
- Inner Sense
- Leaping Spirit Dance
- Spirit Sensing Stance
- Resonance Strike
- Fading Strike
- Half-Gone
- Altered Penumbra
- Brilliant Moon
- Breath of the Moon
- Fading Leap
- Formless Dance
- Ghostwalk
- Ethereal Reminiscence
- Flicker Strike
- Essence Shattering Strike
- Twisting Ether
- Stance of the Ether Gate
- Ether Wave
- Warp Worm
- Anchoring Spirit
- Fade Through
- Lunar Penumbra
- Phantom Penumbra
- Spiritual Weapon Stance
- Dispersal Strike
- Flashing Ether Touch
- Banish to the Beyond
- Eclipsing Moon
- Prestige Paths
- Epic Paths
- Legal
Creating a Character
To create an Orcus character, take the following steps:
- Choose your class. Your character’s class will have a greater effect on their powers and capabilities than any other choice you make, so it makes sense to make it first. Some classes require you to make other choices once you select them, such as choosing a talent (a sub-class).
- Choose your ancestry. Your character’s ancestry is their background, cultural origin, and/or species, depending on the setting. Different settings may have different rules for ancestries. The Outlaw Kingdoms setting splits ancestry into two choices: crux and heritage.
- Choose a feat or a kit. By default, characters can either choose six feats over the course of their first 10 levels (one at level 1), or choose one kit that provides a package of features over the same 10 levels. Feat paths are provided in the Kits chapter as a guide to feats you may take over your first 10 levels.
- Calculate your ability scores. You have six ability scores: Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Different campaigns will calculate ability scores in different ways, but the default is called “point buy.”
- Choose your trained skills. Your class will say how many trained skills you have, and provide the list from which you can choose your trained skills. You gain a +5 bonus on all checks for a skill in which you are trained. See the Skills chapter for a full description of skills.
- Choose your powers. By default, a first-level character chooses two at-will attack powers, one encounter attack power, and one daily attack power. Your class and kit will say which “disciplines” (lists of powers) you can choose your powers from.
- Purchase equipment. You begin with 100 gold pieces with which to purchase equipment. Characters beginning at later levels start with more gold, and with magic items.
- Calculate all other stats. You should now have made all the choices you need to make in order to calculate your character’s defenses, attack bonuses, damage bonuses, skill bonuses, hit points, staggered value, recoveries and recovery value, and so on.
If you create a character at a higher level than 1, the process is similar, except you choose more feats and powers, and you will also choose a prestige path (if level 11 or higher) and epic path (if level 21 or higher).
Here are some example archetypes, and how you might model them in Orcus.
Assassin/Ninja: A mystical slayer can be created with the Mageblade, perhaps coupled with the Brews Poisons kit. Embodies Speed is another good choice for a kit. A non-magical assassin or ninja is best done through the Harlequin class.
Barbarian/Berserker: With its focus on Constitution, the Sylvan class is a good start. Any Wild Gift could work for a berserker. For kits, Embodies Strength is a safe choice and even includes some powers that resemble raging. Otherwise a berserker might Eat Monster Hearts, Dabble in Guarding or Worship the God of War, or even Channel Godmind to reflect the influence of a clan spirit or ancestor.
Beastmaster: A Sylvan with the Animal Companion Wild Gift and the Binds Familiar kit can have two animal friends, and turn into a third.
Blackguard: A Guardian who Worships the God of Tyranny or a Priest are good choices.
Blue Mage: A Magician who Eats Monster Hearts is a good model for a blue mage.
Cleric: The Priest is a classic cleric.
Demonologist: Either the Magician (Conjurer) class or the Conjures Fiends kit would be enough to turn a character into a demonologist; taken together they would represent a very strong demonologist archetype. Consider as an alternative taking the Conjures Fiends kit with a different class for a different take on the demonologist: the hellish knight (with the Guardian class), the Harlequin whose fiddle comes from the Devil, or the Mageblade who fights alongside the fiends they conjure.
Druid: The Sylvan has both wild shape and an animal companion covered, so it is a good pick for druids.
Elementalist: A Mageblade with many powers from the Elemental Flux discipline is a natural elementalist. The Dabbles in Wizardry kit for the Spells of Ice and Fire discipline would add further elemental options, if needed – as would choosing an elemental familiar from Binds Familiar.
Fighter (Agile): The Exemplar or Harlequin.
Fighter (Heavily Armored): The Guardian or Commander.
Jack of All Trades/Savant/Red Mage: A Mageblade who takes a lot of Veiled Moon powers is already stealthy, skilled with weapons, and able to cast magic spells. Taking Worships the God of Life or Dabbles in Priesthood on top of that would provide divine power to round out an already versatile character.
Magic Dabbler: Any character could get a strong dose of non-combat magic with the Cantrip Master feat and an investment in incantations.
Monk/Martial Artist: The Martial Training feats, especially the Unarmed Combat feat chain, could turn any weapon-focused character into a martial artist – consider Mageblade for a mystic martial artist, Harlequin for a taunting drunken boxer, Exemplar for an agile combatant, or even Guardian for a sturdy defender. The Channels Godmind kit would add a psychic, meditative element to the build. See the feat path section for ideas for modelling different types of martial artist through feats.
Mounted Knight: A Guardian who Charms Animal can pick a horse, giving themselves a powerful and obedient mount and powers that take full advantage of it.
Paladin: The Priest class serves perfectly well for a paladin focused on healing and inspiring their allies. Otherwise, try a Guardian who Dabbles in Commanding or Worships the God of Life, Peace, or War.
Pirate: Exemplar is a safe choice for a pirate, perhaps one who Dabbles in Reaping with a pistol.
Poisoner: The Brews Poisons kit is enough to turn any weapons-based character into a poisoner.
Psion/Psychic/Ardent: A Magician (Enchanter) who Channels Godmind would make a good psion, ardent, or other psychic. The Psi Focus and Shard feats are a good investment as well.
You can make a soulknife or psychic warrior with Weapon and Shield Shard feats, or a kineticist with the Blast Shard feats.
Ranger: Sylvan or Reaper are the obvious places to start for a ranger build, depending on whether your focus is melee or ranged combat. For kits, Dabbles in Reaping or Dabbles in Sylvanry would round out the character, as would Charms Animal or (for a smaller animal companion) Binds Familiar. A scout might prefer Embodies Speed.
Rogue: Either a Harlequin or an Exemplar that focuses on the stealthy Blades in the Dark discipline would make a good rogue.
Tactician/“Lazylord”: The brilliant tactician who hangs back from the fray themselves is a classic archetype rarely supported in RPGs. The Angel’s Trumpet and High Cunning disciplines cater to this style of play, as does the Last Laugh discipline (associated with the Harlequin). A Commander who Embodies Intelligence or Embodies Charisma should be able to contribute while rarely making an attack themselves.
Warlord: The Commander is a classic warlord. Alternatively, couple Dabbles in Commanding or Embodies Charisma with another martial class for a different take on the battlefield leader.
Were-Creature: The Takes Bestial Form kit allows for werewolves, werebears, and even werevelociraptors.
Wizard/Sorcerer: The Magician class allows for Evokers, Conjurers, and Enchanters. Some sorcerers might work better as Mageblades.

Missing Archetypes
Currently, Orcus does not have many resources for bards, nature spellcasters, wizards of the other schools of magic, or rogues who focus on striking for massive damage instead of distracting or dueling foes.
Every character belongs to a class, which they choose at first level. They will remain a member of this class during their entire adventuring career – perhaps up to level 30, the highest level available.
Since there are ways to get some of the perks of other classes, such as multiclass feats and kits, the original class you chose is sometimes referred to as your “base class”. If you do pick up other classes, you count as a member of those classes, but they will never affect your character as much as your base class does.
Reading Class Descriptions
Each class has one or more traditions, which summarize where that class draws most of its power from.
Arcane: The practitioners of the arcane tradition seek to understand the unexplainable, categorize the bizarre, and otherwise access the ephemeral in a systematic way. If your power comes from arcane magic, it is studied or learned.
Divine: The power of the divine is steeped in faith, the unseen, and belief in a power source from beyond the Material Plane. If your power comes from divine magic, it is granted by the gods, saints, or other higher powers.
Martial: Your power comes from skill at arms, experience in battle, force of will, and training. Martial adventurers have extraordinary abilities, but they are grounded in what is humanly possible.
Phrenic: The strength of psyche and emotions. The phrenic tradition represents the power inherent in all sentient beings, the ability to draw forth the spark of life, that inner fire which gives strength to convictions. In some, it takes the form of extreme dedication, unusual courage, or an unbreakable discipline. But in others, it takes on physical form. Their font of power is so great that they can manipulate the world around them by using it. There are currently no classes of the phrenic tradition, but there are kits and feats that give phrenic powers.
Spirit: An instinctual connection to and faith in the world, the cycle of day and night, the turning of the seasons, and the natural selection of predator and prey drive the spirit tradition. If your power comes from the spirit tradition, it is drawn from the natural world or the spirits of the world.
Each class has one or two roles, which summarize how the class most often contributes in combat.
Defender: A defender soaks up attacks and damage from enemies, punishes enemies for attacking their allies and punishes enemies for attacking the defender. The defender forces enemies to make difficult decisions or puts them in a “catch-22”.
Often, defenders control enemies by “marking” them. See the marked condition in the Conditions chapter for more details.
Striker: A striker does the most damage or otherwise puts enemies out of action, particularly if they are supported by their allies – but they can be vulnerable if they are left exposed.
Leader: A leader helps their allies do their jobs better in combat, by keeping them alive through healing and defensive bonuses, by increasing their damage output or other contributions, and by enabling them to do things that they couldn’t do before (even if that is as simple as helping them get into position for an attack).
Controller: A controller gives the team control over the battlefield, with crowd control attacks, area denial or impeded movement that limits where and how enemies can move, and negative conditions that reduce what the enemies can do or how effectively they do it.
Table – Roles and Traditions
Controller | Defender | Leader | Striker | |
Arcane | Magician | Mageblade | ||
Divine | Priest | |||
Martial | Harlequin | Guardian | Commander | Exemplar |
Spirit | Reaper | Sylvan |
Hit Points: A character’s hit point maximum is based on their class, level and Constitution score. A character becomes staggered when their current hit points fall to half or less of their maximum. A character’s “recovery value” is equal to one quarter of their hit points.
Recoveries: After each long rest, a character has a number of recoveries based on their class and Constitution modifier. When a character has an opportunity to spend a recovery, it is usually in order to heal hit points equal to their recovery value.
Defenses: Each class gives a bonus to one or two defenses.
See the Combat chapter more details on hit points, recoveries and defenses.
Proficiency and Training
Proficiencies: A character will gain some combination of armor (including shields), weapon and focus proficiencies from their class.
A character suffers a -2 penalty to Reflex defense and attack rolls if they wear armor or use a shield they are not proficient with. A character cannot add the proficiency bonus of a weapon to their attack rolls unless they are proficient in that weapon. A character gets no benefit from using a focus unless they are proficient with it.
See the Equipment chapter for more details.
Trained Skills: A character gains a +5 bonus on skill checks using skills that they are trained in. A character’s class gives them training in a certain number of skills; these must be selected from the list of class skills.
See the Skills chapter for more details.
Features are typically unique to each class, and - along with powers - they provide the majority of the class’s capabilities.
Some classes have features that provide additional feats or kits, or which interact with the action points mechanic. You can find more information about these topics in the Feats and Kits chapters, and in the Combat chapter under “Your Turn” (for action points).
Powers are unique things that characters can do, as an action. Some are limited use; others can be used any number of times. See the Powers chapter for more details.
Abilities: Each class has a primary ability associated with it. That ability is used for most attacks with that class’s powers. Each talent (see below) has a secondary ability associated with it. That ability is used whenever a class power uses an ability that is not the primary ability.
Power progression: Classes follow the default power progression, shown below, unless otherwise mentioned. In this book, all classes follow the default progression.
The numbers of powers listed below apply only to your “class powers”: those granted through the Powers entry within your chosen class, or powers from other sources that required you to swap a power from your class for that power. Extra powers from other sources such as cruxes, kits, feats are not counted toward these limits. Powers granted by class features other than the Powers entry are also not counted toward these limits.
“P” indicates a power from your prestige path, so for example at level 11 you will typically gain an encounter attack power from your prestige path. “E” indicates a power from your epic path.
The appendix has a table that shows which level powers a character of a particular level (following the default progression) can have. This is useful if you are creating a character at higher than 1st level, or if you get confused about which powers can be replaced when.
When you reach a level that allows you to replace a power, you choose a class attack power you know of that frequency (encounter or daily) and give it up, exchanging it for a power of the level you’re gaining. For example, at level 13 you can give up one of your existing encounter attack powers (for example the one you got at level 1) in exchange for a level 13 encounter attack power.
Table – Default Power Progression
Level | At-will Attack | Encounter Attack | Daily Attack | Utility | Power Replacements |
1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | ||
2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | |
4 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | |
5 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | |
6 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
7 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | |
8 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | |
9 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | |
10 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | |
11 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 | 3 | |
12 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 | 3 + P | |
13 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 | 3 + P | Replace 1 encounter attack power |
14 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 | 3 + P | |
15 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 | 3 + P | Replace 1 daily attack power |
16 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 | 4 + P | |
17 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 | 4 + P | Replace 1 encounter attack power |
18 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 | 4 + P | |
19 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 | 4 + P | Replace 1 daily attack power |
20 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 + P | 4 + P | |
21 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 + P | 4 + P | |
22 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 + P | 5 + P | |
23 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 + P | 5 + P | Replace 1 encounter attack power |
24 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 + P | 5 + P | |
25 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 + P | 5 + P | Replace 1 daily attack power |
26 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 + P | 5 + P + E | |
27 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 + P | 5 + P + E | Replace 1 encounter attack power |
28 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 + P | 5 + P + E | |
29 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 + P | 5 + P + E | Replace 1 daily attack power |
30 | 2 | 3 + P | 3 + P | 5 + P + E |
Most classes have subclasses called talents. These give an additional feature and set the character’s secondary ability (see above).
Dualclassing and multiclassing
Dualclassing and multiclassing are two ways for characters of one class to get features and powers from another.
Each class has a “Dualclass” option listed. This is the benefit that a character receives when they take the Dualclass Recruit feat and select that class. For example, a level 1 Exemplar might take the Dualclass Recruit (Sylvan) feat. They would get the features described under the Sylvan’s Dualclass option.
Some kits are multiclasses. Multiclassing is like dualclassing except you get access to more features and powers. For example, the Dabbles in Reaping class gives you access to the same Reaper features as the Dualclass Recruit (Reaper) feat, plus access to a discipline of powers and more Reaper features at later levels.
Martial Leader
Key Ability: Charisma. When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Charisma instead.
Talents and Secondary Abilities: Stormtrooper Tactics (Dexterity), Siege Tactics (Wisdom), Resilience Tactics (Intelligence), Inspiring Tactics (Strength).
When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with your talent’s secondary ability instead.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 plus your Constitution score.
Additional Hit Points at Higher Levels: 5 per level above first level.
Recoveries per Long Rest: 7 plus your Constitution modifier.
Defenses: +2 Fortitude.
Proficiency and Training
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, scale; light shields.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, martial melee; simple ranged.
Focus Proficiencies: Martial focus.
Trained Skills: You are trained in 4 skills from your class skills.
Class Skills: Athletics, Diplomacy, Endure, Heal, History, Intimidate, Religion.
You can choose powers from your class disciplines. When you do so, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Charisma instead. You can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with the secondary ability linked to your talent (see below).
Class Disciplines: Angel’s Trumpet, Golden Lion.
Choose one at character creation.
- Stormtrooper Tactics: Once per turn, an ally that is the target of one of your powers can shift 1 as a free action. Your secondary ability is Dexterity.
- Siege Tactics: Once per turn, an ally that is the target of one of your powers receives temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier (double at level 11, triple at level 21). Your secondary ability is Wisdom.
- Resilience Tactics: Once per turn, an ally that is the target of one of your powers immediately makes a saving throw against one save ends condition they are subject to. Your secondary ability is Intelligence.
- Inspiring Tactics: Once per turn, an ally that is the target of one of your powers receives a +2 power bonus to their next attack roll. Your secondary ability is Strength.
Lift Spirits
You can use the lift spirits power two times each encounter.
Level 16: Three times per encounter.
Lift Spirits
Encounter Utility 1 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Healing
Near burst 5 (10 at level 11, 15 at level 21), one ally or yourself
Effect The target spends a recovery and heals their recovery value plus your Charisma modifier.
Choose one at character creation.
- Proficiency with martial ranged weapons. You may use Strength instead of Dexterity for attack and damage rolls on basic ranged attacks.
- Proficiency with heavy shields and plate armor.
- Proficiency with two exotic melee weapons of your choice.
If a character takes the Dualclass Recruit feat and selects the Commander, it has the following benefit:
Benefit: You belong to the Commander class (along with any other classes that you belong to), and gain the following benefits:
- You can use lift spirits once per encounter.

Martial Striker
Key Ability: Dexterity. When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Dexterity instead.
Talents and Secondary Abilities: Strength, Charisma.
When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with your talent’s secondary ability instead.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 plus your Constitution score.
Additional Hit Points at Higher Levels: 5 per level above first level.
Recoveries per Long Rest: 6 plus your Constitution modifier.
Defenses: +2 Reflex.
Proficiency and Training
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather; light shield.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, martial melee, simple ranged.
Trained Skills: You are trained in 4 skills from your class skills.
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Insight, Intimidate, Perception, Stealth, Streetsmarts, Sleight of Hand.
You can choose powers from your class disciplines. When you do so, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Dexterity instead. You can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with the secondary ability linked to your talent (see below).
Class Disciplines: Rapier’s Point, Blades in the Dark.
Choose one at character creation.
- Gladiator: Once per turn, when you shift, you can shunt an adjacent enemy 1 at one point during your movement. Your secondary ability is Strength.
- Swashbuckler: Your Triumphant Strike does additional damage equal to your Charisma modifier when you attack a marked enemy. Your secondary ability is Charisma.
When you hit an enemy with a melee attack, and do not already have momentum, you gain momentum. When you are hit by any kind of attack, you lose momentum. Momentum has no effect on its own, but it is required for your Triumphant Strike and Bide Your Time features and is referenced by some powers.
Triumphant Strike
While you have momentum, once per turn you can add +1dW damage to any kind of attack. Level 11: +2dW damage. Level 21: +3dW damage.
Bide Your Time
If you use an encounter attack power and do not hit any targets, you can lose your momentum to keep the encounter power (it is not expended). You can only use this feature if you have momentum.
Nick of Time
You get a +2 bonus on attack rolls you make outside of your turn (for example, opportunity attacks and immediate actions).
If a character takes the Dualclass Recruit feat and selects the Exemplar, it has the following benefit:
Benefit: You belong to the Exemplar class (along with any other classes that you belong to), and gain the following benefits:
- When you hit an enemy with a melee attack, and do not already have momentum, you gain momentum. When you are hit by any kind of attack, you lose momentum. Momentum has no effect on its own, but it is required for your Triumphant Strike and Bide Your Time features and is referenced by some powers.
- Once per encounter, you can use the Exemplar’s Triumphant Strike feature (noting that it requires momentum to use).

Martial Defender
Key Ability: Strength. When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Strength instead.
Talents and Secondary Abilities: Constitution, Dexterity, Wisdom.
When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with your talent’s secondary ability instead.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 15 plus your Constitution score.
Additional Hit Points at Higher Levels: 6 per level above first level.
Recoveries per Long Rest: 9 plus your Constitution modifier.
Defenses: +2 Fortitude.
Proficiency and Training
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, scale; light shield, heavy shield.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, martial melee, simple ranged, martial ranged.
Trained Skills: You are trained in 3 skills from your class skills.
Class Skills: Athletics, Endure, Heal, Intimidate, Streetsmarts.
You can choose powers from your class disciplines. When you do so, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Strength instead. You can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with the secondary ability linked to your talent (see below).
Class Disciplines: Art of War, Juggernautical.
Choose one at character creation.
- Great Weapon Style: You get a +1 bonus on attack rolls with two-handed weapons. Your secondary ability is Constitution.
- Protection: You get a +1 bonus on attack rolls with one-handed weapons. Your secondary ability is Dexterity OR Wisdom (your choice).
Combat Dominance
You can choose to emit an aura 1 of combat dominance. While you do so, creatures in the aura who are not marked by anyone else are marked by you. A creature that leaves your aura is no longer marked.
Veteran Opportunist
Add your Wisdom modifier to your attack rolls when making opportunity attacks.
Savvy Combatant
You gain the punish cowardice and block retreat powers.
Block Retreat
At-Will Utility Feature (Free Action) ● Martial
Trigger A creature is hit by your opportunity attack, and the opportunity attack was provoked by movement.
Effect Their movement stops for this action. They may attempt to move again using another action, if applicable.
Punish Cowardice
At-Will Utility Feature (Counter Action) ● Martial
Trigger An adjacent creature you have marked shifts or makes an attack that does not include you.
Effect Make a basic melee attack against the triggering creature.
Special This is not an opportunity attack.
If a character takes the Dualclass Recruit feat and selects the Guardian, it has the following benefit:
Benefit: You belong to the Guardian class (along with any other classes that you belong to), and gain the following benefits:
- Once per encounter, as a free action, you gain the Combat Dominance feature for a number of rounds equal to your Strength modifier.
Martial Controller
Key Ability: Charisma. When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Charisma instead.
Talents and Secondary Abilities: Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom.
When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with your talent’s secondary ability instead.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 plus your Constitution score.
Additional Hit Points at Higher Levels: 4 per level above first level.
Recoveries per Long Rest: 6 plus your Constitution modifier.
Defenses: +2 Will.
Proficiency and Training
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged.
Focus Proficiencies: Martial focus.
Trained Skills: You are trained in Bluff or Diplomacy and 4 other skills from your class skills.
Class Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Heal, History, Insight, Intimidate, Perception, Religion, Streetsmarts, Thievery.
You can choose powers from your class disciplines. When you do so, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Charisma instead. You can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with the secondary ability linked to your talent (see below).
Class Disciplines: Last Laugh, Mastermind’s Gambit.
Choose one of the following auras at character creation. You can activate an aura as a swift action, which lasts until you end it as a swift action or until you fall unconscious. Unlike stances, multiple auras can be in effect at once.
- Fixer: Demoralizing Presence aura 2; enemies in the aura suffer a -2 penalty to all saving throws. Your secondary ability is Dexterity.
- Jester: Attention Grabber aura 2; you can mark an enemy in this aura as a swift action. Enemies you have marked inside the aura suffer an additional -1 penalty to attacks that don’t include you. Your secondary ability is Wisdom.
- Saboteur: Threatened Footfalls aura 2; enemies treat the area within the aura as difficult terrain. Your secondary ability is Intelligence.
- Scout: Watchful aura 2; you do not grant combat advantage to enemies inside the aura. Your secondary ability is Constitution.
Impudent Flourish
You do not provoke opportunity attacks from creatures you have attacked this turn.
Clever Fellow
You gain the hasty retreat and general confusion powers.
General Confusion
At-Will Utility Feature (Swift Action) ● Martial
Near 5, one creature marked by yourself or one of your allies
Effect The target is no longer marked by that character, and is instead marked by yourself or the ally of your choice until the end of your next turn.
Hasty Retreat
At-Will Utility Feature (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect Shift 1.
If a character takes the Dualclass Recruit feat and selects the Harlequin, it has the following benefit:
Benefit: You belong to the Harlequin class (along with any other classes that you belong to), and gain the following benefits:
- Once per encounter, you can use the hasty retreat power.
- Once per encounter, you can use the general confusion power.
Arcane Defender
Key Ability: Intelligence. When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Intelligence instead.
Talents and Secondary Abilities: Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma.
When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with your talent’s secondary ability instead.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 15 plus your Constitution score.
Additional Hit Points at Higher Levels: 6 per level above first level.
Recoveries per Long Rest: 8 plus your Constitution modifier.
Defenses: +1 AC, +2 Will.
Proficiency and Training
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, martial melee; simple ranged.
Focus Proficiencies: See Athame feature.
Trained Skills: You are trained in Arcana and 3 other skills from your class skills.
Class Skills: Arcana, Acrobatics, Athletics, Diplomacy, Endure, History, Insight, Intimidate.
You can choose powers from your class disciplines. When you do so, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Intelligence instead. You can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with the secondary ability linked to your talent (see below).
Class Disciplines: Elemental Flux, Veiled Moon.
Choose one at character creation.
- Illusion Specialist: You can use the blurring sigil power. Your secondary ability is Dexterity.
- Martyr Specialist: You can use the vortex sigil power. Your secondary ability is Constitution.
- Punishment Specialist: You can use the fiery sigil power. Your secondary ability is Charisma.
- Rush Specialist: You can use the beacon sigil power. Your secondary ability is Strength.
Beacon Sigil
At-Will Utility Feature (Reaction Action) ● Arcane, Teleport, Weapon
Near burst 5, the triggering enemy
Trigger A creature marked by your sigil makes an attack that does not include you as a target
Effect Teleport to an unoccupied square adjacent to the target and make a basic melee attack against them.
Blurring Sigil
At-Will Utility Feature (Counter Action) ● Arcane, Weapon
Near burst 10, the triggering enemy
Trigger A creature marked by your sigil makes an attack that does not include you as a target
Effect Any one target of the triggering creature’s attack gains resistance to all damage equal to your level + your Dexterity modifier, until the end of the current turn.
Fiery Sigil
At-Will Utility Feature (Reaction Action) ● Arcane, Fire, Weapon
Near burst 10, the triggering enemy
Trigger A creature marked by your sigil makes an attack that does not include you as a target
Effect The triggering creature takes 1d6 + your Charisma modifier fire damage. Level 11: 2d6 + your Charisma modifier damage. Level 21: 3d6 + your Charisma modifier damage.
Vortex Sigil
At-Will Utility Feature (Counter Action) ● Arcane, Teleport, Weapon
Near burst 5, the triggering enemy
Trigger A creature marked by your sigil attempts to make an attack that does not include you as a target
Effect The triggering creature teleports to an unoccupied square of your choice adjacent to you. If it now arranges the attack so that it includes you as a target, the attack goes ahead. Otherwise it misses all targets.
Mageblade’s Sigil
You can use the mageblade’s sigil power.
Mageblade’s Sigil
At-Will Utility Feature (Swift Action) ● Arcane
Near burst 2, one target
Effect The target is marked until you use this power again.
Key Weapon
You select a particular weapon that you are proficient with and perform a daylong ceremony to make it your key weapon. You can only have one key weapon at a time, but you can repeat the ceremony with a different weapon to make it your key weapon.
As a standard action, if you have a free hand you can summon your key weapon. If it is within 10 squares, it appears in your hand. Level 11: Move action, within 10 miles. Level 21: Swift action, within 100 miles.
You have the Athame feat for the weapon type that your key weapon belongs to. For example, if your key weapon is a +1 longsword, you have the Athame (longsword) feat. This changes if your Key Weapon changes.
Shimmering Shield
If you have a spare hand (not carrying a shield, wielding a two-handed weapon, holding a focus, etc.), you receive a +2 shield bonus to AC.
If a character takes the Dualclass Recruit feat and selects the Mageblade, it has the following benefit:
Benefit: You belong to the Mageblade class (along with any other classes that you belong to), and gain the following benefits:
- You can use mageblade’s sigil once per encounter.
- Choose one of beacon sigil, blurring sigil, fiery sigil or vortex sigil. You can use that power once per encounter.
Arcane Controller
Key Ability: Intelligence. When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Intelligence instead.
Talents and Secondary Abilities: Constitution, Dexterity, Charisma.
When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with your talent’s secondary ability instead.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 plus your Constitution score.
Additional Hit Points at Higher Levels: 4 per level above first level.
Recoveries per Long Rest: 6 plus your Constitution modifier.
Defenses: +2 Will.
Proficiency and Training
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee.
Focus Proficiencies: Orb, staff, wand, rod, book.
Trained Skills: You are trained in Arcana and 3 other skills from your class skills.
Class Skills: Arcana, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering, History, Insight, Nature, Religion.
You can choose powers from your class disciplines. When you do so, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Intelligence instead. You can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with the secondary ability linked to your talent (see below).
Class Disciplines: Spells of Ice and Fire, Cup of Brimstone, Puppeteer’s String.
You belong to a particular school of magic. Choose one at character creation.
- Conjurer: When an encounter ends and you have one or more daily powers with the Summon tag still active, those daily powers are not expended. However, if you use them again, the summoned creatures appear in the exact state they were when their last summoning ended (current HP, conditions, etc.) except that they can use their encounter powers again even if already used before. If you complete a long rest, all your daily powers reset and if you use them from then on a “fresh” creature will be summoned. Your secondary ability is Constitution.
- Enchanter: When you use a power with the Psychic tag that does damage on a hit, you can choose for the power to do no damage to any enemies you target. If so, you gain a +2 bonus on the attack roll. Your secondary ability is Charisma.
- Evoker: If you wish, a near or far power you use with the Acid, Cold, Fire, Flux, Lightning or Thunder tags has its area increased by 1 (from Near arc 2 to Near arc 3, for example). Also, you can change your flux energy as a swift action (see the Elemental Flux discipline for a description of flux energy). Your secondary ability is Dexterity.
Arcane Strength
Choose either Arcane Overflow or Arcane Sustenance.
Arcane Overflow: Encounter attack powers from your class disciplines gain the following Miss entry if they do not have one:
Miss: Half damage, and if a hit would have imposed a condition, the target experiences the following (same duration).
- Blinded: The target is rattled.
- Controlled: The target is dazed.
- Immobile: The target is slowed.
- Persistent damage 10 or more: Persistent damage 5.
- Stunned: The target is dazed.
- Weakened: The target suffers a -4 penalty to damage.
- Unwilling movement 3 or more: Unwilling movement of the same variety 1.
Arcane Sustenance: At the start of each of your turns, choose one power you have active that requires an action to Maintain or choose a companion of yours (a summon, familiar, etc.).
If you choose the Maintain power, the power is Maintained as if you spent the relevant action on it. If you choose the creature, it can take an action of your choice without you spending an action on it. This does not allow it to exceed its total actions, so for example if you choose for it to take a standard action, you cannot also spend your standard action to have it take another standard action.
Arcane Training
You gain the Athame feat or a feat from the Art Feats section (your choice).
You gain the Cantrip Master feat.
If a character takes the Dualclass Recruit feat and selects the Magician, it has the following benefit:
Benefit: You belong to the Magician class (along with any other classes that you belong to), and gain the following benefits:
- You are proficient with one of the following: orb, staff, wand, rod or book.
- Choose one at-will 1st-level attack power from a Magician class discipline. It is an encounter power for you.

Divine Leader
Key Ability: Wisdom. When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Wisdom instead.
Talents and Secondary Abilities: Worships the God of Life (Charisma), Worships the God of Peace (Charisma), Worships the God of Tyranny (Strength), Worships the God of War (Strength).
When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with your talent’s secondary ability instead.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 plus your Constitution score.
Additional Hit Points at Higher Levels: 5 per level above first level.
Recoveries per Long Rest: 7 plus your Constitution modifier.
Defenses: +2 Will.
Proficiency and Training
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged.
Focus Proficiencies: Holy symbol.
Trained Skills: You are trained in Religion and 3 other skills from your class skills.
Class Skills: Arcana, Diplomacy, Heal, History, Insight, Religion.
You can choose powers from your class disciplines. When you do so, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Wisdom instead. You can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with the secondary ability linked to your talent (see below).
Class Disciplines: Angel’s Trumpet.
Choose one kit that begins with “Worships …”. You gain the benefits of that kit at the appropriate levels, including the associated discipline. This is in addition to any other kits you may have.
- Worships the God of Life: Your secondary ability is Charisma.
- Worships the God of Peace: Your secondary ability is Charisma.
- Worships the God of Tyranny: Your secondary ability is Strength.
- Worships the God of War: Your secondary ability is Strength.
If you acquire Worships … kits through other ways, you get their benefits as usual but they do not change your secondary ability.
Channel Divinity
You gain the ability to channel divine energy directly from your deity, using that energy to fuel magical effects. You start with access to two such effects: censure undead and an effect associated with your talent.
When you use your Channel Divinity, you choose which effect to create. By default, you can use Channel Divinity once per encounter (although see Action Recharge).
Censure Undead
You present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring the undead.
Encounter Attack Feature (Standard Action) ● Divine, Focus, Radiant
Near burst 2 (Level 11: 5; Level 21: 8), all undead
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit 1d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage. Target is pushed 3 + your Charisma modifier and immobile until the end of your next turn. Level 5: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage; Level 11: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage; Level 15: 4d8 + Wisdom modifier damage; Level 21: 5d8 + Wisdom modifier damage; Level 25: 6d8 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Miss Half damage. Target is pushed squares equal to your Charisma modifier.
Infuse with Life
You can use the infuse with life power twice per encounter.
Infuse with Life
Encounter Utility Feature (Swift Action) ● Divine
Near burst 5 (Level 11: 10; Level 21: 15), self or one ally
Effect Target spends a recovery and heals their recovery value +1d6. Level 6: 2d6; Level 11: 3d6; Level 16: 4d6; Level 21: 5d6; Level 26: 6d6.
Priest Training
You gain the Shield Proficiency, Athame or Cantrip Master feat or a feat from the Art Feats section (your choice).
Action Recharge
When you spend an action point, you recover the use of Channel Divinity for the encounter.
If a character takes the Dualclass Recruit feat and selects the Priest, it has the following benefit:
Benefit: You belong to the Priest class (along with any other classes that you belong to), and gain the following benefits:
- You can use infuse with life once per encounter.

Spirit Controller
Key Ability: Dexterity. When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Dexterity instead.
Talents and Secondary Abilities: Strength, Constitution, Intelligence.
When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with your talent’s secondary ability instead.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 plus your Constitution score.
Additional Hit Points at Higher Levels: 5 per level above first level.
Recoveries per Long Rest: 7 plus your Constitution modifier.
Defenses: +1 Reflex, +1 Will.
Proficiency and Training
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged, martial ranged.
Trained Skills: You are trained in Nature and 3 other skills from your class skills.
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Endure, Heal, Insight, Intimidate, Nature, Perception, Stealth.
You can choose powers from your class disciplines. When you do so, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Dexterity instead. You can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with the secondary ability linked to your talent (see below).
Class Disciplines: Seershot, Starfall.
Choose one at character creation.
- Paviser: If you don’t move on your turn, you reduce all unwilling movement you experience by 1 square, and get a +1 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. You are proficient in hide and chainmail armor. Your secondary ability is Constitution.
- Peltast: You get a +1 bonus to attacks with weapons with the thrown (light) or thrown (heavy) property. Weapons that you throw are transported back into your hand by the spirits immediately after you make the attack. While wearing light or no armor, add your Strength to Armor Class instead of Dexterity/Intelligence if it is higher. Your secondary ability is Strength.
- Sharpshooter: You get a +1 bonus to attack rolls against targets that are 6 or more squares away. Your secondary ability is Intelligence.
Sprouting Overwatch
You have the sprouting overwatch power.
Sprouting Overwatch
You cover a person or area and attack anything that gets too close.
At-Will Attack Feature (Move Action) ● Spirit, Weapon, Zone
Far burst 1 within range 10
Effect You can make a regular ranged basic attack against one creature that enters any square of the target area as an immediate interrupt until the start of your next turn. After you make this attack, all enemies treat the area as difficult terrain until the start of your next turn.
Spirit Entreaty
You gain the ability to entreat the spirits for a favor. You start with access to three such effects: grasping vines, spirit’s prank and unleashed spirit.
When you use your Spirit Entreaty, you choose which effect to create. By default, you can use Spirit Entreaty once per encounter (although see Action Recharge).
Grasping Vines
Encounter Attack Feature (Swift Action) ● Spirit
Near burst 1, all enemies
Effect The target is pushed 1 and slowed until the end of your next turn.
Special Level 11: Range is now burst 2. Level 21: Range is now burst 3.
Spirit’s Prank
Encounter Attack Feature (Free Action) ● Spirit
Trigger Your ranged attack misses a target
Effect Make a ranged basic attack against a creature within 5 of the triggering target.
Unleashed Spirit
Encounter Attack Feature (Reaction Action) ● Spirit, Weapon
Melee weapon, the triggering enemy
Trigger A melee attack misses you.
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage and push 1.
Action Recharge
When you spend an action point, you recover the use of Spirit Entreaty for the encounter.
If a character takes the Dualclass Recruit feat and selects the Reaper, it has the following benefit:
Benefit: You belong to the Reaper class (along with any other classes that you belong to), and gain the following benefit:
- Once per day, you can use a Spirit Entreaty power. You start with access to three such effects: grasping vines, spirit’s prank and unleashed spirit.

Spirit Striker
Key Ability: Constitution. When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Constitution instead.
Talents and Secondary Abilities: Dexterity, Wisdom, Charisma.
When you choose powers from your class disciplines, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with your talent’s secondary ability instead.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 plus your Constitution score.
Additional Hit Points at Higher Levels: 5 per level above first level.
Recoveries per Long Rest: 6 plus your Constitution modifier.
Defenses: +1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex.
Proficiency and Training
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide.
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, martial melee, simple ranged, martial ranged.
Focus Proficiencies: Staff, druidic focus, martial focus.
Trained Skills: You are trained in Nature and 3 other skills from your class skills.
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering, Endure, Heal, Insight, Intimidate, Nature, Perception, Stealth.
You can choose powers from your class disciplines. When you do so, you can replace any reference to the discipline’s key ability with Constitution instead. You can replace any reference to the discipline’s secondary ability with the secondary ability linked to your talent (see below).
Class Disciplines: Frontline Fighting, Red in Tooth and Claw, Strong Bidding.
Choose one at character creation. Note that rampage powers do not necessarily have to target the creature that you hit with the attack that triggered the rampage power.
- Watchful: You gain the fearful rampage power. Your secondary ability is Wisdom.
- Companionable: You gain the companion rampage power. Your secondary ability is Charisma.
- Swift: You gain the swift rampage power. Your secondary ability is Dexterity.
Companion Rampage
At-Will Attack Feature (No Action) ● Spirit, Weapon or Focus
Special range, one creature
Trigger You hit with an attack
Effect The target must be within Melee reach of you, or of your animal companion. The target takes damage equal to 2 + your Charisma modifier.
Special You can use this power once per round. Level 11: Special range, one or two creatures. Level 21: Special range, all enemies.
Fearful Rampage
At-Will Attack Feature (No Action) ● Spirit, Weapon or Focus, Psychic, Fear
Melee touch, one creature
Trigger You hit with an attack
Effect The target takes damage equal to 2 + your Wisdom modifier and is shunted 1.
Special You can use this power once per round. Level 11: Melee touch, one or two creatures. Level 21: Melee touch, all enemies.
Swift Rampage
At-Will Attack Feature (No Action) ● Spirit, Weapon or Focus
Melee touch, one creature
Trigger You hit with an attack
Effect The target takes damage equal to 2 + your Dexterity modifier. You shift 1.
Special You can use this power once per round. Level 11: Melee touch, one or two creatures. Level 21: Melee touch, all enemies.
Wild Gift
Choose one of the following.
Skinchanger: When you wear light or no armor, you can add your Constitution modifier to your AC instead of Dexterity or Intelligence.
While under the effects of a shape of the X power, you can spend any other shape of the X power you have yet to use in order to make an additional Form Attack, over and above the one granted by the using the original shape of the X power. This additional Form Attack may be of either the shape you are currently in or the additional shape you have expended. You may use this option once for each shape of the X power you have yet to use.
Hunter: You treat all one-handed melee weapons as having the side weapon property.
When no ally is closer to an enemy than you are, you get a +1 bonus on attack rolls against that enemy. You gain this bonus against all enemies who meet these criteria.
In addition, you also get a bonus feat: Toughness, Two-Weapon Defense, Shield Proficiency or Melee Finesse.
Animal Companion: You gain the service of an animal companion (from the list below). When you use a Red in Tooth and Claw power, you can choose for your animal companion to use the power in your place (it is assumed to always be in wild shape form), using your attack bonus and damage die.
The animal companion obeys the following rules:
- Your companion’s initiative equals your own.
- If you take a move action, the animal companion can take a move action as well.
- You can give up actions to command the animal companion, in which case it gets to take the same actions. For example, you can give up your standard action in order for the animal companion to take a standard action, at your direction. You can also use an immediate action in order for the animal companion to make an opportunity attack or use a counter or reaction (in all three cases, only if eligible to do so).
- If you are incapacitated or not present, your animal companion gets its full complement of actions without needing to be “commanded”. However, it acts like the animal it is: loyally but with limited intelligence.
Stats and Combat
- The animal companion’s level is equal to your own.
- The animal companion’s maximum HP are equal to your staggered value.
- Your animal companion has no recoveries of its own, but can use yours.
- Whenever you have the chance to spend a recovery to heal, you can spend a second recovery to heal your animal companion your recovery value.
- When your animal companion drops to 0 hit points, it disappears, leaving behind no physical form. It reappears after your next long rest, at full HP.
- Your animal companion can contribute to a flank.
- Your animal companion always obeys your commands.
- If you retrain, you can select a different animal companion.
- The animal companion is an ally of you, and of your allies.
- The animal companion is a bright, sensitive animal, but nonetheless has animal-level intelligence.
Favored Terrain
After spending a week or more in a particular terrain, you can set it as your Favored Terrain. After spending a week or more in a different terrain, you can change your Favored Terrain.
Arctic: You gain the ice stride feature and a +2 bonus to Endure.
Forest or Heath: You gain the woodland stride feature and a +2 bonus to Nature.
Marshes: You gain the swamp stride feature and a +2 bonus to Athletics.
Underground or Mountains: You gain the stone stride feature and a +2 bonus to Dungeoneering.
If a character takes the Dualclass Recruit feat and selects the Sylvan, it has the following benefit:
Benefit: You belong to the Sylvan class (along with any other classes that you belong to), and gain the following benefit:
- Choose a rampage power. Once per encounter, you can use that power.

Animal Companions
Animal companions are described according to the monster rules. See the Game Master’s Guide for rules on reading monster stat blocks.
Animal Companion
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: low-light vision; Skills: Athletics +8 + half your level, Intimidate +5 + half your level
Str: 16, Con: 12, Dex: 14
Int: 2, Wis: 14, Cha: 10
Speed: 5, climb 5
AC: 14 + your level; Fort: 10 + your level, Ref: 12 + your level, Will: 14 + your level
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Fist (standard, at-will)
Your level +4 vs AC; 1d8 + your level damage.
⤢ Stone (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Ranged 5/10; your level +4 vs AC; 1d8 + your level damage.
Could also be used for a yeti.
Arboreal Sapling
Animal Companion
Small Natural Automaton (Unaligned)
Senses: low-light vision; Skills: Nature +7 + half your level
Str: 16, Con: 12, Dex: 14
Int: 2, Wis: 14, Cha: 10
Speed: 5
AC: 13 + your level; Fort: 14 + your level, Ref: 10 + your level, Will: 11 + your level
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Branch (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Your level +3 vs AC; 1d10 + your level
Could also be used for a wood golem.
Animal Companion
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: low-light vision; Skills: Endure +7 + half your level, Intimidate +5 + half your level
Str: 16, Con: 14, Dex: 14
Int: 2, Wis: 12, Cha: 10
Speed: 5
AC: 14 + your level; Fort: 12 + your level, Ref: 10 + your level, Will: 12 + your level
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
Your level +2 vs AC; 1d12 + your level
The animal companion starts each battle with temporary hit points equal to double its level.
Could also be used for a giant badger, wolverine or owlbear.
Big Cat
Animal Companion
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: low-light vision; Skills: Athletics +7 + half your level, Stealth +6 + half your level
Str: 14, Con: 16, Dex: 12
Int: 2, Wis: 14, Cha: 10
Speed: 7
AC: 14 + your level; Fort: 10 + your level, Ref: 14 + your level, Will: 10 + your level
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
Your level +4 vs AC; 1d6 + your level
Greased Lightning
On the first round of battle, the animal companion has combat advantage against any creature that has not yet acted.
A lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard, cougar or other big cat.
Blink Dog
Animal Companion
Medium Fey Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: low-light vision; Skills: Stealth +7 + half your level
Str: 14, Con: 16, Dex: 14
Int: 2, Wis: 12, Cha: 10
Speed: 6, teleport 3
AC: 14 + your level; Fort: 10 + your level, Ref: 14 + your level, Will: 10 + your level
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
Your level +4 vs AC; 1d8 + your level
Jolt Back
After the animal companion is hit by an attack, and the attack is fully resolved, it can teleport 2.
Animal Companion
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: low-light vision; Skills: Endure +6 + half your level, Nature +7 + half your level
Str: 16, Con: 12, Dex: 14
Int: 2, Wis: 14, Cha: 10
Speed: 6
AC: 14 + your level; Fort: 14 + your level, Ref: 10 + your level, Will: 10 + your level
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Tusk (standard, at-will)
Your level +4 vs AC; 1d8 + your level
Eager to Fight
+1 attack bonus on a charge.
A bull, buffalo, cow or yak. Could also be used for a boar.

Giant Bat
Animal Companion
Small Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: darkvision, blindsight 6
Str: 14, Con: 16, Dex: 12
Int: 2, Wis: 14, Cha: 10
Speed: 2, fly 6
AC: 14 + your level; Fort: 10 + your level, Ref: 14 + your level, Will: 12 + your level
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
Your level +4 vs AC; 1d6 + your level
Giant Lizard
Animal Companion
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: darkvision; Skills: Athletics +7 + half your level, Stealth +6 + half your level
Str: 14, Con: 16, Dex: 12
Int: 2, Wis: 14, Cha: 10
Speed: 5, climb 5
AC: 14 + your level; Fort: 12 + your level, Ref: 14 + your level, Will: 10 + your level
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
Your level +3 vs AC; 1d8 + your level
A cave gecko, giant anole, giant iguana or other large climbing lizard.
Giant Raptor
Animal Companion
Small Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: low-light vision; Skills: Perception +7 + half your level, Stealth +6 + half your level
Str: 14, Con: 16, Dex: 12
Int: 2, Wis: 14, Cha: 10
Speed: 2, fly 8
AC: 14 + your level; Fort: 10 + your level, Ref: 14 + your level, Will: 12 + your level
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
Your level +4 vs AC; 1d6 + your level
A hawk, eagle, owl, vulture, falcon, or other bird of prey.
Giant Snake
Animal Companion
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: low-light vision; Skills: Stealth +6 + half your level
Str: 16, Con: 16, Dex: 12
Int: 2, Wis: 12, Cha: 10
Speed: 5, swim 5
AC: 12 + your level; Fort: 10 + your level, Ref: 14 + your level, Will: 12 + your level
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
Your level +3 vs AC; 1d8 + your level
Venomous Snap
The animal companion’s opportunity attacks also do 2 persistent poison damage (save ends). Level 11: 4 persistent poison damage. Level 21: 6 persistent poison damage.
A venomous snake. Could also be a poisonous spider, toad or Gila monster.

Animal Companion
Large Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Skills: Endure +6 + half your level
Str: 16, Con: 12, Dex: 14
Int: 2, Wis: 14, Cha: 10
Speed: 6
AC: 14 + your level; Fort: 14 + your level, Ref: 10 + your level, Will: 10 + your level
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Hoof (standard, at-will)
Your level +4 vs AC; 1d10 + your level
A horse, camel or llama.
Animal Companion
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: low-light vision; Skills: Endure +8 + half your level, Nature +6 + half your level
Str: 14, Con: 16, Dex: 14
Int: 2, Wis: 12, Cha: 10
Speed: 8
AC: 12 + your level; Fort: 12 + your level, Ref: 12 + your level, Will: 12 + your level
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
Your level +3 vs AC; 1d8 + your level
Combat Advantage
The animal companion does +2 damage when it has combat advantage against the target. Level 11: +4. Level 21: +6.
A dog, wolf, coyote, jackal or hyena.
Hunting Spider
Animal Companion
Medium Natural Beast (Unaligned)
Senses: darkvision; Skills: Athletics +7 + half your level, Stealth +6 + half your level
Str: 14, Con: 16, Dex: 12
Int: 2, Wis: 14, Cha: 10
Speed: 5, climb 5
AC: 14 + your level; Fort: 12 + your level, Ref: 14 + your level, Will: 10 + your level
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Bite (standard, at-will)
Your level +3 vs AC; 1d8 + your level
† Sticky Thread (standard, encounter)
Reach 2; your level +3 vs AC; 1d8 + your level and pull 1.
A web-throwing spider. Could also be used for a chameleon or a giant frog.
Kits are another way of customizing your character at first level, if permitted by the Game Master (see “Playing with Kits”, below). They represent another facet to your character that isn’t captured by their ancestry, class or talent.
Kits will typically give features a few times during the adventurer tier, usually starting with a feature or two at level 1.
Playing with Kits
By default, characters can choose a kit by giving up the six feats they would normally acquire over the 10 levels of the adventurer tier (levels 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10).
Some Game Masters do not permit characters to take kits at all, and others give all characters a free kit, without them having to give up feats.
About Kits
Kits are usually named starting with a verb, like “Dabbles in Wizardry”, “Takes Bestial Form” or “Binds Familiar”.
“Dabbles in …” kits are ways to multiclass. “Worships the …” kits are for worshippers of different gods (what might be called domains).
Redundant Features
If a kit grants you a feat you already possess, or training in a skill in which you are already trained, you may re-train the existing feat or skill using the normal retraining rules. This does not count toward your normal limit of one retraining per level.
Table – List of Kits
Name | Short Description |
Binds Familiar | A small, intelligent creature is your companion. |
Brews Poisons | You can prepare poisons each day to use with your attacks. |
Channels Godmind | Through force of will and a connection to a higher intelligence, you gain power. |
Charms Animal | A large, powerful animal is your companion. |
Conjures Fiends | You can summon and control infernal beings. |
Dabbles in Commanding | Commander multiclass. |
Dabbles in Exemplary Combat | Exemplar multiclass. |
Dabbles in Harlequinry | Harlequin multiclass. |
Dabbles in Guarding | Guardian multiclass. |
Dabbles in Mageblading | Mageblade multiclass. |
Dabbles in Priesthood | Priest multiclass. |
Dabbles in Reaping | Reaper multiclass. |
Dabbles in Sylvanry | Sylvan multiclass. |
Dabbles in Wizardry | Magician multiclass. |
Eats Monster Hearts | You can replace your powers with those of monsters you defeat. |
Embodies Charisma | You are a natural leader. |
Embodies Intelligence | You are instinctively clever, able to appraise a situation quickly. |
Embodies Speed | You are quick and agile, mobile whatever the terrain. |
Embodies Strength | You are a pillar of strength, tough and powerful. |
Sculpts Their Body | You can manipulate your own form – stretching, shaping and warping it as you need. |
Takes Bestial Form | You can turn into a fearsome animal, and fight in that form. |
Worships the God of Life | You worship a god devoted to life and healing, and gain their blessings. |
Worships the God of Peace | You worship a god devoted to peace and protection, and gain their blessings. |
Worships the God of Tyranny | You worship a god devoted to domination and pain, and gain their blessings. |
Worships the God of War | You worship a god devoted to conflict and combat, and gain their blessings. |
Powers and Associated Disciplines
When a kit has an associated discipline, it means characters can select powers from that discipline as if it were one of their class disciplines. Powers selected in this manner count as class powers.
Any other powers granted by kits are in addition to the standard allotment of powers (see the Classes chapter) and do not count toward those limits.
Binds Familiar
You have bound to your service a familiar, a Tiny animal or creature that aids you and provides companionship.

Spirit Friend (Level 1): You gain the service of a familiar, a spirit that takes an animal form you choose (from the list below). You also get the benefit listed in the “Constant Benefit” column.
The familiar follows the Companion rules, as well as the following special rules:
If you are incapacitated or not present, your familiar gets its full complement of actions without needing to be “commanded”.
- The familiar’s maximum HP are equal to your recovery value.
- Your familiar uses your Armor Class, Fortitude, Reflex and Will defenses.
- When your familiar drops to 0 hit points, it disappears, leaving behind no physical form. You lose one recovery or, if not able to lose a recovery, take damage equal to your recovery value. Your familiar reappears after your next long rest, at full HP.
- While your familiar is within 20 squares of you, you can communicate with it telepathically.
- The familiar is of human-like intelligence, although it may think very differently to humanoids or not be communicative.
Hidden Away/Called
- As a swift action, your familiar can hide away on your person, which may involve disappearing in a puff of smoke until you call them again, or turning into a tattoo on your arm or a statuette in your pocket, or simply slipping into your pocket. While hidden away, it cannot act, but it also cannot be targeted by any effect, does not take damage, etc.
- You can call a hidden away familiar as a swift action. It appears in a square adjacent to you.
- While called, the familiar gives you the benefit listed in the “While Called” column.
Combat Assistant (Level 5): Your familiar gets a +1 bonus to all defenses.
While your familiar is hidden away, you get a +1 bonus to Reflex defense.
While your familiar is called, you get a +1 bonus on attack rolls against enemies adjacent to or in the same space as your familiar.
Speedy Summons (Level 10): Your familiar gets a further +1 bonus to all defenses.
Your familiar reappears after your next short rest if it drops to 0 hit points.
Associated Discipline: Strong Bidding.
Table – List of Familiars
Name | Senses | Speed | Constant Benefits | While Called |
Air Elemental | darkvision | fly 8 | +2 feat bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks while you are outdoors. | Levitation: When you start your movement adjacent to your air elemental, you gain a fly speed equal to your walk speed (hover, maximum altitude 2). |
Bat | blindsight 12 | 2, fly 6 | +2 feat bonus to Perception checks. | Echolocation: You gain blindsight 2. |
Barn Owl | darkvision | 2, fly 12 | +4 feat bonus to Perception checks during the night. | Swivel Head: Once per encounter, as a swift action, choose an enemy. That enemy cannot flank you for the rest of the encounter. |
Carbuncle | low-light vision | 4 | +4 feat bonus to Bluff checks when your deception does not involve talking. | False Death: The first time each day the carbuncle is reduced to 0 HP or below, it is instead hidden away with all HP restored. A fake replica of the carbuncle’s corpse appears in the original square. |
Cat Sith | low-light vision | 8, climb 6 | +2 feat bonus to Bluff checks. | False Curse: Once per day, as a standard action, choose an enemy. That enemy thinks it has been cursed; it suffers a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws and skill checks until it passes a roll, throw or check. |
Cave Rat | darkvision | 4 | +2 feat bonus to Sleight of Hand checks. | Light Fingers: As a standard action, make a Sleight of Hand check using the familiar’s position instead of your own. |
Chameleon | darkvision | 4, climb 4 (wall-climber) | +2 feat bonus to Stealth. | Sticky Tongue: As a swift action, the chameleon can pull an unattended object within 2 squares into its square and begin holding it. It can only hold one such item at a time. |
Crawler Octopus | darkvision | 2, swim 6 | +2 feat bonus to Acrobatics checks. You can use Acrobatics to swim instead of Athletics. | Ink Cloud: Once per encounter, as a swift action, allies adjacent to the familiar gain concealment until the end of your next turn. |
Faerie Dragon | low-light vision | 2, fly 6 | +2 feat bonus to Acrobatics. | Euphoria Breath: Once per encounter, as a standard action, an adjacent creature becomes immune to fear and grants combat advantage (save ends both). |
Faerie Sea Horse | darkvision | 0, fly 4 (hover), swim 4 | +2 feat bonus to Arcana checks. | Nudge Enchantment: Once per encounter, as a swift action, suppress the effects of a zone or conjuration that the familiar is adjacent to until the beginning of your next turn. |
Ferret | low-light vision | 6 | +2 feat bonus to Sleight of Hand checks. | Stow Item: As a swift action, the familiar can conceal a small item (5 lb. or less) somewhere that no one can find it until you retrieve it from the adjacent familiar as a swift action. If the familiar is reduced to 0 HP or below, it drops the stowed item. |
Fire Salamander | low-light vision | 4, swim 4 | +2 feat bonus to Endure. | Messy Death: When the fire salamander is reduced to 0 HP or below, adjacent creatures take poison damage equal to your level. |
Frog | darkvision | 4, swim 4, jump 2 | +4 feat bonus to Stealth when you do not move before hiding. | Noxious Odor: Once per encounter, one of your attacks does poison damage instead of its usual damage type. |
Gray Parrot | low-light vision | 2, fly 10 | +2 feat bonus to Diplomacy checks. | Mimicry: The gray parrot can mimic simple sounds it has heard, such as a person whispering, a baby crying, or an animal chittering. |
Hawk | low-light vision | 2, fly 12 | +4 feat bonus to Perception checks during the day. | Distant Strike: Once per encounter, make a ranged attack as if you were in the familiar’s square. |
Brimstone Whisp | darkvision | 6 | +2 feat bonus to Intimidate. | Burning Flesh: A creature that hits the brimstone whisp with a melee attack takes damage equal to your level. |
Levitating Quipper | darkvision | 0, fly 4 (hover), swim 8 | +2 feat bonus to Athletics checks. | Feeding Frenzy: Once per encounter, reroll a missed attack against a staggered enemy and take the higher result. |
Monkeybird | low-light vision | 4, climb 4, fly 6 | +2 feat bonus to Perception. | Graceful Hands: As a swift action, the monkeybird can interact with an adjacent ally’s items: swapping out their weapons for them, administering one of their potions to them, placing an item in their possession or taking one from it, and so on. |
Ooze Mephit | darkvision | 6, swim 4 | +2 feat bonus to Stealth. | Slimy Secretions aura 2: Prone creatures in the aura must make a saving throw when they attempt to stand up from prone. If the saving throw fails, the attempt to stand fails. |
Poisonous Snake | blindsight 2 | 6, swim 6 | +2 feat bonus to initiative checks. You do not grant combat advantage while squeezing. | Poison Bite: Once per encounter, an enemy adjacent to the familiar gains persistent poison damage 5 (save ends). |
Soldier Crab | blindsight 6 | 4, swim 4 | You have swamp stride. | Churn Earth: Once per encounter, create difficult terrain in near burst 1. |
Tabby Cat | low-light vision | 8, climb 6 | +2 feat bonus to Stealth and Acrobatics during the night. | Second Life: Once per encounter, an attack that would hit the familiar misses it instead. You get a +2 bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. |
Weaver Spider | darkvision | 4, climb 4 (wall-climber) | +2 feat bonus to Athletics checks. | Ensnaring Web: At will, as a swift action, the square the weaver spider is in becomes difficult terrain until the end of the encounter. |
Wolpertinger | low-light vision | 8, fly 4 | +2 feat bonus to Nature. | Secondary Gore: Enemies adjacent to the wolpertinger gain vulnerability to basic melee attacks 5 (10 at level 11, 15 at level 21). |
Brews Poisons
Poison Kit (Level 1): You have a poisonmaker’s kit, which you can use to brew poisons. You know the Craft Poison craft, and its completion time is only 1 minute for you
After each long rest, you can give up any number of daily attack powers for the day. For each power that you give up, choose a poison of that level or lower. You prepare that poison without paying the component cost. If you do not use the poison before your next long rest, it goes stale and has no effect if used.
Rapid Poison (Level 5): Once per day, you can give up a daily attack power or a poison as a swift action. If you do so, choose a poison of that level or lower. You prepare that poison. If you do not use the poison before your next long rest, it goes stale and has no effect if used.
Vicious Poison (Level 10): Creatures that are affected by one or more of your poisons suffer a -1 penalty to saving throws.
Associated Discipline: Blades in the Dark.
Channels Godmind
You can focus your mind to unlock your psychic potential.
Psi Focus (Level 1): You gain the Wild Talent feat.
Mantle (Level 5): You gain the Phrenic Talent feat.
You can give up your focus surge for an encounter to use the intensity power instead.
You focus on your connection with your Godmind and you become more intensely focused on your next action.
Encounter Utility Feature (Swift Action) ● Phrenic
Effect You gain a +1 bonus to your next attack and damage roll.
Focused (Level 10): You can perform the meditate action.
You meditate for a short while, regaining your inner focus and becoming in tune with both your inner well of power and the world around you.
Focus Surge: You may spend a recovery to regain your psi focus.
+2 bonus to Will Defense: You gain a +2 bonus to your Will Defense until the start of your next turn.
Once per Encounter: You can meditate once per encounter and can use this action again after you take a short or long rest.
Associated Discipline: Third Mind.
Charms Animal
You have a devoted animal companion who fights alongside you like a member of your adventuring party.
Animal Companion (Level 1): You gain the service of an animal companion, as described in the Sylvan class. If you already have an animal companion, you cannot gain another one.
Combat Ally (Level 5): You get combat advantage against enemies adjacent to your animal companion.
Call of the Wild (Level 10): You can understand and speak a language that your animal companion, and other creatures like it, can comprehend. These creatures may or may not choose to converse with you, depending on their attitude toward you. They still have only animal intelligence, and express themselves and understand concepts accordingly.
Associated Discipline: Strong Bidding.
Conjures Fiends
You summon fiends from the depths of Hell.
Enduring Summons (Level 1): When you use a daily Summon power, the summoned creature immediately gets to take an action of the same type as the type you used to summon them (for example, if you use prestige binding, a standard action, the big burner you summon can immediately use a standard action).
Far Call (Level 5): Increase the range of powers with the Summon tag that you use by 9. For most Cup of Brimstone Summon powers, this means they are now Ranged 10.
Careful Contract (Level 10): You do not lose a recovery when your summoned creature is reduced to 0 HP.
Associated Discipline: Cup of Brimstone.
Dabbles in Commanding
Commander multiclass.
Requirements: You cannot take this kit if you belong to the Commander class, or if you already have a secondary class.
Called to Service (Level 1): You belong to the Commander class (along with any other classes that you belong to), with Commander becoming your “secondary class”. You gain the following benefits:
- Once per encounter, you can use the Commander’s lift spirits power.
Commander Skills (Level 5): You become trained in a skill of your choice from the Commander class skills.
Stratagem Research (Level 10): Choose a talent from the Commander class. Once per day, as a swift action, you gain that talent until the end of the encounter.
Associated Discipline: One of the following disciplines:
- Angel’s Trumpet.
- Golden Lion.
Dabbles in Exemplary Combat
Exemplar multiclass.
Requirements: You cannot take this kit if you belong to the Exemplar class, or if you already have a secondary class.
Buckle Your Swashes (Level 1): You belong to the Exemplar class (along with any other classes that you belong to), with Exemplar becoming your “secondary class”. You gain the following benefits:
When you hit an enemy with a melee attack, and do not already have momentum, you gain momentum. When you are hit by any kind of attack, you lose momentum. Momentum has no effect on its own, but it is required for your Triumphant Strike and Bide Your Time features and is referenced by some powers.
Once per encounter, you can use the Exemplar’s Triumphant Strike feature (noting that it requires momentum to use).
Exemplary Skills (Level 5): You become trained in a skill of your choice from the Exemplar class skills.
Bide Your Time (Level 10): Once per day, you can use the Exemplar’s Bide Your Time feature.
Associated Discipline: One of the following disciplines:
- Rapier’s Point.
- Blades in the Dark.
Dabbles in Guarding
Guardian multiclass.
Requirements: You cannot take this kit if you belong to the Guardian class, or if you already have a secondary class.
Protective (Level 1): You belong to the Guardian class (along with any other classes that you belong to), with Guardian becoming your “secondary class”. You gain the following benefits:
- Once per encounter, as a free action, you gain the Combat Dominance feature for a number of rounds equal to your Strength modifier.
Guardian Skills (Level 5): You become trained in a skill of your choice from the Guardian class skills.
Blocker (Level 10): Once per encounter, you can use the punish cowardice power.
Associated Discipline: One of the following disciplines:
- Art of War.
- Juggernautical.
Dabbles in Harlequinry
Harlequin multiclass.
Requirements: You cannot take this kit if you belong to the Harlequin class, or if you already have a secondary class.
The Comedian (Level 1): You belong to the Harlequin class (along with any other classes that you belong to), with Harlequin becoming your “secondary class”. You gain the following benefits:
- Once per encounter, you can use the hasty retreat power.
- Once per encounter, you can use the general confusion power.
Harlequin Skills (Level 5): You become trained in a skill of your choice from the Harlequin class skills.
All About the Timing (Level 10): Once per encounter, as a swift action, you benefit from the Impudent Flourish feature until the end of your next turn.
Associated Discipline: Last Laugh.
Dabbles in Mageblading
Mageblade multiclass.
Requirements: You cannot take this kit if you belong to the Mageblade class, or if you already have a secondary class.
Ensorcelled Weapon (Level 1): You belong to the Mageblade class (along with any other classes that you belong to), with Mageblade becoming your “secondary class”. You gain the following benefits:
- You can use mageblade’s sigil once per encounter.
- Choose one of beacon sigil, blurring sigil, fiery sigil or vortex sigil. You can use that power once per encounter.
Mageblade Skills (Level 5): You become trained in a skill of your choice from the Mageblade class skills.
Brief Shield (Level 10): Once per day, as a swift action, you can gain the benefits of the Shimmering Sword feature. This lasts until the end of the encounter.
Associated Discipline: One of the following disciplines:
- Elemental Flux.
- Veiled Moon.
Dabbles in Priesthood
Priest multiclass.
Requirements: You cannot take this kit if you belong to the Priest class, or if you already have a secondary class.
Part-Time Medic (Level 1): You belong to the Priest class (along with any other classes that you belong to), with Priest becoming your “secondary class”. You gain the following benefits:
- You can use infuse with life once per encounter.
Priest Skills (Level 5): You become trained in a skill of your choice from the Priest class skills.
Divine Blessing (Level 10): You learn the censure undead Channel Divinity power. You can Channel Divinity once per encounter.
Associated Discipline: Angel’s Trumpet.

Dabbles in Reaping
Reaper multiclass.
Requirements: You cannot take this kit if you belong to the Reaper class, or if you already have a secondary class.
Spirit’s Mantle (Level 1): You belong to the Reaper class (along with any other classes that you belong to), with Reaper becoming your “secondary class”. You gain the following benefits:
- Once per day, you can use a Spirit Entreaty power. You start with access to three such effects: grasping vines, spirit’s prank and unleashed spirit.
Reaper Skills (Level 5): You become trained in a skill of your choice from the Reaper class skills.
Cultivator (Level 10): Once per encounter, you can use the sprouting overwatch power.
Associated Discipline: Starfall.
Dabbles in Sylvanry
Sylvan multiclass.
Requirements: You cannot take this kit if you belong to the Sylvan class, or if you already have a secondary class.
Spirit’s Mantle (Level 1): You belong to the Sylvan class (along with any other classes that you belong to), with Sylvan becoming your “secondary class”. You gain the following benefits:
- Choose a rampage power. Once per encounter, you can use that power.
Sylvan Skills (Level 5): You become trained in a skill of your choice from the Sylvan class skills.
Favored Terrain (Level 10): You gain the Sylvan’s Favored Terrain feature. However, upon gaining this feature you must choose one of the terrain options. This is set as your Favored Terrain. You cannot change it by spending time in different terrain. However, you can retrain to change your selection.
Associated Discipline: One of the following disciplines:
- Red in Tooth and Claw.
- Strong Bidding.
- Frontline Fighting.
Dabbles in Wizardry
Magician multiclass.
Requirements: You cannot take this kit if you belong to the Magician class, or if you already have a secondary class.
Magician’s Apprentice (Level 1): You belong to the Magician class (along with any other classes that you belong to), with Magician becoming your “secondary class”. You gain the following benefits:
- You are proficient with one of the following: orb, staff, wand, rod or book.
- Choose one at-will 1st-level attack power from a Magician class discipline. It is an encounter power for you.
Magical Skills (Level 5): You become trained in a skill of your choice from the Magician class skills.
Magical Tricks (Level 10): You gain the Cantrip Master feat.
Associated Discipline: One of the following disciplines:
- Spells of Ice and Fire.
- Cup of Brimstone.
- Puppeteer’s String.
Eats Monster Hearts
You have a mystical connection to monsters, and can steal a measure of their supernatural power from their bodies.
Consume Strength (Level 1): After an encounter in which you defeated a monster, you can replace one of your encounter attack powers with an at-will attack power of the monster’s. The power is an encounter power for you. The encounter power you replace must be of a level equal to or greater than the monster’s level.
You can instead or also replace one of your daily attack powers with an encounter or refresh attack power of the monster’s. The power is a daily power for you. The daily power you replace must be of a level equal to or greater than the monster’s level.
If the daily power you replaced had already been expended, you must wait until after your next long rest before using the new power acquired from the monster.
Powers you gain through this feature have the Focus tag and use the ability score of your choice for the attack.
After each long rest, roll 1d6 for each monster power you used that day. On a 1, you lose that monster power. Alternatively, you can choose to lose a monster power after any short or long rest. However you lose the power, it is replaced with the encounter or daily attack power you originally replaced it with.
Level 5: After an encounter in which you defeated a monster, you can replace one of your utility powers with a non-attack power, movement speed, resistance, immunity or sense of the monster’s. The utility power you replace must be of a level equal to or greater than the monster’s level.
If the monster could use the power at-will or it was always active, your utility power is an encounter power that lasts until the end of your next round or a daily power that lasts until the end of the encounter (your choice). If the monster could use the power once per encounter or on a refresh basis, your utility power is a daily power.
After each long rest, roll 1d6 for each monster power you used that day. On a 1, you lose that monster power. Alternatively, you can choose to lose a monster power after any short or long rest. However you lose the power, it is replaced with the utility power you originally replaced it with.
Level 10: After an encounter in which you defeated a monster of your level or lower, you can gain an aura of the monster. You can only have one such aura active at any one time.
In addition, you do not need to defeat a monster to use your Level 1, 5 or 10 features. The monster can willingly grant you the power(s) instead.
Associated Discipline: Red in Tooth and Claw.
Embodies Charisma
You have always displayed confidence in the way you talk and present yourself. You’re also clever enough to know what to say at the right times to have the greatest effect. You know that how you speak means more than the words themselves.
Commanding Presence (Level 1): Choose one of the following auras at character generation. Once per day, you can activate an aura as a swift action, which lasts until the end of the encounter, unless you end it as a swift action or you fall unconscious.
By Example aura 2; allies in the aura gain a +2 power bonus to Fortitude defense and Will defense.
Field Advice aura 2; allies in the aura gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws except death saves and saves against unconsciousness.
- Mask of Authority aura 2; allies in the aura gain a +2 power bonus to damage rolls with basic attacks. Level 11: +3 power bonus. Level 21: +4 power bonus.
- Stand as One aura 2; whenever an ally in the aura regains hit points, they regain additional hit points equal to your Charisma or Intelligence modifier. In addition, the action required for rally is reduced from standard to move, or from move to swift. Level 11: Additional hit points equal to 4 + your Charisma or Intelligence modifier Level 21: Additional hit points equal to 8 + your Charisma or Intelligence modifier
- Strategic Precision aura 2; allies in the aura gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls against the last target you hit.
People’s Hero (Level 5): As a swift action, you can spend a recovery, but regain no hit points; instead, you extend any Command Presence auras you have in effect by a number of squares equal to your Charisma modifier until the end of your next turn.
Presence of Leadership (Level 10): When you use the Rally action, one ally in your aura can spend a recovery to heal damage equal to their recovery value.
Associated Discipline: Angel’s Trumpet.
Embodies Intelligence
Your strengths are not in your endurance, speed, or ability to strike something with pinpoint accuracy. You use a part of the body most of your comrades seem to let rot, your brain. You understand that you may be on the border between genius and madness, but all the great minds of the world balance that knife-edge.
Priority Target (Level 1): You gain a +1 feat bonus to AC and Reflex. If you don’t use any attack powers on your turn, your feat bonus increases to +2 until the start of your next turn.
Focused Expertise (Level 5): Select one Intelligence- or Wisdom-based skill. Apply both your Intelligence and Wisdom modifiers to that skill.
Surgical Precision (Level 10): Targets suffer a -2 penalty to saving throws against any conditions you inflict.
Associated Discipline: High Cunning.
Embodies Speed
With unmatched physical discipline, you have perfected a body designed for raw speed and agility. It’s not enough just to be athletic: you have to keep your eyes and mind sharp, to gauge distances, crawlspaces, and the shortest possible route even if it involves some death-defying feat of acrobatic skill. You can keep an entire landscape in mind, analyzing paths and routes of escape, even when everyone else just sees walls.
Power To Weight Ratio (Level 1): You can use Dexterity in place of Strength for Athletics checks when performing a climb or a jump. You can also use Dexterity in place of Strength for attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks, one-handed melee weapons, and grapples.
You do not grant combat advantage while balancing.
Speed Vault (Level 5): If you move at least 2 squares while running toward a wall, you gain a climb speed equal to your remaining movement. If you have not cleared the wall by the end of your movement, you must make an Athletics check to climb normally.
Split-Slide (Level 10): Once per round, as a swift action, you can select one enemy in line of sight. You do not provoke opportunity attacks from that enemy and can pass through the enemy’s square as if it wasn’t occupied. You cannot end your movement in the square.
Associated Discipline: Born to Run.
Embodies Strength
You are a beast. You might have earned a name in a ring or on the combat field. You could be an imposing behemoth or a gentle giant, only raising your hand when necessary.
Full Torque (Level 1): You can use Strength in place of Dexterity for all attack and damage rolls with weapons with the thrown (light) property and with weapons from the slings and bows weapon groups.
You can use Strength in place of Charisma when making Intimidate checks.
No Time for Pain (Level 5): If you are staggered, add your Strength modifier to your recovery value.
Comical Reaction (Level 10): If you succeed on a saving throw for the following conditions, you gain a basic attack as a free action: blinded, dazed, deafened, slowed, stunned, or weakened.
Associated Discipline: Juggernautical.
Sculpts Their Body
You can manipulate your own form – stretching, shaping and warping it as you need.
Malleable Form (Level 1): You gain the brief mimicry at-will attack power from the Deep, Dark Truthful Mirror discipline.
You also get a +2 feat bonus to Bluff.
Adaptable Body (Level 5): While the target of a power with the Transmutation tag, you get a +1 bonus to all defenses and a +1 bonus to speed.
Reflexive Shaper (Level 10): You gain the instinctive shift daily utility power from the Deep, Dark Truthful Mirror discipline.
Associated Discipline: Deep, Dark, Truthful Mirror.
Takes Bestial Form
You can take the shape of a fearsome animal, or half-person half-beast.
Wild Shape (Level 1): You gain the Hybrid Form feat as a bonus feat.
You have the shapechanger tag.
Stubborn Beast (Level 5): While in another form, you get a +1 bonus to Fortitude, Reflex and Will defenses.
Writhing Transformation (Level 10): Each time you change form (using or ending a Form power), shift a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Associated Discipline: Red in Tooth and Claw.

Worships the God of Life
Channel Divinity – Guidance (Level 1): If you do not already have the ability to Channel Divinity, you gain the ability to Channel Divinity once per encounter, choosing any Channel Divinity power that you know.
You also gain the Blessing of the God (Life) feat.
Disciple of Life (Level 5): Add your Wisdom modifier to the amount you heal with powers with the Healing tag.
Towards the Light (Level 10): You and allies within 5 squares gain a +2 bonus on saving throws while at 0 HP or below.
Associated Discipline: Radiant Dawn.
Worships the God of Peace
Channel Divinity – Light Ward (Level 1): If you do not already have the ability to Channel Divinity, you gain the ability to Channel Divinity once per encounter, choosing any Channel Divinity power that you know.
You also gain the Blessing of the God (Peace) feat.
Disciple of Peace (Level 5): Enemies you are adjacent to suffer a -1 penalty on attack rolls.
Calming Presence (Level 10): Allies adjacent to you can rally as a swift action.
Associated Discipline: One of the following disciplines:
- Angel’s Trumpet.
- High Cunning.
Worships the God of Tyranny
Channel Divinity – Spur On (Level 1): If you do not already have the ability to Channel Divinity, you gain the ability to Channel Divinity once per encounter, choosing any Channel Divinity power that you know.
You also gain the Blessing of the God (Tyranny) feat.
Disciple of Tyranny (Level 5): You are trained in Intimidate.
Dig Deeper (Level 10): Each time you use a Healing power, you may give one target temporary HP equal to your Strength modifier.
Associated Discipline: Puppeteer’s String.
Worships the God of War
Channel Divinity – Shielded Soul (Level 1): If you do not already have the ability to Channel Divinity, you gain the ability to Channel Divinity once per encounter, choosing any Channel Divinity power that you know.
You also gain the Blessing of the God (War) feat.
Disciple of War (Level 5): You gain one additional recovery per long rest.
Brothers in Arms (Level 10): When you are a target of a Near or Far attack, you and all allies that are targets get a bonus to defense against that attack equal to the number of allies that are targets.
You are not an ally of yourself, so for example you would get a +1 bonus to defense against an attack that targets you and one ally.
Associated Discipline: Art of War.
Feat Paths
One of the benefits of kits is that they replace six feat choices over the heroic tier with a single kit choice, reducing the decision-making load for players in what is already a complex and detailed game. The following feat paths are suggestions for players who have trouble thinking of what feats to take, providing all six feat choices over the heroic tier.
Channels Aura: Level 1: Aura Shard, Level 2: Forceful Aura, Level 4: Healing Aura, Level 6: Shifting Aura, Level 8: Restorative Aura, Level 10: Surging Aura.
Channels Mindfire: Level 1: Blast Shard, Level 2: Mind Blast, Level 4: Far Blast, Level 6: Cold Blast, Level 8: Lightning Blast, Level 10: Fire Blast.
Conjures Shield: Level 1: Shield Shard, Level 2: Greater Shield, Level 4: Bashing Shield, Level 6: Toughened Shield, Level 8: Shield Focus, Level 10: Refreshing Shard.
Fights with Fists: Level 1: Unarmed Combat, Level 2: Unarmed Combat (Improved), Level 4: Way of the Turn, Level 6: Hunker Down, Level 8: Balance and Direction, Level 10: Unarmed Expanded Profile.
Mind and Body as One: Level 1: Wild Talent, Level 2: Adaptation, Level 4: Immovable Dominion, Level 6: Surging Mind, Level 8: Phrenic Talent, Level 10: Phrenic Meditation.
Wields Soulknife: Level 1: Weapon Shard, Level 2: Slayer’s Weapon, Level 4: Stormshard, Level 6: Extended Weapon, Level 8: Malleable Weapon, Level 10: Assassin’s Weapon.
Wrestles: Level 1: Unarmed Combat, Level 2: Evolution of Pankration, Level 4: Superior Position, Level 6: Kayfabe Maneuver, Level 8: Best on the Mat, Level 10: Unarmed Combat (Improved).
A discipline is a set of powers that are thematically related. Characters get access to disciplines from their classes, and sometimes from other sources like kits. Having access to a discipline just means you can choose powers from that discipline when you get to select class powers; it does not give you immediate access to those powers.
Key and Secondary Abilities
Some classes specify that powers selected from class disciplines may use different abilities to those specified. If you swap the key ability, you must also swap the secondary ability.
For example, Cuthberta is a Priest (Worships the God of Life). When using Angel’s Trumpet techniques, she can swap Charisma (that discipline’s key ability) for Wisdom (her class’s key ability. However, if she does so, she must swap Wisdom (that discipline’s secondary ability) for Charisma (her talent’s secondary ability). She cannot use Wisdom as the key ability adn secondary ability.
If you gain access to the powers of a discipline through another source than your class, you cannot use the different abilities.
For example, Arty is an Exemplar (Swashbuckler), which lets him replace a power’s secondary ability with Charisma. He selects the power deadly thrust from Blades in the Dark, which identifies Strength as its secondary ability. He may use Strength or Charisma when using that ability.
Porthy is a Guardian with the kit “Dabbles in Exemplary Combat”, which gives him access to the Blades in the Dark discipline. However, since his access to the discipline comes from his kit, not his class, he cannot use Charisma in place of Strength when using Blades in the Dark powers.
Table – Disciplines
Name | Key Ability | Secondary Ability | Tradition |
Angel’s Trumpet | Charisma | Wisdom | Martial |
Art of War | Strength | Dexterity | Martial |
Blades in the Dark | Dexterity | Strength | Martial |
Born to Run | Dexterity | Constitution | Martial |
Cantrips | Arcane | ||
Cup of Brimstone | Charisma | Constitution | Arcane |
Deep, Dark, Truthful Mirror | Constitution | Charisma | Arcane |
Elemental Flux | Intelligence | Constitution | Arcane |
Frontline Fighting | Strength | Dexterity | Martial |
Golden Lion | Strength | Charisma | Martial |
High Cunning | Intelligence | Wisdom | Martial |
Juggernautical | Strength | Constitution | Martial |
Last Laugh | Charisma | Dexterity | Martial |
Mastermind’s Gambit | Intelligence | Charisma | Martial |
Puppeteer’s String | Wisdom | Charisma | Arcane |
Radiant Dawn | Wisdom | Charisma | Divine |
Rapier’s Point | Dexterity | Charisma | Martial |
Red in Tooth and Claw | Constitution | Wisdom | Spirit |
Seershot | Dexterity | Wisdom | Martial |
Spells of Ice and Fire | Dexterity | Intelligence | Arcane |
Starfall | Dexterity | Intelligence | Martial |
Strong Bidding | Charisma | Wisdom | Spirit |
Third Mind | Wisdom | Charisma | Phrenic |
Veiled Moon | Intelligence | Dexterity | Arcane |
Angel’s Trumpet
Key Ability: Charisma
Secondary Ability: Wisdom
Sources: Commander, Priest (classes), Embodies Charisma, Worships the God of Peace (kits)
Your words and example inspire allies to stay in the fight, and cooperate to take down the enemy.

Identify Target
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Martial
Ranged 10, one enemy
Attack Charisma vs Will
Hit The target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn. The first ally to hit the target with an attack heals 1d6 + your Charisma modifier HP.
Make Room
There are others in a better position. You give them the opening they need.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Near earshot, one ally
Effect The target makes a basic attack against an enemy of your choice, and gains a bonus to damage rolls for the attack equal to your Charisma modifier.
Level 21: Use as a move action instead of a standard action.
Quick Save
A quick word or push allows an ally a momentary improvement to their accuracy.
Encounter Attack 1 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Near earshot, the triggering ally
Trigger One ally misses with an attack roll against a creature you can see.
Effect The target may reroll the attack.
Targeted Call
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, one ally
Effect Choose one ally. They make a basic melee or ranged attack. If they hit, they gain temporary HP equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Break Will
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Martial, Psychic
Near burst 3, all enemies
Attack Charisma vs Will
Hit The target is weakened (save ends).
Geometric Strategy
There’s a whole machine that works because everyone does what they are supposed to.
Daily Attack 1 (Reaction Action) ● Martial
Near earshot, the triggering ally
Trigger One ally hits with an attack.
Effect The target’s attack deals +3dW damage.
No One Hits The Chief
You’re hit and your comrades don’t take kindly to that.
Daily Attack 1 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near earshot, two allies
Effect The target makes a basic attack against one creature that hit you since the start of your last turn.
Rescuing Angel
Daily Attack 1 (Reaction Action) ● Focus, Martial
Near burst 10, one ally
Trigger An ally in range is reduced to 0 HP or below
Effect Choose one ally. They make a basic melee or ranged attack against the creature that made the attack, and can add your Charisma modifier to their attack and damage. You move your speed. If you end your move adjacent to the original ally, they can spend a recovery to heal their recovery value plus your Wisdom modifier.
Hold Fast
You push the heads down of those around you, keeping them from the line of fire.
Encounter Utility 2 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near burst 1, two allies or you and one ally
Effect The target gains resistance to all damage equal to your Charisma modifier until the start of your next turn.
Maintain Move The effect persists until the end of your next turn. If either target leaves its current square, the effect ends.
An Ounce of Prevention
Encounter Utility 2 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, one ally
Trigger An ally in range is hit by an attack.
Effect The ally can spend a recovery to gain temporary hit points equal to their recovery value.
Encouraging Peal
You let out shouts of encouragement to bolster your allies in battle.
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Near burst 5, all allies
Effect Targets receive a +2 power bonus on attack rolls and add your Charisma modifier to damage until the end of the encounter.
Inspire the Troops
“Come on, say a few words …”
Daily Utility 2 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Near burst 5, two allies
Effect The target gains a +2 power bonus to all attack rolls until the start of your next turn. The target gains an additional move action on their next turn, and can trade two move actions for one standard action.
Pride Leader’s Stance
By adopting the mannerisms of commanding lions of the great savannahs, you inspire heroics by your presence.
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Stance
Effect Allies within 10 squares (including yourself) have a +2 power bonus to Will defense and on saving throws.
The Strength Within
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, one ally or yourself
Effect The target can spend a recovery to heal their recovery value, and add your Charisma modifier to damage rolls until the end of your next turn.
Call to Action
By having a watchful eye on the flow of combat, you know when to spur an ally into a better position.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near burst 10, one enemy
Effect Choose two allies. Each ally chooses one: they may charge the target or make a basic melee or ranged attack against them.
Rallying Instruction
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, one ally
Effect The target regains one recovery. The target can make a basic melee or ranged attack. They do +2dW damage if they hit.
Golden Commander Stance
Through the use of your superior tactical ability, you are able to direct your allies in combat for maximum effectiveness.
Encounter Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Stance
Effect Any enemies within 10 that are flanked by any allies (including yourself) count as flanked by all of your allies.
No One Left Behind
You grab an ally by the shoulder and drag them to safety.
Encounter Utility 6 (Move Action) ● Healing, Martial
Melee touch, one staggered ally
Effect Spend a recovery, but do not regain hit points; instead, the target regains hit points as if they had spent a recovery. You and the target shift a number of squares equal to 1+ your Charisma modifier. You and the target must be adjacent at the end of the shift.
Maintain Move You and the target shift a number of squares equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier squares. You and the target must be in adjacent squares at the end of the shift.
Inherit Toughness
With a cry to defend themselves from incoming attacks, your inspirational words aid your allies in their defense.
Daily Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Healing, Martial
Near burst 5, all allies and yourself
Effect Each target heals 10 + your Charisma modifier HP.
When A Plan Comes Together
You congratulate the group for a job well done.
Daily Utility 6 (No Action) ● Martial
Requirements An encounter ends with no allies dying, unconscious, or staggered.
Effect Each ally gains one additional action point.
Milestone Foe
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, one enemy
Effect Until the end of your next turn, attacks against the target add your Charisma modifier to the attack and damage roll.
Identify Weak Point
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Martial
Near burst 10, one enemy
Attack Charisma vs Will
Hit The target is vulnerable to all damage 5 until the end of the encounter.
Effect The target is dazed (save ends).
Bolster the Line
You shout a few inspiring words and quote the soldier’s creed. The spines of those around you stiffen.
Encounter Utility 10 (Standard Action) ● Healing, Martial
Near burst 2, all allies
Effect The target gains temporary hit points equal to twice your Charisma modifier.
Control The Battle Theatre
You bark out orders and change the pattern of attack.
Encounter Utility 10 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near burst 3, you and four allies
Effect The target shifts its speed.
Golden General’s Victory
You are a beacon of command on the field of battle, inspiring your troops by your mere presence.
Daily Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Healing, Martial
Near burst 5, all allies
Effect Each target can spend a recovery to heal their recovery value. They also make a saving throw against one effect of their choice. They get a +2 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Now What Did We Learn?
You talk it over with the others and you show how, even in the direst circumstances, something can be learned.
Daily Utility 10 (No Action) ● Martial
Requirements An encounter ends. At least two allies were staggered at some point during the encounter.
Effect An ally who was staggered during the encounter regains 2 recoveries and 1 daily power.
Special This power can only be recovered during a long rest.
Encounter Attack 13 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Martial
Near burst 10, one enemy
Attack Charisma vs Will
Hit The target cannot make attacks until the end of your next turn.
Lead the Group
You stand in front as a proud example. Where you point, others will follow.
Daily Attack 15 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Near earshot, all allies
Effect Until the end of the encounter, on the target’s turn, you can either shunt the target one square or the target gains a +2 bonus to all attack rolls until the end of the turn. You can also use a reaction to grant the target a basic attack.
To Arms
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, three allies
Effect Each ally may immediately choose to perform any one of the following: charge, make a basic melee or ranged attack or spend a recovery to heal their recovery value.
Discipline of the Holy Host
Through training with your allies, you have taught them the basics of your military skill that they may call upon in times of duress.
Encounter Utility 16 (Free Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, one ally
Trigger Use when you have just used a utility power with the range of Self.
Effect The utility power you just used has a range of “Self and one ally within range of discipline of the holy host”
Look Alive!
You grab an ally by the shoulder, help them up, and reassure them of the triviality of their wound.
Encounter Utility 16 (Standard Action) ● Healing, Martial
Melee touch, one staggered ally
Requirements The target can spend a recovery and heal their recovery value. If the target is prone, they can stand up.Hang Together
Your presence inspires others to act with a similar strength of personality.
Daily Utility 16 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near burst 5, you and all allies
Effect The target receives temporary hit points equal to twice your Charisma modifier. Until the end of your next turn, the target gains a +2 bonus to Fortitude and Will defense and a +2 bonus to all saving throws.
Encounter Attack 17 (Reaction Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, one ally
Trigger You are hit by an attack
Effect An ally within range can make a basic melee or ranged attack or charge against the creature that made the attack. The attack has combat advantage, and adds your Wisdom modifier to attack and damage rolls.
Blitzing Yell
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Martial
Near burst 5, all enemies
Attack Charisma vs Will
Hit The target is stunned (save ends).
Effect Allies within range can spend a recovery to heal their recovery value plus your Wisdom modifier.
Critical Moment
One word of encouragement at the right moments can make all the difference.
Daily Attack 19 (Reaction Action) ● Martial
Near earshot, the triggering ally
Trigger An ally hits with an attack
Effect The triggering hit becomes a critical hit.
Pull It Together
You resort to anger, encouraging support, or violence to get an ally to shrug it off.
Encounter Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Healing, Martial
Melee touch, one ally suffering from any of the following conditions: blinded, dazed, deafened, slowed, stunned, or weakened.
Effect You suppress one of the listed conditions until the start of your next turn.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the start of your next turn. The target must still be in range.
Peal of Hope
With an awesome cry for victory and bravery from your allies, you bolster allies’ defenses and attacks for a moment as your allies cannot help themselves but to win.
Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Near burst 5, all allies
Effect Until the end of your next turn, any ally that misses with an encounter or daily attack power can choose to keep the power unexpended instead of its usual miss effect (if any).
On Your Feet
Your inspiring words reach even the fallen. Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Healing, Martial
Melee touch, one unconscious ally
Effect The target is no longer unconscious. If they spend a recovery, they heal hit points equal to double their recovery value; otherwise they heal hit points equal to their recovery value.
Just Stop …
“We need to take a moment to focus … just focus. Take a deep breath and let us deal with this threat like the team we are.”
Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Near earshot, you and all allies
Effect The target recovers one expended encounter power. The target may spend a recovery. If they do so, they heal their recovery value.
Blessed Feast
Victory over each foe invigorate your allies like the courses at a great banquet. Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Healing, Martial, Stance
Effect Whenever an enemy within 10 is reduced to 0 HP or below, choose an ally within 10. That ally can spend a recovery and heal their recovery value plus your Charisma modifier.
Take Me
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Martial
Near burst 10, one enemy
Attack Charisma vs Will
Hit The target is stunned and marked until the end of your next turn.
Miss The target is marked until the end of your next turn.
Encouraging Reaction
You risk everything, even personal injury, towards the success of the mission.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Healing, Martial
Near earshot, you and four allies
Effect The target can spend a recovery. They can either regain hit points or gain their recovery value as a power bonus to the damage roll on their next hit. The target can make a basic attack.
Full Suite
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, one ally
Effect One ally regains all expended encounter powers. You regain one expended encounter power.
Boost Performance
You offer your expertise to others. Your talents are appreciated.
Encounter Attack 27 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near earshot, four allies
Effect The target gains a 2dW damage bonus to her next hit.
Gripped with Fear
Encounter Attack 27 (Standard Action) ● Fear, Focus, Martial
Near burst 5, all enemies
Attack Charisma vs Will
Hit Shunt the target a number of squares equal to your Charisma modifier. Each ally in range selects one target. If that target passes within reach, they may make an opportunity attack against that creature during the shunt.
Battle Symphony
Allies target where you want. You perform a magnum opus of combat–your concert of indomitable defense, devastating attacks, and the silence of your fallen foes.
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Near earshot, four allies
Effect The target can shift a number of squares equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier. The target can make a basic attack before or after the move, dealing +2dW extra damage on a hit. If the target misses, they can make a second basic attack, dealing +1dW extra damage on a hit.
Remember Me?
Daily Attack 29 (Reaction Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, one ally
Trigger An ally has just finished an action.
Effect The target can repeat the last action it performed again, even if it used an expended power.
Special You must spend an action point to use this power.
Art of War
Key Ability: Strength
Secondary Ability: Dexterity
Sources: Guardian (class), Worships the God of War (kit)
You are a highly effective fighter who takes advantage of any weakness left by your enemy.
Passing Kill
A mere low-level thug blocks your path. You don’t even give them the luxury of losing momentum.
At-Will Attack 1 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity (ranged) or Strength (melee) vs AC
Hit 1 point of damage.
Special At 21st level, you can make two attacks.
Swift Strike
You find a split-second opening and deliver the attack, hoping to hold the enemy back.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity (ranged) or Strength (melee) vs AC
Hit Dexterity (ranged) or Strength (melee) modifier damage, and the target is dazed until the start of your next turn.
In Their Face
Your darting attack puts your enemy off guard.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity (ranged) or Strength (melee) vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity (ranged) or Strength (melee) modifier damage and the target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
The Finisher
You hit hard. That’s it. That’s enough.
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Consistent, Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity (ranged) or Strength (melee) vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity (ranged) or Strength (melee) modifier damage.
Heron Defense
Your enemy tries to find a weakness. It finds none.
At-Will Utility 2 (Move Action) ● Martial
Effect You do not grant combat advantage until the start of your next turn.
An opponent strikes you with an attack. You take the impact and channel it into strength.
Daily Utility 2 (Reaction Action) ● Martial
Trigger You take damage from a melee or ranged attack.
Effect You gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt (to a maximum of your recovery value).
Faster Than The Hammer
You hear your enemy’s muscles twitch.
Encounter Attack 3 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, the triggering creature
Trigger A creature makes an attack against you.
Effect Make a basic attack against the target. The target suffers a -4 penalty to the triggering attack roll.
All or Nothing
You strike so fast, both attacks are literally too close to distinguish them.
Daily Attack 5 (Free Action) ● Martial
Trigger You hit an enemy.
Effect The target takes 2dW extra damage from the triggering attack and is knocked prone.
Boost Level 15 The target takes 3dW extra damage from the triggering attack and is knocked prone.
Flow or Crash
Become what you need to survive. Adapt, flow, slide, and prove yourself.
Encounter Utility 6 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect You gain a move action.
False Strike
Your first strike was intentionally lackluster to trick your opponent into a mistake. You counter and strike hard before they realize their folly.
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage.
Miss Shift to any square adjacent to the target and repeat the attack. Don’t repeat if you miss with the second attack.
Idle Hands
Your limbs seemingly act on their own as your concentrate on other matters.
Daily Utility 10 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect You gain an additional standard action on your next turn.
Reflex Shot
Your training creates an instinctual reaction if an ally is at risk of being struck down.
Encounter Attack 13 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, the triggering creature
Trigger A creature’s attack does damage to an ally that would cause the ally to become staggered.
Effect Make a basic attack against the target. If the attack hits, the triggering creature’s attack misses.
Swell of Discipline
Your body moves faster than others can blink and without warning, you have either vanished or your enemies around have fallen at your feet.
Daily Utility 16 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect Until the end of your turn, all powers you use have their actions reduced from standard to move, or move to swift.
Nerve Cluster
Your attack temporarily paralyzes your opponent.
Encounter Attack 17 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature marked by you
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is dazed, weakened, and is rattled until the end of your next turn.
Miss Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Standard Repeat the attack against the same target. You cannot maintain if you miss.
Boost Level 27 2dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is dazed, weakened, and is rattled until the end of your next turn.
An Unwise Action
Enemies train their weapons. You advise your opponents of the wisdom of such a risk, and then show them why.
Daily Attack 19 (Move Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near burst 1, all enemies you can see
Effect The target drops any weapons it is holding, and you make a basic attack against it.
Special You can choose to grab any weapon a target drops and use it for subsequent basic attack/s. You can drop a weapon you pick up as part of this power as a free action.
Strike and Slip Away
After your attack, you move into your target’s blind spot.
Encounter Attack 23 (Free Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger You hit an enemy.
Effect The target takes 2dW extra damage from the triggering attack, and it cannot attack you until the start of your next turn unless that attack includes at least one other creature.
Attack Deflection
You maneuver in such a way to direct the attack to an enemy nearby.
Daily Attack 25 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near burst 1, one creature
Trigger You are hit by an attack.
Effect The attack hits the target instead of you. If the target is not in range or in line of sight of the attack, shunt the target to the nearest square to place it in range and in line of sight. Then shift your speed and make a basic attack.
Delayed Death Touch
With a twist in the right position, your attack carries a powerful energy that shatters your opponent’s bones and ruptures their organs.
Daily Attack 29 (Free Action) ● Martial
Trigger You hit an enemy.
Effect The triggering creature makes a saving throw at the end of each turn. The first time the saving throw fails, the target takes 7d10 points of damage.
Blades in the Dark
Key Ability: Dexterity
Secondary Ability: Strength
*Sources: Exemplar (class), Brews Poison (kit)
Your attacks are tricky and punishing, taking advantage of any signs of weakness.
Note: Many of these powers use momentum. Other than these powers, the main way to gain momentum are the features of the Exemplar class. Powers that involve momentum may be of limited use to non-Exemplars.
If you do gain momentum from a power, the same rule for losing momentum applies as for the Exemplar: you lose it if you are hit by any attack.
Deadly Thrust
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier. If the target is staggered, also add your Strength modifier to the damage. Level 21: 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Evasive Strike
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage and you shift 1. Level 21: 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Flying Blade
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier and you gain momentum. Level 21: 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Sure Cut
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier.
Miss If you have momentum, you lose momentum but the target takes damage equal to your Triumphant Strike value.
Daily Attack 1 (Reaction Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Trigger You lose momentum
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier.
Effect Make a secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs AC; 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage or 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage if you gained momentum this turn.
Pocket of Sand
Encounter Utility 2 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Melee touch, one target
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit The target is blinded until the end of your next turn.
Special If you have momentum and an enemy targets you with an attack, you can lose momentum to use this as a reaction against that enemy.
Roll With It
Daily Utility 2 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Trigger You are hit by an attack while you have momentum.
Effect You take half damage from the attack and do not lose momentum.
Tumbling Strike
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect Until the start of your next turn, if an attack misses you you can shift 1 as a reaction.
Attack from the Blue
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Special Move up to your speed before your attack. If you moved less than your speed before the attack, you can shift a number of squares up to the difference after your attack.
Double Down
Encounter Utility 6 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Trigger You miss with an attack roll or fail on a skill check.
Effect Reroll the attack roll or check. If the attack still misses or the check still fails, you are dazed until the end of your next turn.
Sloppy Strike
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage. The next time the target attacks you, you can make a secondary attack against them as an immediate (counter) action. If they do not attack you before the start of your next turn, the effect ends. Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs AC; 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Boost Level 17 If your secondary attack hits, the triggering attack automatically misses.
Bleeding Strike
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage and the target takes persistent 5 damage and is slowed (save ends both).
Miss Half damage (no persistent damage).
At-Will Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect You stand up from prone.
Encounter Utility 10 (Reaction Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger You are missed by a melee or ranged attack while you have momentum.
Effect Choose an enemy in range of the missed attack. The attacker makes the attack that missed you again, but this time against that target.
Slick Feint
Encounter Attack 13 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Effect Make a secondary attack against a different target. Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs AC; 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Thief’s Strike
Encounter Utility 16 (Reaction Action) ● Martial
Trigger You hit a target within reach.
Effect You can make a Sleight of Hand check against that enemy, for example to plant something on them or to pick their pocket.
Assassin’s Gambit
Encounter Attack 17 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity damage. If the target is reduced to 0 HP or below, you can shift 2 and make a secondary attack. Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs AC; 3dW + Dexterity damage.
Spikey Bastard
Daily Attack 19 (Reaction Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Trigger An enemy misses you with an attack.
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 4dW + Dexterity damage.
Effect Until the end of your next turn, each time an enemy misses you with an attack you can make a basic melee attack against them as a reaction.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the end of your next turn.
I’ll Take It
Daily Utility 22 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Trigger You roll a natural 18 or 19 on an attack.
Effect The attack counts as a critical hit.
True Targeting
Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect Until the end of the encounter, you ignore all cover and concealment penalties, and can see invisible creatures and things.
Death’s Twin
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Effect You hit automatically and do 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Twirling Towards Freedom
Encounter Attack 27 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near burst 2, all enemies
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect Until the start of your next turn, you can take an immediate (counter) action to shift 2 at any point during the turn of each enemy you targeted.
End of the Beginning
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 7dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Miss Half damage.
Effect Until the end of the encounter, you can score a critical hit on a 19 as well as on a 20.
Born to Run
Key Ability: Dexterity
Secondary Ability: Constitution
Source: Embodies Speed (kit)
You are a master of agile, fast and unconventional movement.
Brilliant Display
You prepare for an amazing feat of athleticism.
At-Will Utility 2 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Effect Gain a +2 power bonus to your next Acrobatics or Athletics check.
You study an enemy’s movements and countermove to best avoid them.
At-Will Utility 2 (Move Action) ● Focus, Martial
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Attack Dexterity +2 vs Reflex
Hit Until the end of your next turn, you can pass through the target’s square, and the target cannot make opportunity attacks against you. If you end your movement 3 or more squares from your starting point, you gain a +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense against the target.
Effect Move up to your speed -2.
Flip Dodge
You throw your legs and toss yourself in the air, avoiding an enemy’s attack. The level of flamboyance is up to you.
Encounter Utility 2 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Trigger You are hit by an attack.
Effect You gain a +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense against the attack. If this causes the attack to miss, shift 1 square. If it still hits, you recover the use of this power.
Head Down
You keep your profile low and move defensively.
Encounter Utility 2 (Move Action) ● Martial
Effect Shift your speed. You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the start of your next turn.
Slippery Bastard
You employ all the tools your body gave you in order to evade enemy attacks.
Encounter Utility 2 (Move Action) ● Martial, Consistent
Near burst 10, two creatures you can see
Attack Dexterity +2 vs Reflex
Hit The target cannot attack you until the start of your next turn. You can pass through the target’s square.
Effect Shift your speed and ignore difficult terrain.
Single Bound
You clear the heads of your opponents in a single jump, getting their attention, but not their attacks.
Daily Utility 2 (Move Action) ● Martial
Effect Shift a number of squares equal to your Dexterity modifier. You can pass through enemy occupied squares. All enemies in squares you pass through and adjacent to squares you pass through cannot attack you until the start of your next turn unless the attack targets at least one other creature.
Only Way Out Is Through
The only way to escape is through the enemy line. You analyze the position of every opponent and plan a dash to avoid them.
Encounter Utility 6 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect Until the end of this turn, all your movement is considered a shift. You can pass through enemy occupied squares.
Step Aside
You don’t freak out. As the creature lunges forwards, you take an almost casual sidestep.
Encounter Utility 6 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Near burst 1, the triggering creature
Trigger A creature enters an adjacent square as part of an attack against you.
Effect Shift a number of squares equal to 1+ your Dexterity modifier and the target grants you combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Somatic Reflex Arc
Weeks practicing in front of a mirror have finally paid off.
Daily Utility 6 (Free Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger You start your first turn of the encounter.
Effect You gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls and a +4 power bonus to damage rolls until the end of your first turn or until you hit, whichever comes last.Unachievable Transition
Onlookers haven’t a clue how you got from here to there. It was almost as if you walked on air or phased through matter.
Daily Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Teleportation
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Effect Until the end of your next turn, the target can only hit you with a natural 20. You teleport up to 8 squares. You must have line of sight and line of effect to the destination square.
Mad Dash
Papers fly off shelves and bystanders are blown down as you race past them all.
Encounter Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect Double your speed until the end of your next turn.
Abnormally Fast
You know there’s danger and jump into action.
Daily Utility 10 (No Action) ● Martial
Trigger You roll initiative.
Effect Gain a standard action or two move actions and take them immediately.
Instant Recovery
You stumble but your instincts take over and you recover to prevent something catastrophic.
Daily Utility 10 (No Action) ● Martial
Trigger You make an Athletics or Acrobatics check and dislike the result.
Effect Either add +20 to the roll or gain a move action.
Focus Everything
Eyes on the target. Think of nothing else.
At-Will Utility 16 (Move Action) ● Martial
Effect Gain a +3 power bonus to your next Acrobatics or Athletics check.
Loose Joints
You wriggle your way free and do so without knives, broken bones, or untying any knots.
Daily Utility 16 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect Gain a +10 power bonus to escape from restraints or grapple. If escaping a grapple, you cannot be grappled by the same creature until after the end of your next turn.
Special If you don’t escape, you recover the use of this power, though it cannot be used again this round.
Where They Don’t Expect You
You feint and slip under your opponent’s arm to position yourself behind them.
Daily Utility 16 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Near burst 5, the triggering enemy
Trigger One enemy in range hits you with a melee or ranged attack.
Effect Take no damage. Shift to any unoccupied square within 2 squares of the target. The target grants you combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
I Can Hear Bells Ringing
A blast occurs nearby. You narrowly escape its effects.
Encounter Utility 22 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Trigger You are targeted by an area effect.
Effect Shift to the nearest unoccupied square outside the area. Gain a +5 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the end of your next turn.
Moment of Truth
You slide like water with the speed of a cheetah, effortlessly avoiding any attack, never losing an inch of momentum in your run.
Daily Utility 22 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +10 power bonus to all Athletics checks to jump, all your movement is treated as a shift, you ignore difficult terrain, your speed is not reduced by crawling or squeezing, you can stand up from prone as part of a move action, you automatically succeed on Acrobatics checks to balance, and you can pass through enemy occupied squares.
Special If you reach a streak, you recover the use of this power.
Sources: Heir (crux), Magician (class), Cantrip Master (feat)
You have mastered minor magics.
Note: The Cantrips “discipline” is a collection of powers that can be selected by characters with the Cantrips feat. As such, it does not have a key or secondary ability.
Chill Spirit
At-Will Utility Feature (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Cold
Effect Use this power to accomplish one of the effects given below, or an equivalent with the GM’s approval. Continuing effects persist until the end of your next turn. ● Extinguish a flame no larger than one square or cool up to one square of a hot surface so that it can be safely touched. ● Freeze a gallon of water (other liquids may be affected at different volumes, at the GM’s discretion). This effect can be maintained on successive turns to affect larger bodies of water: it requires two turns to freeze one full square, and each subsequent turn increases the size of the affected area by burst 1. ● Create an ice cube in your hand (size dependent on ambient moisture), or give an enemy an uncomfortable and distracting freezer burn if used in combat. ● Chill food to a desired temperature.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the end of your next turn. After you stop maintaining this power, things warm and ice melts out over time according to ambient conditions.
Fiery Spirit
At-Will Utility Feature (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Fire
Effect Use this power to accomplish one of the effects given below, or an equivalent with the GM’s approval. Continuing effects persist until the end of your next turn. ● You can cajole, bully and bribe fire as if it were a person. ● You can heat things by concentrating on them. ● You can start a fire by clicking your fingers. ● You can burn small objects to provide yourself with sustenance. ● Light something easily flammable, such as gasoline, paper, or gunpowder. ● Boil a gallon of water (other liquids may be affected at different volumes, at the GM’s discretion). This effect can be maintained on successive turns to affect larger bodies of water: it requires two turns to boil one full square, and each subsequent turn increases the size of the affected area by burst 1. ● Create a flame in your hand. It can produce uncomfortable and distracting burns if used in combat but does not inflict any damage. ● Cook food to a desired temperature.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the end of your next turn. After you stop maintaining this power, heat dissipates and fires burn out over time according to ambient conditions.
Friendly Zephyr
At-Will Utility Feature (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Air
Ranged 20
Effect You may do to one target in the area one of the following:
● Shunt a Tiny object 10 squares, a Small object 5 squares, a Medium object 2 squares or a Large object 1. ● Hear what a creature says this round as if you were standing right beside them. ● Moisten a creature, giving it resistance to fire 5 until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Swift Repeat the effect.
Ghost Sound
At-Will Utility Feature (Standard Action) ● Illusion
Ranged 10, one object or empty square
Effect Create a sound that rises, recedes, approaches, or remains at a fixed place. You choose what type of sound when spending the standard action to create it. You must use another standard action to change the sound’s basic character. You can produce as much noise as a person. The noise can be virtually any type of sound within the volume limit. The noise persists until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Create Item
Encounter Utility Feature (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Conjuration
Effect Create an item that costs 5 gp or less. It disappears after 24 hours.
Glowing Moss
Encounter Utility Feature (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Zone
Effect You and any zones you have created emit bright light in a burst X where X is your Intelligence modifier.
Encounter Utility Feature (Swift Action) ● Arcane
Effect You have telepathy 10 until the end of your next turn.
Daily Utility Feature (Standard Action) ● Arcane
Melee touch, one creature
Effect Target ignores encumbrance until your next long rest.
Double Dimension
Daily Utility Feature (Standard Action) ● Arcane
Melee touch, one item
Effect You make an item two times longer, two times wider and two times deeper on the inside than it is on the outside, until your next long rest. At that point, if the contents of the item are too large to be contained by it, all the contents are emptied out of the item just beside it.
Sheltering Lamp
Daily Utility Feature (Counter Action) ● Arcane, Transmutation
Requirements You are hit by an attack, or as a standard action at any time.
Effect Spend a recovery. You take the form of a lamp, bottle or other small container. In this form you have your defenses, but cannot take any actions other than a swift action to end this power. The bottle has HP equal to your recovery value - minus whatever damage is done by the triggering attack, if any. If the bottle is destroyed, you take any excess damage yourself and appear in the space the bottle occupied.
Special You can take a long rest while in lamp form.
Daily Utility Feature (Swift Action) ● Arcane
Melee touch, one item of your size or smaller
Effect An item you are holding disappears. It reappears in your hands the next time that you take a long rest. If you are reduced to 0 HP or below, it appears immediately in an unoccupied square adjacent to you. The item does not weigh anything while stowed.
Cup of Brimstone
Key Ability: Charisma
Secondary Ability: Constitution
Sources: Magician (class), Conjures Fiends (kit)
You call on demonic forces for your attacks, and summon fiends to fight for you. The statistics for the summoned monsters appear after all powers for this discipline.

Burn It Off
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Fire
Ranged 10, one enemy
Attack Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit 1d8 + Charisma modifier fire damage.
Level 21: 2d8 + Charisma modifier fire damage. Special You can use this power as a basic ranged attack.
Stab in the Soul
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Necrotic
Ranged 10, one enemy
Attack Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit 1d12 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage.
Level 21: 2d12 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage. Miss You take 1d6 damage.
Special You can use this power as a basic ranged attack.
Death Mark
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane
Ranged 10, one enemy
Attack Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit 1d8 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage and the target gains vulnerability to all damage 5 until the end of your next turn.
Redoubled Misery
Encounter Attack 1 (Reaction Action) ● Focus, Arcane
Ranged 10, one enemy
Trigger The target fails a saving throw
Attack Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit 2d6 + Charisma modifier damage and they suffer a -2 penalty on saving throws until the end of your next turn.
Least Binding
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Summons
Ranged 1, unoccupied square
Effect You summon a Small demon toad or Small hopping imp until the end of the encounter.
Perverse Blessing
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Stance
Effect You gain a +2 power bonus to defenses. If you are hit by an attack, you lose this bonus and instead get a -1 penalty to defenses. Until you leave this stance, you keep switching between bonus and penalty each time you are hit.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Fire
Ranged 10, one enemy
Attack Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit 1d6 + Charisma modifier fire damage. The target takes persistent 5 fire damage and gains vulnerability to fire 5 (save ends both).
Minor Binding
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Summons
Ranged 1, unoccupied square
Effect You summon a Medium burner demon or Medium hellhound until the end of the encounter. If you summon the hellhound, choose one enemy within 10 squares to become the hellhound’s quarry.
Dance in Fire
Daily Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Fire, Stance
Effect When an enemy enters a square adjacent to you, it takes damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Mocking Curse
Encounter Attack 7 (Reaction Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Psychic
Ranged 10, one enemy
Trigger The target misses you with an attack
Attack Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit 1d10 + Charisma modifier psychic damage and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Lesser Binding
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Summons
Ranged 1, unoccupied square
Effect You summon a Large vulture demon, Medium hungry maw or Large hezrou until the end of the encounter.
Flaming Teleport
Encounter Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Teleportation
Effect Teleport to an unoccupied space adjacent to a creature that is taking persistent fire damage.
Demonic Explosion
Encounter Attack 13 (Reaction Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Fire
Far burst 1 within special range, all creatures
Trigger One of your summoned monsters is reduced to 0 HP or below.
Attack Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit 1d10 + Charisma modifier fire damage.
Special The burst is centered on the triggering monster.
Sadistic Shot
Encounter Attack 13 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Fire
Ranged 10, one enemy
Attack Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit 2d8 + Charisma modifier damage, and you may spend a recovery to heal your recovery value in HP.
Prestige Binding
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Summons
Ranged 1, unoccupied square
Effect You summon a Large big burner until the end of the encounter.
Follow the Blood
Encounter Utility 16 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Teleportation
Ranged 10, one staggered creature
Effect Teleport to an unoccupied space adjacent to the target.
Abyssal Bargain
Daily Utility 16 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Healing
Melee touch, one ally on 0 HP or below
Effect The ally heals to maximum HP. You and the ally both have zero recoveries until the next long rest.
Keep Burning Please
Encounter Attack 17 (Reaction Action) ● Arcane, Fire
Ranged 10, one enemy
Trigger The target makes a successful saving throw against persistent fire damage.
Attack Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit 2d8 + Charisma modifier fire damage and persistent fire damage 10 (save ends).
Rabble Babble
Encounter Attack 17 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Psychic
Far burst 1 within range 10, all enemies
Attack Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit 1d10 + Charisma modifier psychic damage and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Aftereffect: The target takes damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
Advanced Binding
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Summons
Ranged 1, unoccupied square
Effect You summon a Medium frenzy demon, Large boar demon or Huge pincer demon until the end of the encounter.
Golden Claw
Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Conjuration, Fire
Effect You conjure a Medium golden claw in your space. The claw carries you, giving you a fly speed of 12 (hover, maximum altitude 2). If you are subject to an opportunity attack, make the following secondary attack against the attacker. Secondary Attack: Charisma vs Fortitude; 3d6 + Charisma modifier fire damage. Then this power ends.
Carrion Screech
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Psychic
Near blast 3, all enemies
Attack Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit 3d8 + Charisma modifier necrotic damage and the target gains vulnerability to all damage 10 (save ends).
Greater Binding
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Summons
Ranged 1, unoccupied square
Effect You summon a Large laughing demon until the end of the encounter.
Killing Doubt
Encounter Attack 27 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Psychic
Ranged 10, one enemy
Attack Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit 4d10 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. The target’s next standard action must be a basic attack.
Ultimate Binding
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Arcane, Summons
Ranged 1, unoccupied square
Effect You summon a Large balor or Large marilith until the end of the encounter.
Cup of Brimstone Summons
See the Summons tag and the Companions rules for details on how summons work. Summons are described according to the monster rules. See the Game Master’s Guide for rules on reading monster stat blocks.
Demon Toad
Level 1 Summoned Creature
Small Outsider Monstrosity ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: 4, see also leap
Defenses: your defenses
HP: your recovery value; can use your recoveries
Resist: poison 5
‡ Bite (standard, at-will) ● Poison
Your level +4 vs AC; 1d8 + Charisma modifier poison damage.
∢ Foul Belch (reaction, at-will) ● Poison
When the toad takes damage: Near burst 1; your level +2 vs Fortitude; 1d8 + Charisma modifier poison damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Leap (move, at-will)
The demon toad jumps 4 squares, without provoking opportunity attacks.
At the end of your turn, if the demon toad has not received a command that turn, it attacks or charges the nearest dazed creature, otherwise the nearest creature.
Hopping Imp
Level 1 Summoned Creature
Small Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Evil)
Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: 6, fly 2
Defenses: your defenses
HP: your recovery value; can use your recoveries
Resist: fire 5
Curse (Psychic) aura 1: Each time a creature in the aura misses on an attack, it takes 1d8 + your Charisma modifier psychic damage.
‡ Festering Claws (standard, at-will) ● Poison
Your level +6 vs AC; the target takes 5 persistent poison damage (save ends).
∢ Blight Jet (standard, at-will) ● Poison
Near arc 2; your level +4 vs Fortitude; 1d8 + Charisma modifier poison damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
At the end of your turn, if the hopping imp has not received a command that turn, it attacks or charges the nearest slowed creature, otherwise the nearest creature.
Burner Demon
Level 5 Summoned Creature
Medium Outsider Humanoid ● Demon, Fire (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: fly 4 (hover, max altitude 2)
Defenses: your defenses
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
Resist: fire 10, Vulnerable: cold 10
‡ Flickers of Flame (standard, at-will) ● Fire
Your level +4 vs Reflex; 1d6 + Charisma modifier fire damage. Miss: A random creature adjacent to the burner demon takes 1d6 + Charisma modifier fire damage.
⋇ Quick Flicking Fire (standard, at-will) ● Fire
Far burst 1 within 5; your level +4 vs Reflex (one random target in range); 1d6 + Charisma modifier fire damage.
At the end of your turn, if the burner demon has not received a command that turn, it makes a quick flicking fire attack against the nearest square occupied by a creature.
Level 5 Summoned Creature
Medium Outsider Beast ● Demon (Evil)
Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: 8
Defenses: your defenses
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
Resist: fire 10, Vulnerable: cold 10
‡ Savage Bite (standard, at-will) ● Fire
Your level +4 vs AC; 2d6 + Charisma modifier fire damage. Miss: Make a fiery breath attack as a free action, if available.
∢ Fiery Breath (standard, encounter) ● Fire
Near arc 2; your level +4 vs Reflex; 1d6 + Charisma modifier fire damage, and the target takes persistent 5 fire damage (save ends).
At the end of your turn, if the hellhound has not received a command that turn, it charges its quarry if within charging distance, otherwise it runs towards the quarry. If its quarry is not in line of sight, the hellhound attacks or charges the nearest creature.
Level 9 Summoned Creature
Large Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: 8, see also leap
Defenses: your defenses
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
Demonic Stench aura 1: Creatures in the aura cannot heal.
‡ Meaty, Clawed Hands (standard, at-will)
Your level +6 vs AC; 1d8 + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is grappled.
† Constrict (standard, at-will)
A creature the hezrou has grappled takes 2d8 + Charisma modifier damage.
Leap (move, at-will)
The hezrou jumps 4 squares, without provoking opportunity attacks.
At the end of your turn, if the hezrou has not received a command that turn, it constricts if it is grappling a creature. Otherwise it attacks or charges the nearest creature.
Hungry Maw
Level 9 Summoned Creature
Medium Outsider Monstrosity ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: 6
Defenses: your defenses
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
Chomp and Chew aura 1: A creature that enters or begins its turn in the aura takes 10 persistent damage (save ends).
‡ Big Chomp (standard, at-will)
Your level +4 vs AC; 2d6 + Charisma modifier damage.
At the end of your turn, if the hungry maw has not received a command that turn, it attacks a random creature within reach or moves towards the nearest creature if none are within reach.
Vulture Demon
Level 9 Summoned Creature
Large Outsider Monstrosity ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: 6, fly 8
Defenses: your defenses
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Filth Covered Claws (standard, at-will) ● Poison
Your level +6 vs AC; 1d8 + Charisma modifier damage, and the target takes 5 persistent poison damage (save ends).
∢ Demonic Screech (standard, encounter) ● Psychic
Near arc 3; your level +2 vs Will; 1d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
At the end of your turn, if the vulture demon has not received a command that turn, it uses demonic screech even if it has already used it this encounter, positioned to include as many targets as possible.
Big Burner
Level 15 Summoned Creature
Large Outsider Humanoid ● Demon, Fire (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: fly 8 (hover, max altitude 3)
Defenses: your defenses
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
Resist: fire 15, Vulnerable: cold 15
‡ Flickers of Flame (standard, at-will) ● Fire
Reach 2; your level +4 vs Reflex; 3d6 + Charisma modifier fire damage. Miss: A random creature adjacent to the big burner takes 2d6 + Charisma modifier fire damage.
⋇ Quick Flicking Fire (standard, at-will) ● Fire
Far burst 1 within 5; your level +4 vs Reflex (one random target in range); 2d6 + Charisma modifier fire damage.
At the end of your turn, if the big burner has not received a command that turn, it makes a quick flicking fire attack against the nearest square occupied by a creature.
Boar Demon (Nalfeshnee)
Level 19 Summoned Creature
Large Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: 5, fly 8
Defenses: your defenses
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Musky Claw (standard, at-will)
Your level +4 vs AC; 1d10 + Charisma modifier damage.
∢ Accursed Blast (standard, encounter) ● Necrotic, Lightning
Near arc 2; your level +4 vs Reflex; 1d8 + Charisma modifier necrotic and lightning damage, and the target is weakened until the end of your next turn.
Horror Nimbus (reaction, encounter) ● Fear
When the boar demon is reduced to 0 HP or below: Near burst 2; your level +4 vs Reflex; the target is pushed 2 and dazed (save ends); Effect: The boar demon is destroyed.
At the end of your turn, if the boar demon has not received a command that turn, it falls to 0 HP and triggers horror nimbus.
Frenzy Demon
Level 19 Summoned Creature
Medium Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: 8
Defenses: your defenses
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
Aura of Frustration aura 3: Each time a creature within the aura misses on an attack roll, the frenzy demon gets a +2 power bonus to its next attack roll.
‡ Claw (standard, at-will)
Your level vs AC; 1d12 + Charisma modifier damage.
† Raking Claws (standard, at-will)
Your level vs AC; 2d12 + Charisma modifier damage.
At the end of your turn, if the frenzy demon has not received a command that turn, it moves towards the nearest creature and uses raking claws.
Pincer Demon (Glabrezu)
Level 19 Summoned Creature
Huge Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: 6
Defenses: your defenses
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
‡ Pincer (standard, at-will)
Your level +6 vs AC; 2d8 + Charisma modifier damage.
⋇ Chaos Hammer (standard, at-will) ● Force
Far burst 1 within 5; your level +4 vs Fortitude; 1d10 + Charisma modifier force damage, and the target falls prone.
At the end of your turn, if the pincer demon has not received a command that turn, it uses chaos hammer centered on you, if possible. Otherwise, it moves towards the nearest creature and uses pincer.
Laughing Demon
Level 25 Summoned Creature
Large Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: 8
Defenses: your defenses
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
Aura of Mockery aura 3: A creature within the aura that fails a saving throw takes 15 damage.
‡ Tooth and Claw (standard, at-will)
Your level +6 vs AC; 2d8 + Charisma modifier damage, and a creature adjacent to the target takes 1d8 + Charisma modifier damage.
† Tooth and Claw and Stomp (standard, at-will)
The laughing demon makes two tooth and claw attacks.
At the end of your turn, if the laughing demon has not received a command that turn, it teleports to an unoccupied square adjacent to a random creature within 20, and uses tooth and claw and stomp.
Level 29 Summoned Creature
Large Outsider Humanoid ● Demon, Fire (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: darkvision, trueseeing
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: 6, fly 12
Defenses: your defenses +2
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
Resist: fire 15, necrotic 15, Vulnerable: cold 15
Aura of Flame (Fire) aura 2: A creature that enters or begins its turn in the aura takes 20 fire damage.
‡ Longsword (standard, at-will) ● Fire, Necrotic, Weapon
Reach 2; your level +6 vs AC; 2d12 + Charisma modifier fire and necrotic damage.
† Flame Whip (swift, at-will) ● Fire
Reach 3; your level +4 vs Reflex; the target is knocked prone and pulled 3.
Lifedrinker (free, encounter) ● Healing
If a non-mook creature is killed within the balor’s aura, the balor’s summoner regains a recovery and the balor heals equal to your recovery value.
Fallen Angel’s Reckoning (reaction, encounter) ● Radiant
The balor is reduced to 0 HP or below: Near burst 5; 2d12 + your Charisma modifier radiant damage, and the balor is destroyed.
At the end of your turn, if the balor has not received a command that turn, it moves so the nearest creature is in range of its flame whip, then uses the flame whip and longsword.
Level 29 Summoned Creature
Large Outsider Humanoid ● Demon (Chaotic Evil)
Senses: darkvision
Languages: Common, Abyssal
Speed: 8
Defenses: your defenses +2
HP: your staggered value; can use your recoveries
Wall of Steel aura 2: A creature that leaves the aura takes 15 damage.
‡ Sword (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
Reach 2; your level +6 vs AC; 2d8 + Charisma modifier damage.
† Three Whirling Swords (standard, at-will) ● Weapon
The marilith makes up to three sword attacks, each against a different target. The marilith may shift 1 after each attack.
Terrible Swift Swords (free, encounter)
For the rest of this turn, all attacks the marilith makes score a critical hit on a natural 15-20.
Beguiling Gaze (standard, at-will) ● Psychic, Charm
Ranged 10; your level +4 vs Will; the target is pulled 6 squares.
At the end of your turn, if the marilith has not received a command that turn, it uses three whirling swords against an adjacent target. If there is no such target, it uses beguiling gaze against the nearest creature in range.
Deep, Dark, Truthful Mirror
Key Ability: Constitution
Secondary Ability: Charisma
Source: Sculpts Their Body (kit)
You’re able to modify your body in ways not reflective of any animal. This includes the manipulation of your bone structure, your muscles, even altering your size and the position of your limbs.
Brief Mimicry
You change your shape to look like another, throwing off those who see you.
At-Will Attack 1 (Move Action) ● Arcane, Focus, Transmutation
Near burst 5, one enemy
Attack Constitution vs Will Hit Until the end of your next turn, the target must make a saving throw each time they target you with an attack. If the save fails, they must target the attack so it does not affect you, or the attack fails. Effect Until the end of your next turn, you take the form of a particular creature that is an ally of the target.
It’s like you’re made out of plastic, rubber, or some other kind of other flexible material.
At-Will Utility 2 (Move Action) ● Arcane, Transmutation
Effect Your reach increases by 1 until the start of your next turn.
Your muscles can extend; your bones can slip from their sockets. You find yourself moving through places even a rodent would find difficult.
At-Will Utility 2 (Move Action) ● Arcane, Transmutation
Effect Until the start of your next turn, you can squeeze without a reduction in speed. You suffer no penalties to attack, and do not grant combat advantage while squeezing. You are treated as a Small creature for purposes of squeezing into Tiny spaces.
Bone Blade
From beneath your skin, you extend a sharpened piece of bone which you can immediately employ as a weapon.
Encounter Utility 2 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Transmutation, Focus
Effect You create a weapon of your choice. It can remain attached to your body or be detached so it can be thrown. The weapon is an enchanted weapon of the same bonus as the focus used for this power (if any).
You are able to change your basic biological makeup to make yourself extremely resistant to damage.
Daily Utility 2 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Transmutation
Effect Add double your Constitution modifier to your level. You gain that number of temporary hit points. Until you lose all these temporary hit points, your weight is doubled and you reduce any unwilling movement you are subject to by 1 square.
Bone Shield
You expand one of your arm’s bones to emerge as a shield to defend against attack. It doesn’t look pretty. It only has to work.
Daily Utility 2 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Transmutation, Focus
Effect You create a light or heavy shield attached to your arm. You can dismiss the shield as a swift action. The shield is an enchanted shield of the same bonus as the focus used for this power (if any).
You are no monster, and unlike others like you, fitting in has never been a real issue, especially when you can look like anyone.
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Transmutation, Stance
Effect You can alter your physical form to take on the appearance of another humanoid creature of your size, including unique individuals. You retain your statistics in your new form, and your clothing, armor, and possessions do not change. Other creatures can attempt an Insight check (opposed by your Bluff check) to pierce the disguise. You must have seen the individual being imitated (as well as hear the individual if you wish to simulate the voice as well).
Perfect Harmony
There is an old saying about making your weapon part of you. In this case, that’s easy.
Encounter Attack 3 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Transmutation
Effect Your next melee or ranged attack roll with any weapon you create with a Transmutation power automatically hits (but cannot inflict critical hits).
You crystallize your skin to be resistant to any damage.
Encounter Utility 6 (Move Action) ● Arcane, Transmutation, Stance
Effect You gain resistance 5 to all damage.
You increase in size.
Daily Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Transmutation, Stance
Effect You become a Large creature until you leave this stance. You get a +2 bonus on attack rolls.
Instinctive Shift
You change form without conscious thought.
Daily Utility 10 (Counter Action) ● Arcane, Transmutation
Effect You can use a power with the Transmutation tag that normally takes a swift, move or standard action. This still counts as a use of the power for those that are limited in how often they can be used.
You shrink in size.
Daily Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Transmutation, Stance
Effect You become a Small creature until you leave this stance. You get a +2 bonus to AC and Reflex defense.
Elemental Flux
Key Ability: Intelligence
Secondary Ability: Constitution
Source: Mageblade (class)
You supplement your attacks with powerful elemental energies.
Note: When you first gain a power with the Flux tag, choose an element: lightning, acid, cold, fire or thunder. All powers with the Flux tag have that energy as a tag, and replace any reference to [flux] in the power text with that energy. There are some powers that allow you to change your Flux energy, if you take them. You can also change your Flux energy when you retrain at a new level. Some classes interact with Flux powers in other ways.
When a power refers to [flux], it always means your current flux energy, even if you used the power when your flux energy was different. For example, if you conjured a vortex devil, it does damage of your current flux energy not the flux energy you had when you conjured it.

Energy Jolt
You fill the opponent with harmful elemental energy, dealing damage and causing them to suffer debilitating effects.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Near burst 3, one target
Attack Intelligence vs Reflex
Hit 1dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage, and the target: ● Acid: Takes a -2 penalty to AC until the end of your next turn. ● Cold: Is shunted 1. ● Fire: Loses their next move action. ● Lightning: Is pulled 2. ● Thunder: Is pushed 2.
Level 21: 2dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage, and the additional effect.
Spark Strike
By letting the power of the elements flow through you and into your attack, you’re able to strike true with raw primal energies at your unlucky foe.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs AC
Hit 2dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage.
Variable Flux
Filling your weapon with the power of the elements, you lash out with barely-contained eldritch power.
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs AC
Hit 1dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage, and the target is subject to one of the following until the end of your next turn. ● Acid: Slowed. ● Cold: Vulnerability to lightning and cold 5. ● Fire: Persistent fire damage equal to your Constitution modifier. ● Lightning: Rattled. ● Thunder: Dazed.
Miss Half damage, and no additional effect.
Eldritch Shield
By drawing upon the elements, you are capable of defending against energy effects.
Encounter Utility 2 (Counter Action) ● Arcane, Flux
Trigger You are about to take damage.
Effect You gain resistance to [flux] 5 + your Constitution modifier, for that attack.
Fluctuation Movement
Coating your feet in the power of the elements, you alter your movement to grant you a burst of speed and maneuverability.
Encounter Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Stance, Flux
Effect You get a benefit based on your [flux]: ● Acid: Ignore difficult terrain until the end of your next turn. ● Cold: Until the end of your next turn, when you charge you can move however you like (not just in a straight line). ● Fire: Your speed increases by +2 until the end of your next turn. ● Lightning: Make a jump as a free action, with a +10 bonus to Athletics. ● Thunder: Until the end of your next turn, whenever you are subject to unwilling movement you can shift 1 at the end of the move.
Arcane Shield
You rely on your unique insight into eldritch powers to create a shield of energy that protects you from an attack.
Daily Utility 2 (Counter Action) ● Arcane
Trigger You are hit by an attack.
Effect Attacker rerolls their attack.
Degrade Resistance
As a disciple of the Elemental Flux, you understand how to use elements to assault those normally resistant to them.
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Arcane
Effect Until the end of your next turn, your attacks ignore the first 5 points of energy resistance.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Elemental Nimbus
Channeling the strength of the elements lends your attacks strength and fury.
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Flux
Effect Each attack you make until the end of your next turn inflicts +1d6 [flux] damage on a hit. You can choose to daze a target that you hit until the end of your next turn, but then this power ends.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Elemental Realignment
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Flux
Effect Change your Flux energy. You gain resistance to [flux] 5 + your Constitution modifier until the end of the encounter.
Eldritch Fang
You fill your strike with eldritch energy that overwhelms the senses of your target.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs Fortitude
Hit 1dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Elemental Strike
You channel the fluctuating power of the elements to land an empowered blow.
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs Fortitude
Hit 2dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage, and the target is subject to one of the following based on your flux energy. ● Acid: Weakened (end of your next turn). ● Thunder: Immobile (end of your next turn). ● Fire: Blinded (end of your next turn). ● Cold: Knocked prone. ● Lightning: Dazed (end of your next turn).
Miss Half damage, and no additional effect.
Energy Spark
You fill the air with elemental energy, which explodes as you strike your target.
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Focus
Ranged 10
Attack Intelligence vs Reflex
Hit 4d10 + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage
Elemental Flux Stance
Filling both your body and soul with the power of the elements, you open yourself up to new powers.
Daily Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Stance
Near burst 3, all allies
Effect Yourself and allies within range get one based on your [flux], until the end of your next turn: ● Acid: Ignore the first 1 square of unwilling movement. ● Cold: Take a +2 bonus on all saving throws. ● Fire: Heal an additional +1d6 damage each time they would heal. ● Lightning: +2 bonus to speed. ● Thunder: One hit on an attack per turn pushes 1.
Lance of Power
With a swing of your blade, you release a rippling line of elemental energy.
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Near arc 3, all creatures
Attack Intelligence vs Fortitude
Hit 1dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage and one option based on your flux energy: ● Acid: Targets are slowed.
● Cold: Targets must save or fall prone. ● Fire: Take an additional 1d8 damage. ● Lightning: Targets must save or drop what they are holding. ● Thunder: Targets are deafened until the end of your next turn.
Raging Flux
You know how to strike with such eldritch force that it drives your foes backwards.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon, Zone
Far burst 3 within range 10, all creatures
Attack Intelligence vs Fortitude
Hit 3dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage.
Effect Creates a zone in the area of effect, until the end of the encounter. Creatures that enter the zone take 1d6 + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage. At the beginning of each of your turns, creatures in the zone take 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier [flux] damage. While the zone persists, you can change your flux energy once each time a creature is damaged by your raging flux.
Assay Resistance
By directly targeting the elemental essence that suffuses all creatures, you overcome an opponent’s defenses with a powerful attack.
Encounter Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Flux
Near burst 5, one creature
Effect You learn the target’s resistances, immunities and vulnerabilities. Until the end of your next turn, the target gains vulnerability to [flux] 5 + your Constitution modifier.
Boost Level 22 Targets all creatures in area of effect; the target gains vulnerability to [flux] 10 + your Constitution modifier.
Arcane Torrent
You unleash a sudden burst of eldritch energy that surges towards a distant foe.
Encounter Attack 13 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Near arc 3, all creatures
Attack Intelligence vs Fortitude
Hit 2dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage and push 3.
Energy Hammer
As you advance your training, you learn to unleash ever more powerful bursts of energy.
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Near arc 3, all creatures
Attack Intelligence vs AC
Hit 2dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage and one of the following based on your [flux]: ● Acid: Target takes 5 persistent acid damage (save ends). ● Cold: Target is immobile (save ends). ● Fire: Target is blinded (save ends). ● Lightning: Target is stunned until the end of your next turn.
● Thunder: Target is deafened and dazed (save ends both).
Miss Half damage, and no additional effect.
Eldritch Consumption
You have such an intimate understanding of the underlying nature of magic that you can capture its essence and feast on it to rejuvenate yourself.
Encounter Utility 16 (Counter Action) ● Arcane, Flux
Trigger You take damage from an energy source.
Effect Spend a recovery to heal your recovery value + your Constitution modifier. You may change your flux energy if you like.
Chaotic Blow
Encounter Attack 17 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs AC
Hit 3dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage.
Elemental Drive
You charge your weapon with kinetic and elemental energy, driving them back with a wave of elemental power.
Daily Attack 19 (Free Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Trigger You make an attack after a charge.
Effect Whether or not you hit, you do an additional 3dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage and push them squares equal to your Constitution modifier.
Redirecting Flux
You can read and alter the flow of magical energy.
Encounter Utility 22 (Counter Action) ● Arcane, Flux
Near burst 10, one power
Trigger A creature uses a near or far power that targets you and/or an ally.
Effect Choose a creature within the area of effect. That creature is no longer a target of the attack. Choose an enemy within near burst 10 that is not already a target of the attack. That creature becomes a target of the attack, even if they are not within the area of effect.
Elemental Absorption
You learn to suffuse your being with an element to such a degree that its presence heals you instead of harming you.
Daily Utility 22 (Counter Action) ● Arcane, Flux
Trigger You are about to take energy damage.
Effect Set your flux energy to the energy of your choice. Until the end of the encounter, you are immune to [flux] damage, and heal your level + your Constitution modifier each time you are subject to [flux] damage.
Nexus of Elemental Retribution
You can absorb and redirect the flow of elemental power, syphoning away energies that would harm you and making them your own.
Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Stance
Hit You gain resistance 15 to acid, cold, fire, lightning and thunder. Each time you are the target of an attack that does acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder damage, you can make a basic melee or ranged attack that does additional [flux] damage equal to your Constitution modifier.
Enter the Vortex
Riding on the currents of elemental energy, you gain the benefit of a new form of movement.
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs AC
Hit 4dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage. Effect You get a benefit until the end of the encounter based on your [flux]: ● Acid: You get a burrow speed of 4 and tremorsense 6.
● Cold: You get a swim speed of 12. Any time you are subject to unwilling movement, you can instead shift that distance. ● Fire: Your speed increases by 4, and your initiative score for this encounter increases by +4. ● Lightning: You can teleport 4 as a move action. ● Thunder: You get a fly speed of 8.
Cascade of Elemental Wrath
Each slash of your blade releases more and more eldritch power, overwhelming your enemies with the power of your strikes.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one to three targets
Attack Intelligence vs AC
Hit Three attacks. 2dW + Intelligence modifier damage. You can change your flux energy before each attack.
Elemental Vortex
A whirling vortex of elemental energy engulfs your foe just as your blade lands.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Conjuration, Flux, Weapon
Near burst 1, all creatures
Attack Intelligence vs AC
Hit 3dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage.
Effect You conjure a Medium flux vortex in an adjacent square, which lasts till the end of the encounter. Once per turn, you can shunt the vortex up to 6 squares as a swift action. At the end of each of your turns, including the turn in which the vortex was created, enemies adjacent to the vortex demon take 3d10 [flux] damage.
Zephyr Flux
You may transmute your entire being into elemental energy and travel in the blink of an eye across the battlefield, leaving a wake of devastation behind you.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, multiple targets
Attack Intelligence vs AC
Hit 3dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage.
Special When you use this power, shift up to your speed. Make the attack against each enemy you are adjacent to at some point during your shift.
Eldritch Energy Hammer
You know how to destroy the bonds that hold magic together just as easily as you can forge them.
Encounter Attack 27 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one zone, summon or conjuration in range
Attack Intelligence vs Will (power’s user)
Hit The conjuration or zone is destroyed, or the summon takes 5dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage. Enemies within the zone, or enemies within Near burst 3 of the summon (if destroyed) or conjuration are subject to a secondary attack. Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs Will; 3dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage.
Elemental Destruction Ring
You whip the elements around you into a fury, then unleash the energy at all the foes who surround you.
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Zone, Weapon
Near burst 3, all enemies
Attack Intelligence vs Fortitude
Hit 4dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage.
Effect You have an aura 1, which persists until the end of your next turn. At the end of your turn, enemies within the aura experience an effect based on your flux: ● Lightning: Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs Fortitude; the target is blinded until the end of your next turn. ● Acid: 10 acid damage, and the target is rattled until the end of your next turn. ● Thunder: The target is knocked prone. ● Cold: The target is slowed until the end of your next turn. ● Fire: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Swift The aura persists until the end of your next turn.
Strike of Elemental Devastation
You crush your opponents under a fierce magical assault.
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs AC
Hit 7dW + Intelligence modifier [flux] damage.
Effect All enemies within a number of squares of the target equal to your Constitution modifier gain vulnerability to [flux] 15.
Frontline Fighting
Key Ability: Strength
Secondary Ability: Constitution
Source: Sylvan (class)
You are a knock-down, drag-out battler, happy to mix haymakers with weapon blows.
You confuse your enemy with one hand but strike fast with the other. You weave around your opponent in the confusion.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage. Level 21: 2dW + Strength modifier.
Effect Shift to any square adjacent to the target. You either push the target 1 square or shunt it into the square you just occupied.
Unbalancing Strike
A quick jab is better than a heavier thrust which can throw you off balance.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs Fortitude
Hit 1dW damage, and you gain combat advantage against the target until the end of your next turn. Level 21: 2dW.
Full Sweep
You spin around, attacking all targets around you.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near burst 1, all enemies you can see
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is knocked prone and dazed until the start of your next turn.
Sudden Leap
You vault in the air and deliver a crippling blow from up high.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near burst 4 (minimum 3), one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage, and you push the target one square. You shift into the square the target previously occupied. If the target cannot be pushed, the target is knocked prone and you shift into the occupied square.
Miss You shift to a square adjacent to the target.
Best Defense is Good Offense
You strike when the enemy least suspects it, through an assumed impenetrable defense.
Daily Attack 1 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, the triggering enemy
Trigger One enemy makes a melee attack against you.
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage.
Miss Half damage.
Effect You gain a +3 power bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
Insult to Injury
A noble warrior doesn’t kick someone when they’re down. You’re not that noble.
Daily Attack 1 (Special Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, the triggering enemy
Trigger One enemy is knocked prone.
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 2dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares. If the target cannot be pushed 3 squares because of an obstruction, both the obstruction and the target take 1d6 + your Constitution modifier damage.
Miss Half damage, and the target is not pushed.
Special You can use this power as a swift action or a reaction.
Redirection of Energy
You utilize the direction of your enemy’s attack injury into a counter-maneuver.
Encounter Utility 2 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Trigger You are hit by a melee or ranged attack by an adjacent enemy.
Effect You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense against the attack. Shift to any other square adjacent to the target and gain combat advantage against the target until the end of your next turn.
Roll With It
You take an injury and fall back, hoping to diminish the severity of the impact.
Encounter Utility 2 (Reaction Action) ● Martial
Trigger You are hit by a melee or ranged attack.
Effect You shift 1 square away from the triggering attacker and only suffer 1 point of damage from the hit. If you cannot move away from the attacker, you may not use this power.
Adaptable Warrior
Being able to adapt to any situation is the mark of any master of the martial arts.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one or two creatures
Attack Strength +1 vs AC (2 attacks) or Strength +4 vs AC (1 attack)
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage.
Mistaken Aggravation
You might have misjudged this opponent. Time for a strategic withdrawal.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage.
Effect Shift your speed. You must take the most direct path away from the target.
Overreach Lunge
Your opponent thinks they are safe. Prove them wrong.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature 1 square beyond your reach
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 2dW + Strength modifier damage.
Effect Shift to any square adjacent to the target.
Flawless Victory
Your enemy is near defeat. Use all remaining reserves for a decisive win.
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one staggered enemy
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 4dW + Strength modifier damage.
Miss Half damage.
Effect If the attack does not drop the target to 0 hit points or fewer, you grant combat advantage to the target until the end of your next turn. If the target hits you before the start of your next turn, you grant combat advantage until the end of your following turn.
Hip Throw
You and your opponent are in a clinch. You utilize leverage and superior balance to toss your enemy down.
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon (unarmed), one creature
Attack Strength vs Reflex
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage, and you shunt the target 3 squares, knock it prone and daze it until the end of your next turn.
Miss Half damage, and you shunt the target 3 squares.
Your opponent rushes you. You direct their energy past you.
Daily Utility 6 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Trigger A creature hits you with a melee attack.
Effect The attack misses. Shift to any square adjacent to the triggering attacker, and it grants you combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Consequential Attack
You throw yourself to such a degree into the attack, you leave yourself vulnerable.
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature 1 square beyond your reach
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage + Constitution modifier.
Effect Regardless if you hit, you grant combat advantage to all enemies until the start of your next turn.
Jaw Strike
You connect hard, sending a bolt of pain into your opponent’s head.
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is pushed 1 square, knocked prone, and dazed until the start of your next turn.
Any Opportunity
You see a split-second opening to take a passing strike.
Daily Attack 9 (Free Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 2dW + Strength modifier damage.
Knock-Out Button
You hit that sweet spot. Hopefully it’s lights out for your opponent.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is knocked prone and stunned (save ends).
Last Second Recovery
You jump back, shake your head, clear your mind, and ready yourself to push back into the fight.
Encounter Utility 10 (Move Action) ● Healing, Martial
Requirements You must be staggered.
Effect Shift to the nearest square not in reach of an enemy and spend a recovery to heal hit points equal to your recovery value.
Pound for Pound
All things being equal . . . you have no equal.
Encounter Utility 10 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect Until the end of your next turn, your at-will powers that require a standard action only require a move action, and those that require a move action only require a swift action.
You drop and spin around, tripping your opponent and making them open for another attack.
Encounter Attack 13 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 2dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Miss Half damage, and the target is not knocked prone.
Vicious Hook
You bend your arm and shift your weight. Your throw everything into a solid strike with knockout power.
Encounter Attack 13 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is stunned until the start of your next turn.
Battle Stride
Whether you barrel in or elegantly weave through, you fight your way past enemy lines.
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 2dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Miss Half damage.
Effect Before your attack, shift up to 3 squares. After your attack, shift 3 squares and repeat the attack against a different target. Then shift 3 squares and repeat the attack against a third target. Then shift 1 square.
Special The target of each attack must be different. If there is not a target close to enough to shift to, the power ends.
Roundhouse Attack
In the air, with a circular sweep, you cut all your enemies down. Yeah, it works.
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near burst 1, all creatures
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is pushed 1 square. If the target cannot be pushed due to an obstruction, the target takes additional damage equal to twice your Constitution modifier.
Miss Half damage, and the target is pushed 1 square. They do not take additional damage if they cannot be pushed.
Gambit Recovery
You give your opponent the impression you’re not in your game. An uncharacteristic miss is instantly followed up with another attempt.
Encounter Utility 16 (Free Action) ● Martial
Trigger You miss with an attack roll.
Effect Reroll until the result is higher than the triggering attack roll.
Knockout Power
You’ve been working out.
Daily Utility 16 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect Until the end of the encounter (or five minutes), the damage die of your unarmed attacks increases by one step ( 1d4 > 1d6 > 1d8 > 1d10 > 2d6).
You mount attack upon attack so rapidly, your enemies are unable to defend themselves.
Encounter Attack 17 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC, three attacks. Resolve each attack before making the next.
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage. Gain a cumulative +2 bonus to additional attack rolls with this power. If you hit the target with all three attacks, you inflict additional damage equal to twice your Strength modifier.
Wear Them Down
You pound upon your foe in hopes of breaking their spirit.
Encounter Attack 17 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC, two attacks
Hit 2dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is weakened and dazed until the end of your next turn. If you hit the target with both attacks, the target is weakened and dazed (save ends both) and cannot save until the end of your next turn.
Lights Out
You strike your opponent at a tender spot, just behind the head or under the jaw. Your enemy falls limp before you.
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is unconscious (save ends). The moment the target takes any further damage, it immediately wakes up.
Miss 3dW + Strength modifier damage.
Off the Bone
Your enemy’s tendons snap and bones break.
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 4dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target suffers 10 persistent damage (save ends).
Miss Half damage and 5 persistent damage (save ends).
Blocking Pose
You change your guard to withstand punishment from oncoming attacks.
Encounter Utility 22 (Move Action) ● Healing, Martial
Effect Take half damage from all melee attacks until the start of your next turn.
Maintain Move The effect persists until the start of your next turn. You cannot maintain if you move from your square or an enemy scores a critical hit against you.
Calculated Strike
You make a quick determination upon the best course of action, choosing either accuracy or power.
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength +6 vs AC
Hit 2dW + Strength modifier damage.
Effect For every -2 penalty you accept on this attack (maximum -6) the attack deals +1dW damage.
Spherical Discipline
You lash at opponents all around, striking behind, in front, and in blind spots.
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, all enemies in reach
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 2dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is dazed and weakened until the end of your next turn.
Effect You gain a +2 power bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
Master Combo
Your opponents have never seen talent like this. Your resolve is absolute. There could be ten times more men against you and it still wouldn’t matter.
Daily Attack 25 (Move Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon
Effect Use three at-will powers. You can select the same power multiple times.
Special When you complete a streak, you recover the use of this power.
Roundabout Strike
After your opponent is temporarily dazed, you slide to another position for a follow-up attack.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage.
Miss Half damage with each attack.
Effect Shift to any unoccupied square adjacent to the enemy and make a secondary attack.
Secondary Attack: Strength vs AC; 2dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is knocked prone and cannot stand (save ends).
Flow Like Water
You pass through enemy lines without worry, crashing into whatever foes you wish.
Encounter Attack 27 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage.
Effect Shift to any square adjacent to the target.
Maintain Standard Repeat the attack against a different target.
One single strike is all you’ll need. You crush your opponent and strike fear into all those around with such a brutal act of violence.
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Strength -2 vs AC
Hit 6dW + Strength modifier damage, and all enemies in a burst 5 of the target are stunned until the end of your next turn.
Miss Half damage, and enemies are not stunned.
Golden Lion
Key Ability: Strength
Secondary Ability: Charisma
Source: Commander (class)
You are an inspiring leader who throws themselves into the thick of battle.
Pack Pounce
By capitalizing on the opportunities granted by the presence of your allies who are attacking your foe, your lethality increases dramatically due to your knowledge of pack tactics.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage, +2 for every ally that is adjacent to the target. Level 21: 2dW + Strength modifier damage, +4 for every ally that is adjacent to the target.
Tactical Strike
Any commander knows that in battle, footwork is key. By utilizing this theory, you help your comrades to understand this.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage. Choose an ally within 2. They can shift 2.
Demoralizing Roar
With a shout of rage and defiance, you wade into battle with fearless determination, shattering the resolve of your foes.
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Focus
Near burst 2, all enemies
Attack Strength vs Will
Hit Target is dazed (save ends)
Miss Target is dazed until the end of their next turn
Hunting Party
When two or more soldiers converge on a single target, the odds of victory increase and with the knowledge of this strike you can assist your comrade’s potential lethality.
Encounter Utility 2 (Reaction Action) ● Martial
Near burst 5, one ally
Trigger An ally hits an enemy
Effect Another ally within range of the enemy (including yourself) makes a basic attack (melee or ranged) against the enemy.
Pride Movement
By having a watchful eye on the flow of combat, you know when to spur an ally into a better position.
Encounter Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Melee touch, one ally
Effect The target can take a move action right away,
Distracting Strike
By attracting the attentions of a foe with a well-placed and vicious blow, you may distract and weaken your foe to the predations of your allies.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage and the target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Defending the Pride
With a cry to defend themselves from incoming attacks, the inspirational words of the disciple aid your allies in your defense.
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 2dW + Strength modifier damage.
Effect Allies within 5 receive a +2 power bonus to AC until the end of the encounter.
Circling the Prey
With practiced precision and a quick shout, you and your allies move in unison for better strategic advantage.
Encounter Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Near burst 5, all allies and yourself
Effect You and all allies in range shift 1.
Warning Roar
Witnessing a clear and present danger to an ally, you shout out a well-timed warning and aid your ally in defending against an attack.
Encounter Utility 6 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Near burst 5, one ally
Trigger An ally in range is hit by an attack.
Effect The attacker must reroll their attack and use the second result.
Pyrite Swipe
With a powerful strike, you push your foe into the waiting arms of your allies and their hungry blades.
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage and push the target 2. Each ally that is in reach of the target at some point during its move may make a melee basic attack against it.
Boost Level 17 2dW + Strength modifier damage, and shunt the target 4 squares.
Boost Level 27 3dW + Strength modifier damage, and shunt the target 8 squares.
Kill the Wounded
You make a ferocious assault on your foe, opening the enemy’s defenses to the attacks of your allies.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 2dW + Strength modifier damage.
Effect The target gets vulnerability to all damage 5 until the end of your next turn.
Direct the Pride
Cooperation and teamwork form the backbone of tactical warfare, and through your knowledge of all of these things, you may help direct the actions of your ally to greater effectiveness.
Encounter Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Near burst 5, one ally that has not yet acted this turn
Effect The ally moves up in the initiative order to act just after your turn ends.
Golden Lion Charger
A student of the art of war, you know that sometimes a powerful opening charge can be the edge the warrior needs.
Encounter Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Stance
Near burst 5, all allies and yourself
Effect While you are in this stance, allies in range, including yourself, add your Charisma modifier to damage when attacking during the Charge action.
Charge of the Battle Cat
Like the charge of the mighty lion as he takes his prey to the ground, you charge into battle, heedless of your enemies, to crash into your chosen foe with a mighty strike, knocking them to the ground at your feet.
Encounter Attack 13 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage and the target falls prone.
Special Before your attack, move up to your speed.
Golden Swipe
With a series of furious blows against your foe, you batter them into the waiting blades of your allies.
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage.
Effect The target is pushed 6 squares. Each ally that is in reach of the target at some point during its move may make a melee basic attack against it.
Harry the Prey
Through coordinated tactics, the comrades at your side may act as one.
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage.
Miss Allies within 5 squares of the target can make a basic melee attack against a target of their choice, or a basic ranged attack against the target of your attack.
Guard the Pride
You trust in your heavenly sense of the battle around you to see where the next attack is coming and move away from danger.
Daily Utility 16 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Near burst 5, all allies and yourself
Effect You and all allies receive a +10 power bonus to attack rolls. Each time an attack misses one or more of you, the bonus decreases by 2 until it reaches +0, at which point this power ends.
Roar of Battle
You deliver a telling blow, shattering bones and piercing defenses alike as you press the foe into opening vital places for your allies to gain purchase.
Encounter Attack 17 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage and the target gets vulnerability to all damage 5 until the end of your next turn.
Strategic Blow
With a tremendous strike, you confuse the enemy and create an opening for an ally to reposition themselves.
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage.
Effect Allies within 5 of the target can immediately shift 2 as a free action.
Golden General’s Stance
A beacon of victory upon the field of combat, you personify glory in combat and those in your presence may share in your prowess.
Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Stance
Effect Allies within 5 receive a +2 power bonus on attack rolls. If they score a critical hit, they add your Charisma modifier to the damage.
Lord of the Pridelands
Proving you are the undisputed master of war, you call for absolute and crushing victory through overwhelming force of numbers.
Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Stance
Effect While you are in this stance, allies within 10 can use your Strength attack bonus instead of their own for any melee attacks that they make. You can end the stance with a swift action.
War Lion’s Charge
With the ferocity of an angered lion, you race across the battlefield ignoring secondary targets to bear down on a single enemy and reduce them to dust.
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage and the target is stunned until the end of your next turn
Effect Half damage and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Lion Lord’s Agony
With a fury born of desperation and determination for victory, you pour your pain into your swings so that the enemy may drink deeply of it.
Encounter Attack 27 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near burst 1, all enemies
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage and push the target 2.
Triumphant Lion’s Leadership
The power and majesty of the lion lords of the wild lives within you, so much so that your victories are a victory for your allies.
Daily Attack 29 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Weapon, Healing
Melee weapon, one target
Trigger Your ally is the target of an attack
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 7dW + Strength modifier damage, and the attack that triggered this power misses.
Miss Half damage. If the triggering attack hits, it does half damage.
Effect The ally in question can spend a recovery to heal their recovery value.
Special Before your attack, shift up to twice your speed.
High Cunning
Key Ability: Intelligence
Secondary Ability: Wisdom
Sources: Embodies Intelligence, Worships the God of Peace (kits)
You are a clever fighter who can size up your opponents.
Outthink & Outwit
You quickly ascertain your enemy’s eye movements and body language and determine the best course of action.
At-Will Attack 1 (Move Action) ● Martial
Ranged 10, one creature
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Reflex
Hit The target grants combat advantage to you and all allies until the start of your next turn.
Instant Analysis
You study your opponent and gauge what their strengths are as well as possible weaknesses.
Encounter Attack 1 (Move Action) ● Martial, Consistent
Ranged 20, one creature
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Will
Hit You learn the target’s attack modifiers, all defense values, and the damage capacities of its attacks. The target is rattled until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Move The rattled condition persists until the end of your next turn.
No Sweat
You take everything in stride.
At-Will Utility 2 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Effect You gain a +2 power bonus to your next Intelligence- or Wisdom-based skill check.
Evasive Action
Your talent to avoid attacks is legendary.
Encounter Attack 3 (Move Action) ● Martial, Consistent
Near burst 10, one creature
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Reflex
Hit Until the end of your next turn, the target cannot make any attack against you that does not target at least one other creature.
Maintain Move Repeat the attack against the same target. You cannot maintain if you miss.
Flash of Brilliance
In an instant, thousands of possible outcomes race by, and you realize the best course of action
Daily Attack 5 (Move Action) ● Martial, Consistent
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Reflex
Hit Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses and a +5 power bonus to all skill checks against the target.
Think Things Through
You stop and consider your opponent’s weak spot.
Encounter Attack 7 (Move Action) ● Martial, Consistent
Near burst 10, one creature
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Will
Hit Until the end of your next turn, the target’s highest defense value is reduced by 4. All other defenses are reduced by 2. Remove any marks the target has placed on you or your allies. You and each ally can immediately make a saving throw against one condition inflicted by the target.
Maintain Move Repeat the attack against the same target. You cannot maintain if you miss.
Flash of Violence
You outmaneuver your enemies, allowing yourself a chance to escape.
Daily Attack 9 (Move Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Weapon
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Reflex
Hit Choose one of the following benefits to apply until the end of the encounter:
● You gain a +2 power bonus to all attack rolls and a +4 power bonus to all damage rolls against the target; or
● You gain a +4 power bonus to all defenses against the target’s attacks
Improvisational Desperation
Well, it should work … in theory.
Daily Attack 9 (Move Action) ● Martial
Effect Use one of your daily or encounter powers. You may choose a power that is already expended. If you choose a power that is not expended, this use of the power does not expend it.
Two Steps Ahead
You remember the fundamentals of strategy from playing games of chance. You apply what you know in the combat field.
Encounter Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect Add your Intelligence modifier to all defenses until the end of your next turn. All movement you make until the end of your next turn is considered a shift.
Sweep Terrain
You gain a lay of the land and instantly recognize where to take advantage of beneficial environment.
Daily Utility 10 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near earshot, you and four allies
Effect The target can shift its speed -2. Until the end of the encounter, whenever the target has cover of any sort, the penalty to attack rolls against it increases by -2.
Well-Informed Hypothesis
Everything that just happened was in your head, the result of you balancing the benefits of your action.
Encounter Utility 16 (Free Action) ● Martial
Trigger You end your turn but don’t like the results of it.
Effect Redo your entire turn. Everything that occurred during your turn did not occur.
Game Theory
It can all be boiled down to mathematics.
Encounter Attack 17 (Move Action) ● Martial
Ranged 20, one enemy
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Will
Hit You gain the target’s defense values (if higher than yours) and basic attack bonus (if higher than yours) until the end of your next turn. If the target’s values are lower than yours, you gain a +2 bonus to yours.
Maintain Move The effect persists until the end of your next turn. You cannot maintain if you are staggered or the target scores a critical hit on you.
Focus Weakness
You know this enemy well and know what to do to inflict the most harm.
Daily Attack 19 (Move Action) ● Martial, Consistent
Ranged 20, one enemy
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Will
Hit Until the end of the encounter, you learn all of the target’s powers, defense values, and characteristics. In addition, you score a critical hit on a natural roll of 18, 19 or 20 and if you score a critical hit, the target takes 1dW extra damage.
Thousands of Calculations
Every outcome, every possible consequence, repeats in your head until you decide a course of action. The strain of thinking this quickly can get to some people.
At-Will Utility 22 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect Roll twice for your next attack roll or skill check and take the better result value. Take damage equal to half your level.
Special This power can only be used once per round.
Natural Instincts
The last attempt worked so well, you try it again, hoping for the same result.
Daily Attack 25 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect You recover the attack power you last used and immediately use it again. You cannot reuse a power that is being maintained.
You are a natural predator.
Encounter Attack 27 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect Use any encounter power you know that you have not yet expended. This use of the power does not expend it.
Key Ability: Strength
Secondary Ability: Constitution
Sources: Guardian (class), Embodies Strength (kit)
You are sturdy and powerful, and it is almost impossible to take you down or hold you back.
Devastating Body Attack
You make the target think it just got struck by a gorilla … riding a horse.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature up to one square out of reach
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage, and you push the target 1 square. If the target cannot be pushed because of an obstruction, you inflict maximum damage. Level 21: 2dW + Strength modifier damage.
Effect Before your attack, shift up to one square towards the target. This must bring the target within reach.
Knock-About Strike
You leave your opponent reeling.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Effect Make a basic melee attack. If you hit, the target is also rattled until the end of your next turn.
Inconsequential Injury
Nothing clears the head like hurting something else.
Daily Attack 1 (No Action) ● Martial
Effect Select one condition you suffer from. Gain a +4 bonus to the saving throw against that condition until you pass. When you pass, you gain two basic attacks.
For the Common Honor
In an instant, you weigh the options and realize someone else’s life is more vital than your own.
Encounter Utility 2 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Near burst 2, one ally
Trigger One staggered ally in range is hit by an attack that does not include you.
Effect You are hit by the attack instead of the ally.
I’m the Juggernaut
You ignore any obstacles as you plow through terrain and opponents.
Encounter Utility 2 (Move Action) ● Martial
Effect Shift a number of squares equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier, ignoring difficult terrain. You can move through enemies’ squares during this movement. Non-creature obstructions in squares you attempt to enter take damage equal to 5 × your Strength modifier: if this destroys the obstruction, you can enter the square.
The Behemoth
You lift up a few inches and widen your stance. You find a newly found surge of adrenaline.
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect You gain temporary hit points equal to twice your Strength modifier.
Special Use a standard action and a move action instead of a swift action with this power and gain temporary hit points equal to twice your Constitution and Strength modifier.
Out of the Fire
You know when to fight and when not to. You grab an ally and pull back.
Encounter Attack 3 (Free Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger You hit one creature
Effect The target takes 1dW extra damage from the triggering attack. Secondary Effect: You and one adjacent ally can shift a number of squares equal to 1+ your Strength modifier. You and the ally must be adjacent at the end of the shift.
Wade In
A powerful blow tells your foes to bring it on. You are ready. Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon Melee weapon, one creature Attack Strength vs AC Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. Effect You gain resistance to all damage 5 until the end of your next turn.
Once More Into the Breach
Despite injuries and your brain telling you you’re done, your body refuses to fall.
Encounter Utility 6 (Move Action) ● Healing, Martial
Requirements You must be staggered.
Effect You regain hit points equal to twice your Strength modifier plus twice your Constitution modifier.
The Bulldozer
You slowly approach your enemies, pushing your advancing line and claiming more of the battlefield.
Daily Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Stance
Effect While you are in this stance, you have resistance 5 to all damage. You can shift 1 as a swift action, but you must shift towards the nearest enemy.
In The Face
An enemy raises a club, sword, or any other archaic implement of barbarity and you respond with your own medieval response.
Encounter Attack 7 (No Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, the triggering enemy
Trigger One enemy hits you with an opportunity attack.
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage, and the attack misses.
Boost Level 17 3dW + Strength modifier damage, and the attack misses.
He Ain’t Heavy
You grab a fallen ally and throw them over your shoulder as you withdraw.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near burst 6, one unconscious or otherwise helpless ally
Effect Shift into the ally’s occupied square. Secondary Effect: Make a basic attack. One hit creature takes 2dW extra damage Miss: Half damage Tertiary Effect: Shift a number of squares equal to 1+ your Constitution or Strength modifier, and shunt the target with you.
The Runaway Boulder
You barrel through terrain and people and anchor yourself further up the line.
Daily Utility 10 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect Shift your speed +2. Until the end of your next turn, you gain resistance 10 to all damage.
Special If you complete a streak, you recover the use of this power.
Like An Elephant
You offer your shoulder to enemies you plow through, slamming them back and clearing a way.
Encounter Attack 13 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, each enemy in reach during your shift
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 2dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is pushed 3 squares and knocked prone.
Effect Before your attacks, shift your speed. You can pass through enemy occupied squares.
Down Fighting
You ignore all those pesky holes and bleeding wounds. You refuse to accept humiliation. You will not fall before winning a fight.
Daily Attack 15 (Reaction Action) ● Martial
Trigger You are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points
Effect Until the start of your next turn, you are dazed, but do not fall unconscious, make death saves, or die from reaching your negative staggered value in hit points; you also gain a +4 power bonus to all attack and damage rolls.
Special If you are still alive at the end of the encounter, you automatically stabilize at 0 hit points.
Maintain Free The effect persists until the start of your next turn. If you do not hit with an attack before the start of your next turn, you are considered to have failed a death save.
The Fortress
You’re an immovable object, a rooted post for allies to rally back to.
Daily Utility 16 (Move Action) ● Martial
Effect You gain regeneration 5 until the end of your next turn. You grant cover to all allies in adjacent squares, regardless of line of sight.
Maintain Move The effect persists until the end of your next turn. You cannot maintain if you leave your current square.
You sniff up the blood, bark loudly, and assault the newly frightened enemy.
Daily Attack 19 (Reaction Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, the triggering enemy
Trigger One enemy hits you with an attack.
Effect The hit inflicts no damage. Make a basic attack: one hit creature takes 1dW extra damage.
Boost Level 29 After you make your basic attack, you gain a +2 bonus to all attack rolls and damage rolls until the end of the encounter against the triggering enemy.
Just Got the Wind Knocked
What? Nah, nah, I’m doing just fine.
Encounter Utility 22 (Reaction Action) ● Martial
Trigger You take damage from an attack.
Effect Until the end of the encounter, you suppress all effects of the attack. At the end of the encounter, you immediately suffer these effects.
Just Walk It Off
You know perfectly well how much damage was done. You attempt to ignore it and continue the fight.
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Healing, Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Requirements You must be staggered.
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 4dW + Strength modifier damage.
Miss Half damage.
Effect Spend a recovery and regain double your recovery value.
Blatant Disregard for Personal Safety
You walk in the open, brazenly approaching your foe without care or concern.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Effect Shift a number of squares equal to your Strength modifier. Make three basic attacks at any point during the move. Each time you miss with an attack roll, you can spend a recovery and heal your recovery value in hit points.
Behind Me!
Your ally uses you as cover as you march towards your enemy.
Encounter Attack 27 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Near burst 1, you and two allies
Effect Each target can shift its speed. They must remain in adjacent squares at the end of the move. Each target can use one attack power at any point during the move. Until the end of your next turn, you grant cover to adjacent allies.
Last Laugh
Key Ability: Charisma
Secondary Ability: Dexterity
Source: Harlequin (class)
You are a slippery, taunting combatant who can fool even skeptical foes.
Biting Taunt
At-Will Attack 1 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Stance
Effect When you enter this stance, you may mark one creature within 10 squares. While you are in this stance, creatures you have marked do half damage on any attack that does not include you as a target.
Failure to Communicate
Events are not moving in your favor. You act in the best interest of the situation.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Effect Make a basic attack. After the attack, you can shift a square.
Special If the creature you attacked as part of this action misses you with an attack before the start of your next turn, you can make a basic attack against it as a reaction.
Tricky Taunt
At-Will Attack 1 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Stance
Effect When you enter this stance, you may mark one creature within 10 squares. While you are in this stance, creatures you have marked provoke an opportunity attack from you if they miss you with an attack. You can make basic ranged attacks for opportunity attacks triggered by this power.
Who, Me?
You claim ignorance in the situation, acting as the innocent or an ally of the opposite side. You seem trustworthy enough.
At-Will Attack 1 (Move Action) ● Martial, Psychic
Near burst 10, three creatures not within 3 of you
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit The target cannot make melee or ranged attacks against you until the start of your next turn. If you mark or inflict damage on the target, the effect ends and the target is immune to this power until the end of the encounter.
Exploit Weakness
Your enemy is not angry as much as confused by what you just said.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Psychic, Consistent
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit The target is immobile until the end of your next turn. If the target takes any damage from you or your allies, it immediately recovers from this effect.
Personal Betrayal
The enemy wasn’t expecting your attack. It wasn’t even sure you were an enemy. Well, now it knows.
Encounter Attack 1 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, one creature you can see that you have not damaged this encounter
Effect Until the start of your next turn, whenever you make a damage roll against the target, you gain a power bonus to the roll equal to your Charisma modifier.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the start of your next turn.
Forked Tongue
The target is swayed by your magnetic charisma, the tone of your voice, and your general attitude.
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Psychic, Consistent
Near burst 5, one creature you can see
Requirements You, the target, and the target’s allies have not been damaged this encounter.
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit Until the end of your next turn, your allies have concealment against the target and you gain a +3 power bonus to all Diplomacy and Bluff checks against it. If the target takes any damage while this power is in effect, it is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Standard The effect persists until the end of your next turn, until the target takes damage or until you take damage, whichever comes first.
You convince your enemy to settle down and pause, at least for a moment. It may not last, especially if an ally is aggressive.
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Psychic, Consistent
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit The target is stunned (save ends). If the target takes any damage or is moved, the effect immediately ends and the target gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of its next turn.
Grace Under Pressure
You are suave and as cool as ice. Even when the arrows fly, you act calmly.
Encounter Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses (AC, Fortitude, Reflex and Will).
Winning Smile
Daily Utility 2 (No Action) ● Martial
Effect Double your Charisma modifier to Bluff or Diplomacy checks until the end of the encounter (or five minutes).
Talk Down
Encounter Attack 3 (Move Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Psychic
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Perfect Masquerade
Your accent and mannerisms are flawless. No matter the task or test, you can fake it.
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Psychic
Near burst 10, all creatures
Requirements This power cannot be used if you, the target, or any of the target’s allies has taken damage previously in the encounter.
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit Your allies gain concealment against the target, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Effect You gain a +3 power bonus to Bluff checks and can make a Bluff check in place of any knowledge (but not monster knowledge) check until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Standard Repeat the attack.
Sow Distrust
You convince an enemy with thrown voices, rocks, or any other diversion to choose another target.
Daily Attack 5 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Psychic
Near burst 10, one creature
Trigger A creature makes a ranged attack against you or an adjacent ally.
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit The target’s attack is directed to any other target in range and line of sight (your choice).
Smooth Talker
You step in during an escalating conversation and attempt to smooth out the ripples of an impending confrontation. If the situation requires, you can also spot a liar.
Encounter Utility 6 (No Action) ● Martial
Effect Gain a +5 power bonus to your next Bluff, Diplomacy, Insight, or Perception check or your next attack with the Psychic tag.
Special If you fail the check or miss with the attack, this power is not expended.
Cool Nerves
The group is under attack. Tempers are fraying. Someone’s about ready to snap. You blurt out a comical remark that brings it all home.
Daily Utility 6 (Move Action) ● Martial, Psychic
Near earshot, all allies
Effect The target gains a +2 power bonus to Will defense until the end of the encounter. On their next turn, the target can either spend a recovery or gain an additional move action.
While normal people bog down someone with a lot of useless banter, you get to the point, and it works.
Daily Utility 6 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect You gain a +10 power bonus to your next Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check, and you gain a +3 power bonus to all other skill checks with those skills until the end of the encounter (or five minutes).
Empathic Response
“I know what you’re going through. This is not the solution. We can make a deal. Just me … just talk to me. You know you can trust me.”
Encounter Attack 7 (Move Action) ● Martial, Psychic, Consistent
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit The target is marked and cannot make any attack that only includes you until the end of your next turn.
Instant Infatuation
You say and do exactly what they want you to say or do, instantly enticing your target.
Daily Attack 9 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Psychic, Consistent
Near burst 2, one creature you can see
Requirements You, the target, and the target’s allies have not been damaged this encounter.
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit Until the end of your next turn, the target suffers a -4 penalty to Will defense and a -4 penalty to attack rolls with attacks that include you.
Miss Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +4 power bonus to Will defense against the target’s attacks and a +4 power bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks against the target.
Maintain Swift The effects persist until the end of your next turn. You can maintain until you inflict damage on the target or until the target inflicts damage on you.
Read Body Language
You read your opponent’s movements and their next course of action. You throw a diversion to prevent concentration.
Daily Attack 9 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Psychic, Consistent
Near burst 10, the triggering enemy
Trigger One enemy in burst you can see uses a power.
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit The triggering power is expended and the target’s action is lost. If you score a critical hit, the target is also stunned until the start of your next turn.
Special Spend a recovery as part of this power, but regain no hit points; instead, you recover the use of this power.
I Know This Trick
Your enemy attempts a tricky tactic you have been trained to avoid.
Encounter Utility 10 (No Action) ● Martial
Trigger You are affected by one following conditions that a save can end: dazed, marked, slowed, or stunned.
Effect You gain a +5 power bonus to saving throws against the triggering condition until you save.
Center of Attention
Encounter Attack 13 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect You mark all enemies that can see you until the end of your next turn. You lose all benefits of cover or concealment. Until the end of your next turn, basic attacks only require a swift action.
Gruff and Tough
You snort and spout a boast about your abilities.
Encounter Attack 13 (Move Action) ● Fear, Martial, Psychic
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Effect The target is stunned until the end of your next turn, and you push the target its speed.
Backup Plan
You realize things are going badly and act quickly with a backup.
Daily Attack 15 (Free Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one creature
Trigger You make a Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidate check and dislike the result.
Effect Make a basic attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 3dW extra damage from the attack and is dazed (save ends). On a miss, the target is dazed until the start of your next turn.
Stunning Good Looks
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Psychic
Near burst 5, all enemies
Requirements You, the target, and the target’s allies have not been damaged this encounter.
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit Until the end of your next turn, the target is dazed and helpless, and your allies gain concealment against it. You gain a +10 power bonus to your next Diplomacy or Bluff check against the target and a +5 bonus to all other Diplomacy and Bluff checks until the end of your next turn.
Miss The target is dazed until the end of your next turn and you gain a +3 bonus to all Diplomacy and Bluff checks until the end of your next turn.
Special If the target takes any damage, they are no longer helpless, though they are still dazed.
Maintain Standard The effect persists until the end of your next turn. If either the target or you take damage, the effect ends immediately and cannot be maintained.
Method Acting
You become the part. You take on the role so flawlessly, the old you is pushed away.
Daily Utility 16 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect Until the end of the encounter, you gain a +5 power bonus to all Bluff and Intimidate checks and can use Bluff in place of any Intelligence- or Wisdom-based skill.
Unshakable Persona
You can recover in an instant, changing course fast enough that listeners didn’t even notice.
Daily Utility 16 (No Action) ● Martial
Trigger You make any Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill check and dislike the result.
Effect You succeed at the roll.
Dazzling Personality
You manage to direct your opponent to doing exactly what you wanted, even if your target wasn’t even aware of it.
Encounter Attack 17 (Move Action) ● Martial, Psychic
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit The target is controlled until the start of your next turn.
Intimate Assassin
Daily Attack 19 (Move Action) ● Martial, Psychic, Consistent
Near burst 1, one creature you can see
Requirements This power cannot be used if you, the target, or any of the target’s allies has taken damage previously in the encounter.
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Effect Until the start of your next turn, the target is stunned and helpless against your attacks.
Lead the Shot
The time for talking is over. You give your ally the sign to end the conversation.
Daily Attack 19 (Free Action) ● Martial
Near earshot, one ally
Effect Until the start of your next turn, as an immediate counter action, the target may make any single action available to it. The target gains a +4 power bonus to attack rolls made as part of that action. Before or after your ally acts, you can take a move action.
Butt In
You step forward an instant before things go sour and you attempt to cool the situation or at least stall while others prepare.
Daily Utility 22 (No Action) ● Martial, Psychic
Requirements You are not surprised.
Trigger You roll for initiative.
Effect Gain a +10 power bonus to initiative. If you act first in an encounter, you gain a standard action which must be used for a power with the Psychic tag.
All Attention
You draw the attention of all those around, allowing allies to get into a better position.
Encounter Attack 23 (Move Action) ● Martial, Open, Psychic
Near burst 10, four creatures
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit The target is marked and cannot make attacks that do not include you until the end of your next turn. Each ally in burst can shift a number of squares up to their speed.
Effect You gain a +4 power bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn.
Feign Mortality
You lure your opponent with an award-winning performance faking injury, death, or vulnerability. When your enemy least suspects it, you strike.
Daily Attack 25 (Free Action) ● Martial, Psychic, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, the creature that staggered you
Requirements You are staggered
Effect Choose a condition, like helpless or unconscious, or an affliction, like cyanide poisoning or a witch’s curse. You appear to suffer from that condition or affliction. You can drop prone as part of this action. You gain a +10 bonus to Bluff checks to maintain the illusion. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter or until you make the following attack.
Attack: As an immediate interrupt or as a swift action on your turn, make a basic attack against the target. You automatically score a critical hit, and deal 1dW extra damage.
Touched a Nerve
You must have really said something to upset them.
Daily Attack 25 (Move Action) ● Martial, Psychic, Consistent
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit The target is helpless (save ends). If the target is hit by an attack, they are no longer helpless.
Destructive Criticism
You really know what to say to bring someone down.
Encounter Attack 27 (Move Action) ● Martial, Psychic, Consistent
Near burst 10, one creature
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit Choose one of the following:
● The target fails its next saving throw
● One condition with a finite duration that the target is suffering lasts an additional round.
Maintain Move Repeat the attack. You can maintain until you miss.
Commanding Presence
You give the illusion of authority.
Daily Attack 29 (Move Action) ● Martial, Psychic, Consistent
Near burst 10, two creatures you can see
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit The target is controlled (save ends).
Mastermind’s Gambit
Key Ability: Intelligence
Secondary Ability: Charisma
Source: Harlequin (class)
A tactical master, you direct your allies to seize victory.
Instinctual Reaction
Your intuition tells you where your enemy is most likely to be, where their weaknesses lie, and where to direct your attention to counteract their plan.
At-Will Attack 1 (Move Action) ● Focus, Martial
Ranged 10, one creature
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Will
Hit Until the start of your next turn, the target loses all benefits of cover or concealment; superior cover and total concealment is reduced to -2. The target grants combat advantage to one ally in range until the start of your next turn.
Mark of the Puppeteer
You lead the target into another’s threat range.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Effect Make a basic attack. If you hit, you shunt the target two squares.
Tactical Alteration
You outmaneuver your opponent and feign them into a poor strategic position.
At-Will Attack 1 (Move Action) ● Focus, Martial
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Will
Hit The target is marked by an ally in line of sight to the target. The mark lasts until the target is staggered or until you use tactical alteration again.
Distracting Attack
You make your foe believe an attack is impending from a flank. You cause it to move from cover.
Encounter Attack 1 (Free Action) ● Martial
Trigger You hit a creature that has cover against you.
Effect The target grants combat advantage to all allies in eyesight until the start of your next turn.
Maintain Standard The effect persists until the start of your next turn. You cannot maintain if the target moves from cover.
Into the Fire
You rescue an ally from impending doom.
Encounter Attack 1 (Free Action) ● Martial
Trigger You hit a creature.
Effect The creature you hit is marked until the end of your next turn. Two allies in eyesight shift their speed.
Stick to the Plan
Your brilliant maneuver forces enemies into an unwise counter-maneuver.
Encounter Attack 1 (Move Action) ● Focus, Martial
Near eyesight, all creatures
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Will
Hit Shunt the target 2 squares.
Special Allies must be willing to be targeted.
Force It Back
Converge all attacks on the target and drive it back.
Daily Attack 1 (Move Action) ● Focus, Martial, Consistent
Near eyesight, one creature
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Will
Hit Until the end of the encounter, each time the target is hit with an attack, you can shunt it 1 square.
Make It Dance
You make your foe dive for cover rather than continue their attack.
Daily Attack 1 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, triggering creature
Trigger A creature in eyesight moves towards you or an ally.
Effect Make a basic attack against the target. Until the end of your next turn, the target is immobile, and you and all allies in sight gain combat advantage against the target.
Bring Me Everyone
Encounter Utility 2 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near eyesight, all allies
Effect Pull the target 4 squares.
Cover The Escape
You provide direct assistance to allow allies to withdraw.
Encounter Attack 3 (Free Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger You hit a creature.
Effect The creature you hit takes 1dW extra damage from the triggering attack and, until the end of your next turn, that creature cannot make opportunity attacks or benefit from combat advantage. All allies adjacent to the creature can shift their speed −4.
Encouraging Advice
You stand with your allies and support their actions.
Encounter Attack 3 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Consistent
Near eyesight, one creature
Trigger An ally in range misses the target with an attack.
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Reflex
Hit The target is hit by the triggering attack.
They have your back; you have theirs.
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee touch, you and one adjacent ally
Effect The target makes a basic attack. Until the start of your next turn, the target gains a +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense.
Maintain Standard The target repeats the attack and the effect persists. You cannot maintain if you and the targeted ally are no longer in adjacent squares.
Cover Opportunity
You take the full force of your enemy’s attack to offer your allies a chance to recover.
Daily Attack 5 (Move Action) ● Healing, Martial, Consistent
Near burst 5, two creatures you can see
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Reflex
Hit The target is marked until the end of the encounter.
Effect All allies in eyesight can spend a recovery and heal their recovery value in hit points.
Attract Attention
You’ve got to do something stupid in order to save the team.
Daily Utility 6 (Move Action) ● Martial
Effect All creatures you have marked suffer an additional -2 penalty to attacks that don’t include you until the end of your next turn. All targets you have marked gain a +2 bonus to attack you until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Move The effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Blind Spot
An enemy comes out of nowhere. You make a quick attack before it can assault a comrade.
Encounter Attack 7 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one enemy
Trigger An enemy makes its first attack of the encounter.
Effect Make a basic attack against the target. If you hit, the target takes 1dW extra damage from the attack. The target suffers a -4 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Right into the Trap
Your opponent falls perfectly for your taunt. It doesn’t realize its mistake until it’s too late.
Encounter Attack 7 (Counter Action) ● Focus, Martial
Near eyesight, the triggering ally
Trigger One ally hits a creature.
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Reflex
Hit Your ally’s hit becomes a critical hit.
Take the Lead
In the absence of proper leadership, you stand up to lead the charge.
Encounter Attack 7 (Free Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger You hit one creature, and there are no allies closer to this creature than you are.
Effect The creature is marked until the end of your next turn. While it is marked, if the creature moves in any direction that does not bring it closer to you, you can make a basic attack against it as a counter.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Aggravate the Wound
Your attack struck a previous wound the enemy had already sustained, causing further damage.
Daily Attack 9 (Free Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger You hit a creature.
Effect The creature you hit takes 2dW extra damage from the triggering attack, and it fails its next saving throw.
Proud Target
Yup, you’re the leader. They know it, even if it isn’t true.
Daily Attack 9 (Move Action) ● Focus, Martial
Near burst 10, all enemies you can see
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Reflex
Hit The target is marked until the end of your next turn. An enemy marked by you that does not include you as a target on its next attack suffers a -3 penalty to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Effect You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Move Repeat the attack and the bonus to defenses persists until the end of your next turn.
Boar’s Head
You and your allies move in formation.
Encounter Utility 10 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near burst 3, you and all allies
Effect The target moves your speed. Each target must end their move adjacent to at least one other target.
Taunting Mockery
You scream obscenities and hurl rocks to anger an opponent.
Encounter Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Ranged 20, one creature
Effect You mark the target until the start of your next turn.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the start of your next turn.
Diverting Attack
Your attack causes your enemy to rear its head, allowing others to take the kill shot.
Encounter Attack 13 (Free Action) ● Focus, Martial, Consistent
Trigger You hit a creature.
Hit You and all allies in sight can score a critical hit against the creature you hit on a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20 until the start of your next turn.
Maintain Move The effect persists until the start of your next turn. You cannot maintain if you or any ally scored a critical hit the previous round.
Positive Reinforcement
You ally’s attack was far more deadly than even they thought it was.
Encounter Attack 13 (Move Action) ● Focus, Martial, Consistent
Near burst 10, one creature you damaged this turn
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Reflex
Hit Until the start of your next turn, you and all allies in sight gain a +6 power bonus to attack rolls with basic attacks against the target.
Subtle Encouragement
The enemy doesn’t know it, but you have maneuvered them right where you want them.
Encounter Attack 13 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, one creature
Hit Shunt the target a number of squares equal to your Charisma modifier, and it grants you and all allies combat advantage until the end of your next turn. One ally in eyesight automatically hits with their next at-will or encounter power against the target.
Hearten the Squad
There stands the enemy and your group must destroy it.
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Martial
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Effect All allies in sight and in line of effect to the target automatically hit the target with basic attacks until the start of your next turn.
No Time to Bleed
You’re hit but the others can’t see you squirm.
Daily Attack 15 (Free Action) ● Healing, Martial, Weapon
Near eyesight, the triggering creature
Trigger You hit one creature that hit you since the start of your last turn.
Effect The target takes 3dW extra damage from the triggering attack, and you can spend a recovery and heal your recovery value.
Direct Strike
You relay important information to allies about approaching threats.
Encounter Utility 16 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, all enemies you can see
Effect The target grants combat advantage to you and all allies until the start of your next turn.
Plan of Attack
Don’t just all of you run headstrong into a fight. Let’s think this through.
Encounter Utility 16 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near eyesight, four allies
Effect The target gains a +3 power bonus to attack rolls until the start of your next turn.
Center Peel
You create a diversion and a precious opportunity for a wounded ally to break off and retreat.
Encounter Attack 17 (Move Action) ● Martial
Ranged eyesight, all enemies
Effect Until the end of your next turn, the targets are marked and slowed. Allies in range shift a number of squares equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier, but must not end their movement adjacent to an enemy.
Direct Threat
You stand against the most dangerous opponent on the field.
Encounter Attack 17 (Move Action) ● Focus, Martial, Consistent
Near burst 5, one creature you can see
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Reflex
Hit Until the end of your next turn, the target can make no attacks that do not include you, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses against the target’s attacks, and if the target hits you, you can make a basic attack against it as an immediate reaction.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the end of your next turn. You can only sustain if you are not staggered.
Target Priority
One ally is injured. You goad enemies into shifting their attention.
Encounter Attack 17 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near eyesight, one ally
Effect Until the start of your next turn, all enemies suffer a -4 penalty to attack rolls against the target, and if any enemy hits the target, one ally in eyesight gains a basic attack against that enemy as a counter.
Maintain Move The effect persists until the start of your next turn. You cannot sustain if the target scores a critical hit on an enemy.
Secure Perimeter
You form a circle with your comrades when surrounded by enemies. You make a final stand against the onslaught.
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near burst 3, you and up to four allies
Effect The target can make a basic attack as an opportunity action against any enemy that approaches within 5 squares of them but is not adjacent. Creatures hit are immobile until the start of the target’s next turn.
Maintain Standard You and allies repeat the attack. You cannot sustain if a target moves 3 squares or further from another target.
Focus Target
You order an ally to focus and ignore all distractions.
Encounter Utility 22 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near eyesight, one ally
Effect Until the start of your next turn, the target gains a +4 power bonus to attack rolls and can score a critical hit on a natural roll of 18-20.
Sudden Exposure
You scream for an ally to get down, making their foe vulnerable to attack.
Encounter Attack 23 (Move Action) ● Focus, Martial, Consistent
Near eyesight, one enemy
Effect Shunt one ally adjacent to the target their speed -4. Make the following attack against the target.
Attack: Intelligence +2 vs. Reflex
Hit: The target gains vulnerability to all weapon damage 5 until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Move The target gains vulnerability to all weapon damage 5 until the end of your next turn. You cannot sustain if the target is staggered.
On A Pile of Corpses
You scream in defiance, standing on a hill built from the bodies of your enemies.
Encounter Attack 23 (Move Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near burst 10, all enemies you can see
Effect You mark the target and pull it 4 squares. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +4 bonus to all defenses, and if any of your marked targets makes an attack that does not include you, the target is helpless against your attacks.
Maintain Move The effect persists until the end of your next turn. You can only sustain this power once.
Point Of No Return
You risk everything, even personal injury, towards the success of the mission.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Healing, Martial
Near eyesight, you and four allies
Effect The target can spend a recovery. They can either regain hit points or use their recovery value as a damage bonus on their next hit. The target can make an immediate basic attack.
Pinpoint Objective
You find the most dangerous opponent–the enemy commander or the largest target. Everyone coordinates their attacks.
Daily Attack 25 (Move Action) ● Focus, Martial, Consistent
Near burst 10, one creature you can see
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Reflex
Hit Until the start of your next turn, all allies in sight gain a +2 bonus to attack and a +5 bonus to damage against the target.
Maintain Move Until the start of your next turn, each time an ally hits the target, the target takes +5 damage.
Brilliant Opportunity
Your tactical planning has created an opening.
Encounter Attack 27 (Move Action) ● Focus, Martial, Consistent
Ranged eyesight, one creature
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Reflex
Hit Until the start of your next turn, when the target hits with an attack, one ally in eyesight makes a basic attack against a target of their choice as a reaction.
Maintain Move The effect persists until the start of your next turn. You can only sustain once.
Perfect Timing
You‘ve planned ahead for this moment. You knew where your enemy would be, where they would strike, and when their weaknesses would be revealed. You give your allies the word and they act according to the plan.
Encounter Attack 27 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Near eyesight, all allies
Effect Once before the start of your next turn, the target can make a basic attack as a counter.
Shock And Awe
You display overwhelming battle awareness.
Daily Attack 29 (Swift Action) ● Focus, Martial
Near burst 10, all enemies
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Reflex
Hit The target is stunned until the start of your next turn.
Effect You and each ally in burst can shift a number of squares equal to 1+ your Intelligence modifier.
Maintain Swift Repeat the attack.
Shining Example
Your allies are moved by your bravado.
Daily Attack 29 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, all enemies
Effect You mark the target. Until the end of your next turn, you take no damage from the target’s attacks provided it remains marked by you; instead, grant temporary hit points to one ally in range equal to the damage dealt. An ally cannot receive more temporary hit points than their recovery value. Any target that is out of range by the end of your turn is no longer marked.
Maintain Move The effect persists until the start of your next turn. You cannot sustain if you are staggered.
Puppeteer’s String
Key Ability: Wisdom
Secondary Ability: Charisma
Sources: Magician (class), Worships the God of Tyranny (kit)
You can enchant, influence and dominate the weaker willed.

Your mental influence clouds your opponent’s concentration.
At-Will Attack 1 (Move Action) ● Arcane, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 3, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit The target is dazed until the start of your next turn.
Neural Spear
You scour the target’s mind.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 5, one living creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit 1d8 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage. Level 21: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Instant Friends
Don’t you remember me? We’re old pals.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Charm, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 5, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit The target treats you as a friend and cannot attack you until the end of your next turn. You can use your Bluff skill to convince the target to do something for you, as per normal rules for Bluff. The effect ends immediately if you make an attack that damages the target.
Maintain Swift Repeat the attack against the same target. On a hit the duration is extended until the end of your next turn.
Recall Probe
You sift through the target’s memories, searching for the needed one.
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Focus, Psychic
Melee touch, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit 2d4 + your Wisdom modifier psychic damage and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. You search the target’s mind for a specific memory. Make an Arcana check: DC 20 for a memory 24 hours old or less, DC 25 for a week old and DC 30 for up to a month old (GM’s discretion for older memories).
Miss The power is not expended, but you cannot use it on the same target until after your next long rest.
Maintain Standard Repeat the attack against an eligible target.
You move through the netherscape of untapped subconscious to communicate with someone else.
At-Will Utility 2 (Standard and Move Action) ● Arcane, Psychic
Unlimited one unconscious creature you have met
Effect You enter the target’s dream until the start of your next turn. You can communicate with the target, convince it you are real or not. Once on your turn, make a Wisdom vs Will attack if you wish to take control of the dream: otherwise, you can only control your dream body and anything you can directly affect with it. If you take control of the dream, the target can attempt a Wisdom or Charisma vs Will attack at the start of its next turn to regain control. If you inflict harm on the target or the target inflicts harm on itself, it wakes up: however, if you are in control of the dream, the target can only harm itself if you wish it. While you are in the dream, you can take no actions outside of it. If you suffer damage in reality, the effect ends.
Maintain Free The effect persists until the start of your next turn. You cannot maintain if the target wakes up.
You wave your hand and suddenly a piece of paper looks like a letter from the king, a copper coin looks like a gold coin, or a rock looks like a diamond. Surely there are other applications, but you can’t think of any.
At-Will Utility 2 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Illusion
Melee touch, one tiny object
Effect You make one object look like something else of the same approximate size and shape. The illusion only affects the object’s visual qualities. Observers can make a Perception check opposed by your Bluff check to identify the illusion. The effect lasts until you dismiss it as a free action, or until you stop touching the object.
Long Range Communication
You concentrate and transmit a simple message over a vast distance.
At-Will Utility 2 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Psychic
Near burst 1 mile, one creature you can envision
Effect You transmit a message of 25 words or less that only the target will hear.
Indirect Camouflage
The best disguise is the one established in the mind.
Daily Utility 2 (Move Action) ● Arcane, Consistent, Focus, Illusion, Psychic
Hit You disguise your appearance until the end of your next turn, making you look like someone else. The details of your appearance are up to you. You gain a +5 bonus to Bluff checks related to the disguise.
Maintain Move The effect persists until the end of your next turn. You cannot maintain for longer than five minutes.
All a Jumble
The target mixes up their target and ends attacking their best friend. That won’t go over well.
Encounter Attack 3 (Counter Action) ● Arcane, Consistent, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 10, the triggering creature
Trigger A creature makes a ranged attack against you or an adjacent ally.
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit The target attacks a different creature of your choice within its attack’s range.
Cut the Strings
The target’s eyes roll back and they take a nice long nap.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Consistent, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 5, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit The target falls unconscious until the end of your next turn. If it suffers any damage, it immediately wakes up.
Maintain Swift Repeat the attack against the same target. You can continue to maintain even after the encounter ends. While you are not in an encounter, each time you maintain this power, the target is unconscious for one hour or until it suffers damage.
You create a sound everyone thinks they hear.
Encounter Attack 3 (Move Action) ● Arcane, Consistent, Focus, Psychic
Far burst 5 within range 20, all enemies
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit The target is distracted and grants combat advantage to all creatures until the end of your next turn.
Direct Manipulation
You push the target’s brain aside and take direct control of the target.
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Charm, Consistent, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 5, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit The target is controlled until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Standard Repeat the attack against the same target. You can continue to maintain even after the encounter ends. While you are not in an encounter, each time you maintain this power, the target is controlled for one hour.
Making Matters Worse
You’re already wiggling around their mind. Might as well cut a few nerves.
Daily Attack 5 (Free Action) ● Arcane, Focus, Psychic
Unlimited range, one creature that has just taken damage from a Psychic power you used
Effect The target takes an additional 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage and is weakened until the end of your next turn. Level 15: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier damage. Level 25: 4d8 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Deep Scan
You attempt to scan the thoughts of someone you cannot see.
Daily Utility 6 (Standard and Move Action) ● Arcane, Consistent, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 1 mile, one creature you can envision
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit You are able to scan the surface thoughts of the target, revealing its current location and what it is doing.
Special No attack necessary against a willing target.
Instill Confidence
You make someone feel just awesome.
Daily Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Psychic
Near burst 5, one ally
Effect The target gains a +5 bonus to all skill checks for five minutes.
Psychic Refresh
You are not like other people, limited in their uses of things.
Daily Utility 6 (Move Action) ● Arcane, Psychic
Effect Recover the use of one of your encounter powers.
Visual Deletion
Although you can still make a noise, your opponents have no other ways to locate you.
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Focus, Illusion, Psychic
Near burst 5, all enemies
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit You are invisible to the target until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Move Repeat the attack against any targets you hit last turn.
Act Casual
No one suspects a thing.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Charm, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 5, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit The target is controlled (save ends), but not dazed (enabling you to use more than one of its actions) and the target doesn’t grant combat advantage unless you wish them to.
Neural Slice
You send out a cascade of psychic energy to affect all those around.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Focus, Psychic
Far burst 3 within range 10, all enemies
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit The target is dazed, immobile, and weakened (save ends all).
Miss The target is dazed, immobile, and weakened until the start of your next turn.
Telepathic Blocker
You go on the defense to ensure you don’t suffer from any effects you yourself are known for.
Daily Utility 10 (Free Action) ● Arcane, Psychic
Effect You gain a +4 bonus to Will defense for 5 minutes.
You cut off every sense in your opponent. You suppose they could still smell you.
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 5, all enemies
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit The target is blinded and deafened (save ends).
Miss The target is blinded and deafened until the start of your next turn.
Transplant Senses
You can either look through someone else’s eyes or force their vision through your own.
Encounter Attack 17 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Consistent, Focus, Psychic
Ranged 20, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit Until the start of your next turn, you either look through the targets eyes or you force the target to see what you see. While looking through the target’s eyes, you may choose whether or not the target is aware of your use of this power. While looking through the target’s eyes, you grant combat advantage to all creatures: while looking through yours, the target grants combat advantage to all creatures and may not be able to see certain targets in order to attack them. If the target takes damage, the effect ends.
Maintain Standard Repeat the attack against the same target. You can continue to maintain even after the encounter ends. While you are not in an encounter, each time you maintain this power, the effect remains for one hour or until you end it as a swift action.
Field Control
This feels more like a tabletop wargame and these are your troops.
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Charm, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 5, all enemies
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit The target is controlled until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Standard Repeat the attack against any targets you hit last turn.
Phrenic Cascade
You simply cause havoc in the target’s brain.
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Consistent, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 10, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit 5d10 + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is stunned until the end of your next turn. Level 27: 7d10 + Wisdom modifier damage
Godly String
No matter where they go, no matter where they hide, you can get at them.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard and Move Action) ● Arcane, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 1 mile, one creature you can envision
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit The target is controlled (save ends).
Pure Puppeteer
You convince the target that what you wish is all that matters. You are nothing less than a god and they will do anything and everything in your name.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Consistent, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 5, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit The target is under your control until the end of your next turn. This is identical to being controlled, except you can activate rechargeable, encounter, and daily powers. You can command the target to attack allies or itself (if possible).
Maintain Move Repeat the attack against the same target. You can continue to maintain even after the encounter ends. While you are not in an encounter, each time you maintain this power, the effect remains for one hour.
Personality Manipulation
Until now, everything you have done has been temporary. People would wake up and feel the fool. Now, there is nothing holding you back … this is that moment where you need to decide which side you’re really on.
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Charm, Consistent, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 5, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit You rewrite the target’s personality so that it is convinced you and your allies are its allies until the end of your next turn. You have no direct control over the target but are able to give it instructions which it will try to follow to the best of its abilities.
Maintain Move Repeat the attack against the same target. You can continue to maintain even after the encounter ends. While you are not in an encounter, each time you maintain this power, the effect remains for one day.
Radiant Dawn
Key Ability: Wisdom
Secondary Ability: Charisma
Source: Worships the God of Life (kit)
You use the divine power of the sun to blast and dazzle your enemies and heal your allies.
This attack ‘softly’ removes an enemy from your presence.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Weapon, Radiant
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs AC
Hit 1dW + Wisdom modifier radiant damage and the target is pushed 2 squares.
Level 21: 2dW + Wisdom modifier radiant damage and the target is pushed 2 squares.
Special If the target is undead, they are pushed 4 squares on a hit instead.
Expose Weakness
You strike with a weak, but swift, attack that hampers an opponent.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Focus
Ranged 10, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit The creature is weakened and slowed (save ends both).
Staunching Strike
To help your allies and harm your enemies is the most basic tenet of the Radiant Dawn discipline.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Weapon, Radiant, Healing
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs AC
Hit 2dW + Wisdom modifier radiant damage. You or an ally within sight can spend a recovery to heal their recovery value.
Spoils of War
Might makes right.
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Focus, Radiant
Near burst 3, all enemies
Attack Wisdom vs Fortitude
Hit 2d8 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Effect Until the end of the encounter, each time an ally within 3 hits with an attack, they heal damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Decree of Mercy
A simple look and gesture can weaken one’s resolve to kill.
Encounter Utility 2 (Counter Action) ● Divine
Near burst 5, all enemies
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit Attacks the target makes until the end of your next turn are nonlethal.
You fortify an ally with akasha, hardening their skin like the scales of a dragon.
Daily Utility 2 (Counter Action) ● Divine
Near burst 5, one ally
Effect The ally gains resistance to all 5 until the end of your next turn. Level 11: 10. Level 21: 15.
The Caged Sun
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Divine, Stance, Healing
Effect You cannot heal creatures other than yourself, or enable other creatures to spend recoveries. However, all healing you receive is doubled. If you receive healing but are already at maximum HP, you gain that amount as temporary HP instead.
Special If you are staggered, you can enter this stance as a reaction.
Curate’s Strike
This strike was created by a kobold leader to fight both controlling magics and vicious wounds.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Focus, Radiant, Healing
Ranged 5, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs AC
Hit 2d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage. You or an ally within sight can spend a recovery to heal their recovery value. They also gain a +2 bonus on saving throws until the end of your next turn.
Decree of Purity
A single word and a wave of the hand purifies those who would stand with you.
Encounter Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Divine, Healing
Ranged 5, one ally
Effect The target makes a saving throw against persistent damage or a condition with a save ends duration.
Healer’s Bane
You hijack healing for your own purpose.
Encounter Utility 6 (Counter Action) ● Divine, Healing
Near burst 10, one creature
Trigger The creature is about to heal.
Effect The creature does not heal, but does lose a recovery. Pick an ally within range. They heal equal to their recovery value.
Witness to Glory
With a surge of akasha, you spur an ally into battle.
Daily Utility 6 (Counter Action) ● Divine
Near burst 10, one ally
Trigger Initiative is rolled.
Effect The ally receives a +4 power bonus to initiative. They add your Wisdom modifier to their speed until the end of your next turn.
Armaments of the Empire
A thin layer of akasha flows forth from you and covers your and your allies’ weapons.
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Weapon, Radiant
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs AC
Hit 2dW + Wisdom modifier damage.
Effect Until the end of your next turn, all allies within 5 squares gain a +2 power bonus on attack rolls.
Decree of Death
You single out targets for execution.
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Radiant, Focus
Far burst 1 within range 5, all enemies
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit 1d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage and the target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Disrupt Essence
A powerful blow that disrupts one’s essence, inhibiting the use of abilities.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Weapon, Radiant
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs AC
Hit 2dW + Wisdom modifier damage and the target cannot use encounter, daily or refresh powers until the end of your next turn.
Lifeburst Strike
You strike out with a simple blow with an uncanny power to heal and harm.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Healing, Radiant, Focus
Near burst 1, all enemies
Attack Wisdom vs Fortitude
Hit 2d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage. Until the end of your next turn, if an ally of yours hits the target, the ally heals 10 damage.
Miss Half damage, and no healing effect.
Maintain Swift The healing effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Decree of Silence
Your presence demands silence.
Daily Utility 10 (Counter Action) ● Divine
Near burst 1, self and all allies
Trigger You are the target of a near or far attack.
Effect Creatures in the area of this power cannot be targeted by the attack.
Lifeburst Imbuement
This maneuver imbues another to carry out your will.
Encounter Attack 13 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Radiant
Near burst 5, one ally
Effect The next attack the ally makes has combat advantage, and does 3d8 additional radiant damage on a hit.
Your akasha shapes an attack into a powerful solar flare.
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Fire, Radiant, Focus
Far burst 2 within range 10, all enemies
Attack Wisdom vs Reflex
Hit 2d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant and fire damage and persistent fire damage 10 (save ends).
Miss Half damage, and no persistent damage.
Effect One ally in the burst can spend a recovery to heal their recovery value.
Shatter Spell
You bring a spell or other magical effect to an unceremonious end.
Daily Utility 16 (Standard Action) ● Divine
Ranged 10, one persisting power
Attack Wisdom vs Will (power’s user)
Effect The power comes to an end.
Sunlight Shields
Your stance sits halfway between martial form and magic prowess, conjuring shields of light to defend yourself and others.
Daily Utility 16 (Swift Action) ● Divine, Radiant, Conjuration
Far wall 1 within range 10
Effect Allies in or adjacent to the wall get a +2 power bonus to AC. An enemy that moves into the wall stops moving immediately and cannot move for the rest of the turn. Walls created last until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Swift Conjure a new wall within range, which lasts until the end of your next turn. This does not prolong the duration of any existing walls you conjured with this power. You cannot conjure the new wall in the same location as an existing wall.
Divide and Conquer
This strike pulls essence from the target, creating an effigy of the creature.
Encounter Attack 17 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Fire, Focus
Ranged 10, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Fortitude
Hit 3d8 + Wisdom modifier fire damage, and conjure an effigy of the target in an unoccupied square in range. Any attack that targets the effigy targets the target as well, even if the target would normally be out of range of the attack. The target only gets targeted once by any given attack, even if both the target and their effigy are in the area of effect.
Battle Against the Sun
To challenge you is to challenge the sun itself: An exercise in futility.
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Conjuration, Divine, Fire, Focus
Ranged 10, an unoccupied square
Effect You conjure a miniature sun, which occupies one square. The sun casts bright light in a 2-square radius. The sun remains until the end of your next turn. It makes a ranged attack in each of your turns where it exists, including this turn. On your turns, you may spend a move action to move the sun up to 4 squares. Attack: Ranged 5, one enemy; your Wisdom vs Reflex; 2d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Maintain Swift The sun remains until the end of your next turn.
Noblesse Oblige
When all else fails, your allies turn to you to save them.
Daily Attack 19 (Counter Action) ● Divine, Weapon, Radiant, Healing
Near burst 10, the triggering enemy
Trigger An enemy reduces your ally to 0 HP or below with an attack.
Hit 3dW + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Effect The triggering ally can spend a recovery and heal 1 damage, plus they heal equal to the damage done by your attack (if any).
Special Before the attack, you can shift up to your Strength modifier squares.
Decree of Freedom
With a gesture and a single word, you cause a target’s essence to flare, freeing them from their bonds.
Encounter Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Divine, Healing
Near burst 10, one ally
Effect The target ignores all conditions and persistent damage it is affected by until the end of your next turn. It can also ignore any zones or difficult or hazardous terrain during the same period.
Awaken the Sleeper
It’s said that the soul of a mortal contains power that can rival the gods, and this maneuver awakens a fraction of that power for a brief moment.
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Divine
Near burst 10, one ally
Effect Select one of your unexpended encounter or daily powers that takes a standard, move, swift or free action. Your ally can use that power. They also gain temporary HP equal to your recovery value.
King’s Castle
Your faithful respond to your call for help.
Encounter Attack 23 (Counter Action) ● Divine, Focus, Radiant
Near burst 10, the triggering enemy
Trigger An enemy within range hits your ally with an attack.
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit 4d10 + Wisdom radiant damage.
Effect You or a willing ally within range teleports to the triggering ally’s space, and the triggering ally teleports to the space you/the other ally just left. The one teleported to the space takes the hit instead of the triggering ally.
Swords to Ploughshares
This blow marks an enemy with a simple brand that burrows into their essence. Their strikes heal and harm in equal measure.
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Weapon, Radiant
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs AC
Hit 3dW + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Effect Until the end of your next turn, any ally of yours targeted by the target’s attack can spend a recovery to heal up to their recovery value.
Maintain Swift Maintain the effect.
Path of the Sun
Coalesce the power of the sun into a powerful beam that washes over enemies and allies alike, leaving behind thousands of motes of light.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Focus, Fire, Radiant
Near wall 10, all enemies in the wall
Attack Wisdom vs Fortitude
Hit 3d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant and fire damage.
Effect The wall persists until the end of your next turn. Allies that move through the wall only spend 1 movement for every 2 wall spaces moved through. Make the attack against any enemy that enters a wall space or ends its turn on a wall space. The wall persists until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Swift The wall persists until the end of your next turn.
Push the Advantage
With the enemy defeated, you spur an ally towards further glory.
Daily Attack 25 (Reaction Action) ● Divine, Weapon, Radiant
Near burst 10, one ally
Trigger An ally reduces an enemy to 0 HP or below
Effect The triggering ally can immediately take a move action and a standard action, in either order. Also, if you spend a recovery all allies within range heal equal to your recovery value.
Decree of Vengeance
You and your allies rise in revenge against your assailants.
Encounter Attack 27 (Standard Action) ● Divine
Near burst 5, all allies
Effect Each ally in range may make a basic attack. If they do so, they heal equal to their recovery value.
Harsh Light of Day
This attack brings with it a blast of light, making your enemies quail before the light of judgement.
Encounter Attack 27 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Focus, Radiant
Ranged 10, one enemy or square
Attack Wisdom vs Reflex
Hit 3d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Special Attack ignores all penalties from cover, concealment, invisibility, etc. If you target a square, the attack is made against the nearest enemy to that square, whether or not you are able to target them or even know that they exist.
Judgement Day
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Radiant, Focus
Far burst 2 within range 10, all enemies
Attack Wisdom vs Fortitude
Hit 3d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage and they are blinded (save ends).
Effect Allies within the area heal equal to their recovery value.
Tyrant’s End
This powerful blow brings the end to tyrant’s reigns.
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Weapon, Radiant
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs AC
Hit 6dW + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Effect The creature loses all resistances and immunities until the end of your next turn.
Rapier’s Point
Key Ability: Dexterity
Secondary Ability: Charisma
Source: Exemplar (class)
You are a graceful, skilled duelist.
Note: Other than the powers of the Rapier’s Point and Blades in the Dark Discipline, the main ways to gain momentum are the features of the Exemplar class. Powers that involve momentum may be of limited use to non-Exemplars.
If you do gain momentum from a power, the same rule for losing momentum applies as for the Exemplar: you lose it if you are hit by any attack.
Dance of Blades
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier and you swap places with the target. Level 21: 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Gentlefolk’s Challenge
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage. Level 21: 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect The target is marked.
Sure Thing
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity +2 vs Reflex
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Only Fooling
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Trigger You are prone, immobile, restrained, grappled or slowed.
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Special You lose one condition that triggers this power, or you stand up from prone. Move up to your speed before making your attack.
Scornful Laugh
Encounter Utility 2 (Reaction Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10
Trigger An enemy misses you with an attack.
Effect The enemy takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Lunging Draw
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon +1 reach, one target
Attack Dexterity vs Will
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage and pull 1.
Calling Card
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect Until the end of your next turn, your allies get a +2 bonus on attack rolls against the target.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Throw Off
Daily Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Near burst 5, one enemy
Effect The target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Through the Foot
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage and the target is immobile until the end of your next turn.
Certain Strike
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage. On this attack, you can score a critical hit on a 16-20.
Miss This power is not expended.
Encounter Utility 10 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Effect An attack against your Fortitude, Reflex or Will is instead made against your Armor Class.
Fend Off Horde
Encounter Attack 13 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near burst 1, all enemies
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage and push a number of squares equal to your Charisma modifier.
Boost Level 23 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is also knocked prone.
Blur of Cloaks
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect Until the end of your next turn, the target cannot target you with attacks. Even its near and far attacks ignore you.
Harmless Misdirection
Encounter Utility 16 (Reaction Action) ● Martial
Trigger You miss with a melee attack.
Effect You turn invisible until the end of your turn. Lose momentum: Until the start of your next turn.
Press the Advantage
Encounter Attack 17 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage and push 1. You shift 1.
Effect Make a secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs AC; 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage and push 1. You shift 1.
Boost Level 27 Do 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage with each attack, and you push and shift a number of squares equal to your Charisma modifier.
Call Bid
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect Make a number of secondary attacks against the target equal to the number of times you declared that you would hit the target. Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs AC. 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Special Before you use this power, announce how many times you will hit the target, between one and five. You can make this many secondary attacks. Count up all hits (including from your primary attack). For each attack you are short your bid, your enemy can make that many basic attacks against you.
Rescuing Intercept
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Special Before your attack, an ally within Near range 10 shifts squares equal to your Charisma modifier. Then you teleport into their original space.
Dodge with Panache
Encounter Utility 22 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Self and allies
Trigger You are the target of an attack
Effect The attacker must roll twice against you and every ally who is a target of the attack, taking the lower result each time.
Swift Riposte
Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect Each time you are the target of an attack, you can make a basic melee or ranged attack against the attacker as an immediate (counter) action. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Lethal Misdirection
Daily Attack 25 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Trigger An enemy makes an attack that includes you as a target, and at least one creature, not including that enemy, is adjacent to you and is not currently a target of the attack.
Attack Dexterity vs AC, against the adjacent creature
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect The enemy’s attack is resolved against the creature adjacent to you instead of you.
Deflect Attack
Daily Attack 29 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Trigger An enemy in reach targets you with an attack.
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage and the attack misses.
Miss Your attack does half damage. Resolve the enemy’s attack normally.
Red in Tooth and Claw
Key Ability: Constitution
Secondary Ability: Wisdom
Sources: Sylvan (class), Eats Monster Hearts, Takes Bestial Form (kits)
You can take the form of wild beasts, or take on their characteristics while keeping your own form.
Note: See the Tags rules for details on how Form and Wild Shape tagged powers work.
Blood Lust
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit, Wild Shape
Melee 1, one enemy
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage, and you gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Level 21: 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage, and you gain temporary hit points equal to double your Wisdom modifier.
Special Can be used as a basic melee attack.
Bob and Weave
You bob and weave through combat with the grace of a cat.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit, Wild Shape
Melee 1, one enemy
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d6 + Constitution modifier damage, and you shift 1 square. Level 21: 2d6 + Constitution modifier damage.
Special Can be used as a basic melee attack.
Stout Rebuff
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit, Wild Shape
Melee 1, one enemy
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage, and the target is rattled until the end of your next turn. Level 21: 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage.
Special Can be used as a basic melee attack.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit, Wild Shape
Melee 1, one enemy
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage and the target is pushed 1.
Level 21: 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage and the target is pushed a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Special Can be used as a basic melee attack.
Mad Rush
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit, Wild Shape
Melee 1, one enemy
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage.
Level 21: 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage.
Special If used as part of a charge, increase your speed by 2 for the charge and do additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Can be used as a basic melee attack.
Powerful Swipe
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit, Wild Shape
Melee 1, one enemy
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d12 + Constitution modifier damage. Level 21: 2d12 + Constitution modifier damage.
Special Can be used as a basic melee attack.
Sic ’Em
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit, Wild Shape
Melee 1, one enemy
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage, and the target is marked. Level 21: 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage.
Special Can be used as a basic melee attack.
Sneaky Strike
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit, Wild Shape
Melee 1, one enemy
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage. If you have combat advantage against the target, do additional damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. Level 21: 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage, and if you have combat advantage against the target, do additional damage equal to double your Wisdom modifier.
Special Can be used as a basic melee attack.
Tongue Lash
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit, Wild Shape
Melee 2, one enemy
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage and the target is pulled 1. Level 21: Reach 2; 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage and the target is pulled 2.
Special Can be used as a basic melee attack.
Venomous Strike
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Poison, Spirit, Wild Shape
Melee 1, one enemy
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d8 + Constitution modifier poison damage. If the creature moves before the end of its next turn, it takes additional poison damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. Level 21: 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage, and if the creature moves before the end of its next turn, it takes additional poison damage equal to double your Wisdom modifier.
Special Can be used as a basic melee attack.
Drag Down
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit, Wild Shape
Melee 1, one enemy
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage, and the target falls prone. Level 21: 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage.
Special Can be used as a basic melee attack.
Your opponent wasn’t expecting you to use your teeth.
Encounter Attack 1 (Swift Action) ● Consistent, Focus, Spirit
Melee touch, one target
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 2d6 + Constitution modifier damage, and the target is weakened until the start of your next turn.
Boost Level 13 4d6 + Strength modifier damage. Boost Level 27 6d6 + Strength modifier damage.
Flailing Attacks
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit
Melee touch, one target
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage.
Miss Make a secondary attack against the same or a different target. Secondary Attack: Constitution vs AC; 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage.
Encounter Attack 1 (Free Action) ● Focus, Spirit
Melee touch, one target
Trigger You hit on an attack.
Attack Same target; Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage and 5 persistent damage (save ends).
Wild Swings
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit
Near burst 1, all enemies
Hit 1d6 + Constitution modifier damage.
Shape of the Badger
Daily Attack 1 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Small badger, wolverine or dire weasel, with a burrow speed of 2 and blindsense. As an immediate reaction after you are hit by an attack, you can shift 1 square. While in this form, you gain the sic ’em at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (standard action) ● Focus
Melee 1; Con vs AC; 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage, or 3d8 + Constitution modifier if you are staggered; on a miss, the target takes half damage.
Shape of the Bear
Daily Attack 1 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Large bear, with low-light vision and climb 2. While in this form, you gain the blood lust at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (standard action) ● Focus
Melee 1; Con vs AC; 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage and the target is grappled; half damage on a miss.
Shape of the Cat
Daily Attack 1 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Tiny cat or Medium big cat, with low-light vision and a +2 bonus to your speed. Each time an adjacent enemy misses you with an attack, you can shift 1 square. Treat any fall as if it were 6 squares shorter, and you land on your feet even if you take damage. While in this form, you gain the bob and weave at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (standard action) ● Focus
Melee 1; Con vs AC; 3d8 + Constitution modifier damage, and you can make a Stealth check to hide as a free action; on a miss, the target takes half damage.

Shape of the Dire Rat
Daily Attack 1 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Small dire rat, with climb speed 4 and swim speed 2. While in this form, you gain the sneaky strike at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (standard action) ● Focus
Melee 1; Con vs AC; 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage and the target is blinded until the end of your next turn.
Shape of the Elk
Daily Attack 1 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Large elk, with a +2 bonus to speed and the woodland stride feature. While in this form, you gain the mad rush at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (standard action) ● Focus
Melee 1; Con vs AC; you may shift 2 before this attack; Constitution modifier damage and the target takes 10 persistent damage (save ends); the target takes 5 persistent damage on a miss.
Shape of the Tortoise
Daily Attack 1 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Small or Medium tortoise, with resistance to untyped damage 3 (5 at level 11, 7 at level 21). You also reduce any unwilling movement you are subject to by 1 square. While in this form, you gain the stout rebuff at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (standard action) ● Focus, Healing
Melee 1; Con vs AC; 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage and you may spend a recovery to heal your recovery value in hit points; half damage on a miss.
Shape of the Wolf
Daily Attack 1 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Medium wolf, with a +2 bonus to speed. You gain a +2 power bonus to attacks against prone targets. While in this form, you gain the drag down at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (standard action) ● Focus
Melee 1; Con vs AC; 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage, and if the target is prone you grapple them; on a miss, the target takes half damage. Effect: After the attack, move up to half your speed. You may pull one adjacent enemy of size Large or smaller behind you.
All Fours
Your spine makes a slight adjustment and you become a much faster runner.
At-Will Utility 2 (Standard Action) ● Spirit, Wild Shape
Effect You gain a +1 bonus to speed and Reflex defense, and you gain a +2 bonus to Acrobatics and Athletics checks. You also suffer a -4 penalty to ranged attacks. The effect lasts until you end it with a move action.
Bramble Step
Encounter Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Focus, Spirit
Effect Until the end of your next turn, you get the woodland stride feature (ignore difficult terrain from shrubbery, trees or plants).
Quick Change Artist
Encounter Utility 2 (Counter Action) ● Spirit
Effect Use a shape of the X power that you know, if you have one that is not expended.
Wild Empathy
Encounter Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Spirit
Effect Until the end of the encounter, you get a +4 bonus on Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate and Insight checks against creatures with the beast type.
Agile Animus
The line between human and beast begins to blur.
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Spirit
Effect Until the end of your next turn, you channel your inner beast. You gain a +1 power bonus to speed, a +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense, and a +3 power bonus to Acrobatics and Stealth checks.
Maintain Special At the end of each of your turns during which this power is in effect, make a saving throw. If you succeed, the effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Forceful Animus
The line between human and beast begins to blur.
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Spirit
Effect Until the end of your next turn, you channel your inner beast. You gain a +2 power bonus to all damage rolls and to AC and Fortitude defense, and a +3 power bonus to Athletics and Endurance checks.
Maintain Special At the end of each of your turns during which this power is in effect, make a saving throw. If you succeed, the effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Full Moon Stance
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Spirit, Stance
Effect At the end of each of your turns, if you are staggered you regenerate damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. This lasts until the end of the encounter.
Scout Form
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Tiny land or aquatic animal, like a cat, salmon or ferret. Your equipment and anything you are wearing merges into your body, but you keep the same statistics and benefit from any bonuses that, for example, magic items give you. You cannot talk in this form. While in this form you cannot use powers unless they have the Wild Shape tag, and you cannot make attacks or use attack powers. You remain in this form until the end of your next turn. Pick one:
● Your speed becomes 8
● Your speed becomes 2, and you get a swim speed of 8
● Your speed becomes 6 and you get darkvision
● Your speed becomes 4 and you get blindsight range 6
● Your speed becomes 4 and you can squeeze through gaps as if you were a Diminutive creature
Maintain Swift You remain in this form until the end of your next turn.
Bear Hug
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit
Melee touch, one target
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage and the target is grappled.
Fearsome Roar
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Psychic, Spirit
Near burst 2
Attack Constitution vs Will
Hit 1d8 + Constitution modifier psychic damage, and the target suffers a -4 penalty on attacks against you until the end of your next turn.
Hard to Miss
Of all the opponents to target, you’re the one that stands out.
Encounter Attack 3 (Move Action) ● Spirit
Near burst 5, all enemies
Effect The target is marked until they inflict damage on you. You gain combat advantage against each marked target until the end of your next turn. If you take damage from a target while it is marked, as a reaction you may shift up to 5 squares and then make a basic attack against the target.
Maintain Move The effect persists against marked targets until the end of your next turn.
Illogical Rage
You’ve stopped listening to reason. The best thing your allies can do is give you a direction a step back.
Daily Attack 5 (Reaction Action) ● Spirit
Trigger You are staggered.
Effect Until you are no longer staggered or until you fall unconscious, you gain a +4 power bonus to all damage rolls. If you don’t hit with any attack on your turn, you gain a +2 bonus to damage on your next hit. This bonus is cumulative every round until you hit. If you do not hit an enemy before the bonus reaches +14, you must make a melee basic attack against the nearest creature on your turn.
Panicked Switch
You turn the target into a small, defenseless animal.
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Polymorph, Focus, Form, Spirit
Near burst 5, one enemy
Attack Constitution vs Will
Hit 3d10 + your Intelligence modifier damage and shunt the target 2. They are helpless and size Small (save ends both). Until they make their saving throw, you can use a move action to shunt them 2.
Shape of the Frog
Daily Attack 5 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Large frog, with a swim speed of 4. While in this form, you gain the tongue lash at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (swift action) ● Focus
Melee 1; Con vs Reflex; the target is grappled. Make a secondary attack against the target.
Secondary Attack: Melee 1; Con vs Fortitude, must be grappling the target, the target must be Medium or smaller; the target is swallowed. While the target is swallowed, it is restrained and takes 5 damage plus 5 acid damage at the start of each of its turns. The swallowed creature can make basic melee attacks against you with one-handed or natural weapons. You may release the creature as a swift action. If the creature succeeds at an escape a grapple action with a -4 penalty, it escapes your stomach and appears in an unoccupied space of its choice adjacent to you.
Shape of the Toad
Daily Attack 5 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Medium toad, with a swim speed of 4 and resistance to poison 5 (10 at level 11, 15 at level 21). While in this form, you gain the knockback at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (swift action) ● Focus, Poison
Near arc 3; Con vs Fortitude; 2d6 + Constitution modifier poison damage and the target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Shape of the Serpent
Daily Attack 5 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Small, Medium or Large snake, with a swim speed of 4 and the ability to squeeze through gaps as if you were one size smaller. While in this form, you gain the powerful swipe at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (swift action) ● Focus, Poison
Melee 2; Con vs Fortitude; 2d6 + Constitution modifier poison damage, and the target takes persistent 10 poison damage (save ends); on a miss, the target takes half damage and persistent 5 poison damage (save ends).
Shape of the Weaver
Daily Attack 5 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Small spider, with a climb speed of 4 and the web stride feature. While in this form, you gain the venomous strike at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (swift action) ● Focus
Ranged 5; Con vs Reflex; the target is restrained (save ends); on a miss, the target is slowed (save ends).
Animal Instincts
Daily Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Spirit
Effect Until the end of the encounter, you get a +2 bonus on Athletics, Acrobatics, Endure, Stealth and Nature checks. End this power early to reroll an Athletics, Acrobatics, Endure, Stealth or Nature check and take the second result.
Your injuries knit in seconds to the shock of those around. You assure them it still hurts like hell.
Daily Utility 6 (Move Action) ● Healing, Spirit
Effect You gain regeneration 3 until the end of the encounter.
Your skin becomes thick and leathery, able to withstand considerable punishment.
Daily Utility 6 (Move Action) ● Spirit
Effect You gain resistance 3 to all damage until the end of the encounter.
Daily Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Spirit
Effect You have truesight 6.
Your opponent scores a hit; you growl back.
Encounter Attack 7 (Reaction Action) ● Consistent, Spirit
Trigger You are hit by an attack.
Effect Shift your speed toward the triggering creature and make a melee basic attack against it.
Shape of the Bat
Daily Attack 9 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Small bat, with a land speed of 2, a fly speed of 6, darkvision and blindsense. While in this form, you gain the blood lust at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (standard action) ● Focus
Melee 1; Con vs AC; you may shift 2 before this attack and after this attack; 1d8 + Constitution modifier damage and the target takes 10 persistent damage (save ends); the target takes 5 persistent damage on a miss. Effect: Each time the target takes persistent damage from this attack, you heal 5 damage.
Shape of the Eagle
Daily Attack 9 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Large eagle, hawk or other raptor, with a land speed of 2 and a fly speed of 8. While in this form, you gain the mad rush at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (standard action) ● Focus
Melee 1; Con vs AC; you may shift 2 before this attack and after this attack; 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage.
Shape of the Shark
Daily Attack 9 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Medium or Large shark, with a swim speed of 10 and no land speed. You can breathe underwater while in this form. While in this form, you gain the blood lust at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (swift action) ● Focus
Melee 1; Con vs AC; 3d8 + Constitution modifier damage; on a miss, the target takes half damage. Effect: Shift a number of squares up to your Wisdom modifier. Drag the target behind you.
Shape of the Wyrmling
Daily Attack 9 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Medium dragon, with darkvision. Choose a damage type (acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison or thunder). You gain resistance 5 to that damage type (10 at level 11, 15 at level 21). While in this form, you gain the knockback at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (swift action) ● Focus, [energy type]
Near arc 3; Con vs Fortitude; 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage of the energy type you chose.
You, Afraid?
The bigger they are…
Daily Attack 9 (Swift Action) ● Spirit
Near burst 10, one creature
Effect The target is marked and you gain a +1 bonus to attack and a +2 bonus to damage against the target. You are also immune to any fear effects from the target. This effect persists until the end of the encounter.
Active Camouflage
Whether it be a natural ability of your skin or an acute sense of your surroundings, hiding has never been difficult for you.
Daily Utility 10 (Free Action) ● Spirit,
Effect You gain a +15 bonus to your next Stealth check and until you leave cover, if you make a melee or ranged attack from hiding, you are still considered to be hiding.
They don’t call it a detective’s nose for nothing.
Daily Utility 10 (Free Action) ● Spirit
Effect Gain a +10 power bonus to your next Insight or Perception check.
Flittering Form
Daily Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Tiny flying animal, like a bird or a bat. You cannot talk in this form. While in this form you cannot use powers unless they have the Wild Shape tag, and you cannot make attacks or use attack powers. Your speed becomes 4 but you get a fly speed of 8. You remain in this form until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Swift You remain in this form until the end of your next turn.
Daily Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Spirit
Effect You may spend a recovery. If you do so, you heal your recovery value plus additional hit points and gain a +10 bonus to Endurance checks for one hour.
Daily Utility 10 (Counter Action) ● Spirit
Trigger You fall to 0 HP or below.
Effect Until the end of the encounter, you do not fall unconscious from being at 0 HP or below, or make death saves. At the end of the encounter, if you are still at 0 HP or below, you immediately fall unconscious and start making death saves.
Through New Eyes
Daily Utility 10 (Free Action) ● Focus, Spirit
Trigger You change form or return to your original form.
Effect Reroll your initiative with a +4 bonus. You use that initiative from next round onwards.
Deimatic Display
Encounter Attack 13 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit
Near burst 10, one creature
Attack Constitution vs Will
Hit 2d10 + Constitution modifier psychic damage, and the creature cannot willingly move closer to you until the end of your next turn.
Boost Level 27 Range becomes Near burst 10, all enemies
Ferocious Feline
You jump all limbs forward toward the enemy with such speed, no one can prepare for a defense.
Daily Attack 15 (Swift Action) ● Spirit
Effect Until the end of the encounter you gain a +2 power bonus to Dexterity-based checks and to AC and Reflex defense, and a +1 bonus to speed.
Boost Level 29 Make a basic melee attack when you use this power. Also, you receive a +4 power bonus to Dexterity-based checks and to AC and Reflex defense, and a +2 bonus to speed, instead of the bonuses listed under Effect.
Shape of the Manticore
Daily Attack 15 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Large manticore, with darkvision and a fly speed of 6 squares. Each time you are hit by a melee attack, do damage equal to your Wisdom modifier to the attacker. While in this form, you gain the drag down at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (swift action) ● Focus
Near arc 3; Con vs Reflex; 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage and the target is immobile (save ends).
Shape of the Raptor
Daily Attack 15 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Small velociraptor or Large deinonychus, with a +2 bonus to your speed. While in this form, you score critical hits on a roll of 19 as well as 20. While in this form, you gain the drag down at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (swift action) ● Focus
Melee 1; Con vs Reflex, two attacks; 2d8 + Constitution modifier damage. If both attacks hit, the target is knocked prone.
Perfect Form
It’s not a pleasant process to watch, and you may require a new set of clothes if you didn’t think ahead.
Daily Utility 16 (Standard Action) ● Form, Spirit, Stance
Effect You can alter your physical form to take on the appearance of any natural beast of your level or lower. You gain the beast’s attacks and special abilities, but you use your attack bonuses for the attacks. You retain your statistics, including current HP. The effect persists until you end it with a swift action or until you fall unconscious. While in this form you cannot use powers unless they have the Wild Shape tag.
Threat Discouragement
You actually appear to get a little bigger. It’s probably an illusion.
Daily Utility 16 (Swift Action) ● Healing, Spirit
Effect You gain temporary hit points equal to the sum of your Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity bonuses + your level. All adjacent enemies are dazed until the start of your next turn.
Into the Fray
You would look like someone flying if your legs and arms weren’t all pointing forward.
Encounter Attack 17 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit
Melee touch, one target
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 2d10 + Constitution modifier damage.
Effect Before your attack, teleport double your speed to a square in line of sight.
Bad Bear
As you let go of your emotional control, your body begins to take on a shape reflective of your mood.
Daily Attack 19 (Swift Action) ● Spirit
Effect Until the end of the encounter you gain a +2 power bonus to your Strength and Constitution-based checks, attack and damage rolls and Fortitude defense, and 2 temporary hit points per level.
Shape of the Dragon
Daily Attack 19 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Large dragon, with darkvision and a fly speed of 8 squares. Choose a damage type (acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison or thunder). You gain resistance 10 to that damage type (15 at level 21). While in this form, you gain the knockback at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (swift action) ● Focus, [energy type]
Near arc 5; Con vs Fortitude; 4d8 + Constitution modifier damage of the energy type you chose.
Feline-Like Grace
No one knows how you got from there to here without a scratch.
Encounter Utility 22 (Free Action) ● Spirit
Effect Until the end of your turn, all movement is considered a shift, regardless of the distance or the abilities used.
Instant Regeneration
Wounds knit it in seconds, almost as if someone had cast a spell on you.
Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Healing, Spirit
Effect Until the start of your next turn, you take no damage of any kind.
Maintain Swift You gain resistance to all damage 15 until the start of your next turn.
Shake It Off
Daily Utility 22 (Counter Action) ● Spirit, Wild Shape
Trigger You are hit by an attack.
Effect You immediately return to your original form. Instead of the normal damage done by the attack, you take 3d6 damage. However, other conditions and effects of the attack (including persistent damage) still apply.
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit
Near arc 5, all enemies
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 2d10 + Constitution modifier thunder damage, and the target falls prone.
Scratching Tempest
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Focus, Spirit
Near burst 2, all enemies
Attack Constitution vs AC
Hit 4d6 + Constitution modifier damage.
Effect Until the end of the encounter, your reach increases by 1.
Shape of the Chimera
Daily Attack 25 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Large chimera, with darkvision and a fly speed of 6 squares. If you spend a swift action on your turn, you can take a second immediate action between that turn and your next. While in this form, you gain the mad rush at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (swift action) ● Fire, Focus
Near arc 5; Con vs Fortitude; 5d8 + Constitution modifier fire damage.
Shape of the Great Wyrm
Daily Attack 29 (Swift Action) ● Form, Polymorph, Spirit
Effect You take the form of a Huge dragon, with darkvision, truesight 12 and a fly speed of 8 squares. Choose a damage type (acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison or thunder). You are immune to that damage type. While in this form, you gain the knockback at-will power. You remain in the form until you are reduced to 0 HP or below, take a long rest or take a new form. You can return to your original form as a swift action.
Once during your time in this form, you can make the following attack:
Form Attack (swift action) ● Focus, [energy type] Near arc 7 or Ranged 7; Con vs Fortitude; 6d8 + Constitution modifier damage of the energy type you chose.
Key Ability: Dexterity
Secondary Ability: Wisdom
Source: Reaper (class)
You are a keen, measured sharpshooter.
Aimed Shot
You take a moment to aim before firing.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 1dW damage, and the target is shunted 1 square.
Level 21: Increases to 2dW damage.
You check for range and shoot a perfect shot.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage and choose one:
● The target is slowed until the end of your next turn. ● The target suffers a -2 penalty to defenses until the end of your next turn.
Level 21: Increases to 2dW damage.
You bring up your weapon quickly and shoot a vital location.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and choose one: ● The target is marked until the end of your next turn.
● The target is knocked prone.
Level 21: Increases to 2dW damage.
Special If a target you have marked with snap-shot makes an attack that does not include you as a target, you can make a snap-shot attack against them as a counter.
Beyond The Call
You stop aiming as enemy numbers begin to mass.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, three creatures
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Swift, Silent, Deadly
From across the field of battle, your arrow finds its mark.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Consistent, Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect Gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls against the target until the end of your next turn.
Boost Level 7 This power gains the Consistent tag.
Keyhole Attack
The target is dead before the twang of the bowstring is heard.
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Consistent, Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Fake Echo
Enemies have trouble finding where your shots come from.
Encounter Utility 2 (Free Action) ● Martial
Requirements You make a ranged attack while hidden.
Effect You remain hidden after the attack.
Hold The Breath, Skip A Beat
You pause for a split second before loosing your arrow.
Daily Utility 2 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect Gain +4 power bonus to your next attack roll. If you miss, this power is not expended.
Batter The Target
Your opponent struggles to move after your last hit. You fire again to keep them down.
Encounter Attack 3 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Trigger You hit a creature.
Effect The target takes 1dW extra damage from the triggering attack, and you can make a basic attack against the same target.
Expose Target
Your attack is less meant to kill but more to force the target into the firing line of your allies.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage and the target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Effect Shunt the target 2.
Organ Shot
The arrow pierced a vital organ and the subject struggles to breathe.
Daily Attack 5 (Free Action) ● Consistent, Martial, Weapon
Trigger You hit a creature.
Attack Dexterity vs Fortitude
Hit The target takes 10 damage, and a further 10 persistent damage (save ends).
Check the Wind
You take advantage of the prevailing weather conditions.
Encounter Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Effect Your weapon’s long range doubles for your next ranged attack and you gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll.
Pinpoint Accuracy
You find a tiny gap in the enemy’s cover and exploit it
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Special Ignore any penalties to attack for cover or superior cover.
Penetrating Shot
You know impulsively where the enemy is hiding.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 4dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Miss Half damage.
Special You can ignore one square of blocking terrain for line of sight, line of effect, and cover.
Nock Three Arrows
The moment arrives, and you put your training to the test.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, three creatures
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is dazed until the start of your next turn.
Miss Half damage.
Special The first attack gains a +3 power bonus to attack, the second gains a +2 power bonus and the third gains a +1 power bonus.
Failure Is Not an Option
You can’t afford to miss this shot.
Encounter Utility 10 (Free Action) ● Martial
Trigger You make a ranged attack roll and do not like the result.
Effect Reroll the attack roll and use the second result.
Act of God
Your attack was sudden and violent. It sends your enemies diving for cover.
Encounter Attack 13 (Free Action) ● Fear, Martial, Weapon
Trigger You hit an enemy.
Effect The target takes 1dW extra damage from the triggering attack, and you make the following secondary attack.
Secondary Attack: Far burst 1 centered on the initial target (all enemies); Wisdom +2 vs Will. On a hit, the target is immobile until the end of your next turn. Aftereffect: The target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Careful Targeting
You take an extra moment to find a weak spot on the target and exploit it.
Encounter Attack 13 (Swift and Standard Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier + Wisdom modifier damage.
Eye Shot
You see your rival aiming back at you. Your reflexes are better than theirs.
Daily Attack 15 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Trigger A creature makes a ranged attack against you.
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is blinded (save ends).
Miss Half damage, and the target is dazed until the start of your next turn.
No Exit Wound
The barbed arrow is still inside the target and every muscle twitch inches it closer to a critical artery.
Daily Attack 15 (Free Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger You hit one creature with a ranged weapon.
Effect Until the end of the encounter, once per round when the target moves or attacks, it takes 1dW damage. This damage is not maximized if the triggering attack was a critical hit.
Sharpshooter’s Aim
You balance every aspect of your weapon, including compensating for range, gravity and wind.
Encounter Utility 16 (Move Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Effect Double both the normal and the long range of your weapon. Until the end of your next turn, any attacks you make with this weapon can score a critical hit on a natural roll of 18, 19, or 20.
Deep Cover
Drenched in mud and leaves, layered in war paint, you can’t be distinguished from the surrounding terrain.
Encounter Attack 17 (Move and Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect You drop prone. Shift your speed. You lose any marks placed on you. You gain concealment until you move from your new square.
Found the Sweet Spot
The target screams in pain and thrashes about from your attack. You must have struck a nerve.
Encounter Attack 17 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is stunned until the end of your next turn. Aftereffect: The target is weakened and slowed (save ends both).
Go for the Kill
It’s wounded. Move in and finish it off.
Daily Attack 19 (Free Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger You stagger a creature.
Effect The target takes 2dW extra damage from the triggering attack. If the attack does not drop the target, shift your speed towards the target and make a basic attack against it.
Internal Ricochet
The spirits give you a hand.
Daily Attack 19 (Free Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger You hit a creature.
Effect The target takes 1dW extra damage from the triggering attack, and one adjacent creature takes 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Ghostly Form
You move like a spirit.
Daily Utility 22 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect All creatures you can see grant you combat advantage until the end of the encounter. Your next hit before the end of the encounter is a critical hit. If you deal damage greater than or equal to the creature’s staggered value with this hit, it dies.
Accompanying Elfshot
You loose a second arrow so fast after the first, your enemy is led to believe there is more than one of you.
Encounter Attack 23 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Assassin’s Arrow
Combat is not the solution. A single arrow is.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature granting you combat advantage
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect If the target is staggered by this attack, it takes 2dW extra damage and is stunned until the start of your next turn. If the target is not staggered by this attack, this power is not expended.
Guide My Hand
You bring everything you know for a single powerful shot so mighty, even the gods hear it.
Encounter Attack 27 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 5dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Miss Half damage.
Special Your normal and long range are doubled for this attack.
Clean Kill
The first shot wasn’t intended to kill the target, just to bring its head around for the final shot.
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity +2 vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and make a secondary attack against the same target.
Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs AC; on a hit, 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage. This is a critical hit. If you deal damage greater than or equal to the creature’s staggered value, it dies. On a miss, do half damage (the attack is not a critical hit).
Spells of Ice and Fire
Key Ability: Dexterity
Secondary Ability: Intelligence
Source: Magician (class)
You control elemental ice and fire.
Note: When you first gain a power with the Flux tag, choose an element: lightning, acid, cold, fire or thunder. All powers with the Flux tag have that energy as a tag, and replace any reference to [flux] in the power text with that energy. There are some powers that allow you to change your flux energy, if you take them. You can also change your flux energy when you retrain at a new level. Some classes interact with Flux powers in other ways.
When a power refers to [flux], it always means your current flux energy, even if you used the power when your flux energy was different. For example, if you conjured a vortex devil, it does damage of your current flux energy not the flux energy you had when you conjured it.
Note that the Spells of Ice and Fire discipline is dedicated to the cold and fire flux energies. You can use these powers while you have a different flux energy active, but you don’t get any of the special “Cold” or “Fire” riders.
Thermal Touch
Your touch does lasting damage.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Focus
Melee touch, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 1d6 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage and the target takes half damage at the start of your next turn. Level 21: Increase to 2d6 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage.
Maintain Standard At the start of your next turn, the target takes the half damage again.
Thermodynamic Bolt
With only the slightest catalyst, you catch a personification of a classical element and hurl it towards the enemy.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Focus
Ranged 10, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 1d6 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage.
Level 21: 2d6 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage.
Bottled Thermodynamic Transfer
You bind a localized severe temperature change to your hand and hurl it to your foes.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Focus
Ranged 20, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 2d8 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage.
Effect You can make either a second attack against the target or attack each enemy adjacent to the target. Secondary Hit: 1d8 + Dexterity modifier damage.
Boost Level 13 Primary damage 3d8 + Dexterity modifier, secondary damage 2d8 + Dexterity modifier. Boost Level 27 Primary damage 4d8 + Dexterity modifier, secondary damage 3d8 + Dexterity modifier.
Entropic Burst
You shift the air density, creating a vortex to knock away your enemies.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Focus
Near burst 3, all creatures
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 1d6 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage, and the target is pushed to the nearest adjacent square outside the burst. If the target hits an obstruction, it is knocked prone.
Miss Half damage, but the target is still pushed.
Boost Level 13 Near burst 4; 2d6 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage. Boost Level 27 Near burst 6; 4d6 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage.
Resonant Ray
You hold your hand to the ground and a line of fire or jagged ice spreads across the surface to strike your foes.
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Focus
Near wall 8, all creatures in wall
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 2d8 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage, and until the end of your next turn the target is immobile (if cold) or weakened (if fire).
Miss Half damage.
Special The wall must be a straight line.
Boost Level 15 Two walls; 3d8 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage each. Boost Level 29 Three walls; 4d8 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage each, and the condition duration is save ends.
Thermal Absorption
Regardless of the temperature, it’s all just levels of entropy which you can absorb.
Encounter Utility 2 (Counter Action) ● Arcane, Flux
Trigger You are about to take damage matching your flux energy.
Effect You take no damage. You recover hit points up to your recovery value or the damage of the attack (whichever is less).
Elemental Restraint
You employ your element to grab your target. You can either hold them in place or fling them across a room.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Focus
Ranged 20, one Medium or smaller creature
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 1d6 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage, and you inflict additional effects based on your flux energy. ● Cold: The target is immobile in an ice cage, blocking line of sight, and cannot break free until it inflicts damage on the ice equal to twice your level plus your Dexterity modifier. ● Fire: You inflict additional damage equal to your level and can shunt the target as many squares as your Dexterity modifier.
Boost Level 17 3d6 + Dexterity modifier damage.
Thermal Isolation
You pick one location and radically affect its entropic state. This could freeze a target in its spot or light it on fire.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Focus
Ranged 20, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 2d8 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage, and you inflict additional effects based on your flux energy: the target is restrained until the end of your next turn (cold) or if the target does not drop prone on its next turn, it suffers an additional 10 fire damage (fire).
Boost Level 17 4d8 + Dexterity modifier damage.
Expanding Phase Transition
With feet firmly planted, your send out a radiating expanse of altered terrain, either coated in ice or setting it ablaze; either result should impede your enemies.
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Focus, Zone
Near burst 3
Effect The effect is determined by your flux energy. ● Cold: You can create either a sheet of smooth ice or a sheet of ice spikes. If smooth, targets which enter an affected square are knocked prone. If spiked, the field is difficult terrain and creatures which enter an affected square suffer 1d4 + Dexterity modifier damage (this ends the effect for that square). A cold expanse lasts until the end of the encounter or five minutes. ● Fire: The zone is difficult terrain and targets which enter an affected square suffer 1d6 + Dexterity modifier damage. A fire zone lasts until the end of your next turn.
Special A creature can take damage multiple times in a turn from this effect, if they move through multiple squares.
Maintain Move The fire expanse persists until the end of your next turn.
Boost Level 19 Near burst 8.
Frozen Creation
You use ambient water to quickly create something useful.
At-Will Utility 6 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Cold
Near wall 4
Effect You can create simple objects made of ice, such as bridges, walls, pillars, or furniture. The objects can support 500 lbs of weight per square but are not durable, and will shatter if they suffer more than 10 points of damage. The objects persist until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Swift The objects persist until the end of your next turn.
Thermal Wall
You throw up a wall of ice or a sheet of fire to discourage attack.
Daily Utility 6 (Move Action) ● Arcane, Flux
Far wall 5 within range 3
Effect You erect a ten-foot-high (2 squares high) wall which blocks line of sight. You gain additional effects based on your elemental focus. ● Cold: The ice wall is solid and can grant cover. The wall can withstand 50 points of damage before shattering. The wall remains until destroyed or until you cancel the effect. ● Fire: The wall grants resistance 3 to all damage to anyone behind it. Creatures that enter or begin their turn in the wall suffer 3d6 fire damage. The wall lasts until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Swift The fire wall persists until the end of your next turn.
Broken Equilibrium
You release a pellet sized thermodynamic catalyst which upon impact creates an instant shift in the surrounding energy levels.
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Focus
Far burst 2 within range 20, all creatures
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 3d6 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage. You gain additional effects based on your flux energy: ● Cold: The target is slowed until the end of your next turn. ● Fire: If the target moves more than two squares on its next turn, it suffers 5 fire damage.
Boost Level 23 Far burst 4 within 20 squares; 4d6 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage.
Dynamic Tempest
You can control the weather.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Focus, Cold
Near burst 5, all creatures
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Effect You create a localized storm in the area of effect which lasts until the end of your next turn. It grants concealment and any creature other than you that starts its turn in the tempest takes cold damage equal to your level and is slowed. If you move, the storm moves with you.
Maintain Standard The effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Halo of Fire
You surround targets in a circle of flame and then close the circle around them.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Focus, Fire
Far burst 3 within range 20, all creatures
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 3d6 + Dexterity modifier fire damage. The target is either pulled 2 squares towards the center of the burst or takes an additional 3d6 fire damage (their choice). If there is not room for them to move at least one square closer, they must take the additional damage.
Miss 3d6 + Dexterity modifier fire damage.
Thermal Shield
You protect yourself and all those around you with your power.
Daily Utility 10 (Move Action) ● Arcane, Flux
Near burst 3
Effect You erect a 2-square radius dome which blocks line of sight. You gain additional effects based on your elemental focus. ● Cold: The dome is solid and can withstand 100 points of damage before shattering. Creatures within cannot leave until the dome is shattered or dismissed, but cannot be targeted from outside. The dome lasts until destroyed or until you cancel the effect. ● Fire: The burst creates a wall of fire in the outermost squares that grants resistance 3 to all damage to those inside it. Creatures that enter or begin their turn in the wall suffer 4d6 fire damage. The wall lasts until the end of your next turn.
Rocket Propulsion
With enough influence over the transfer of energy, you’re able to create a sustainable thermal reaction you can use to enable flight.
Daily Utility 16 (Move Action) ● Arcane, Fire
Effect You gain a fly speed of 8 until the end of your next turn. Each creature adjacent to your launch square take 5 points of fire damage.
Maintain Swift Your fly speed persists until the end of your next turn. If you do not maintain and are still in the air at the start of the following turn, you fall.
Blood Tell
Humans are 90% water. Humans are in a state of entropy which you can alter. This won’t look pretty.
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Flux, Focus
Ranged 5, one living creature
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 4d10 + Dexterity modifier [flux] damage, and the target is weakened and dazed (save ends). If the target dies, it explodes (which may make raising it from the dead more difficult).
Miss Half damage and the target can still explode.
Ice Castle
They say when you become an adult, you put away childish things; but when you can make a fort out of ice, some things will never change.
Daily Utility 22 (Standard and Move Action) ● Arcane, Ice
Effect You create a single room structure out of ice, including furnishings if desired. The structure may be no more than sixteen squares in area and up to four squares tall. It can have as many entrances and exits as you desire. If the structure is constructed in an area below freezing, it will persist indefinitely: otherwise, it will persist for 24 hours before melting. A single square of ice or its contents can withstand 50 points of damage before shattering.
Maintain Standard and Move Create another room, or expand the size of an existing one.
Key Ability: Dexterity
Secondary Ability: Intelligence
Source: Reaper (class)
You are a one-person siege weapon, firing down rains of arrows that force your foes to duck for cover.
Attack of Necessity
Out of options, become a hero.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near arc 3, all creatures
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 1dW damage, and the target is pushed to the nearest empty square outside of the blast. If the target cannot move to the nearest empty square, the target takes additional damage equal to your Dexterity modifier. Level 21 2dW damage.
Special If you do not move this turn, arc 4 instead.
Micro Burst
Your shots are more to impede enemies than kill them.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Far burst 1 within weapon range, all creatures you can see
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 1 damage and the target is slowed until the start of your next turn.
Special If you do not move this turn, your Dexterity modifier in damage instead.
Potential Push
The power of your attack sends the enemy tumbling back.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is pushed 1 square. If the target cannot be pushed because of an obstruction or difficult terrain, it takes additional damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Level 21: 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Special If you do not move this turn, the target is pushed 2 squares instead of 1 (and suffers the indicated damage if it cannot be pushed at least 2 squares).
Rapid Shots
You shoot towards an area.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Far wall 3 within weapon range, all creatures in wall you can see
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 1dW damage.
Level 21: 2dW damage.
Special If you do not move this turn, wall 4 instead of a wall 3.
Focused Shot
You make a continuous stream of attacks against a single target.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Special If you do not move this turn, the target is also slowed or weakened (your choice) until the start of your next turn.
Pinning Shot
Your shots force an enemy down or to cover.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is slowed until the start of your next turn.
Special If you do not move this turn, the target is immobile instead of slowed.
Maintain Standard Repeat the attack against the same target. You can maintain only once.
Shot on the Run
You lay down a line of shots as you make a dash across the enemy’s flank.
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Far wall 5 within weapon range, all creatures in wall you can see
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Miss Half damage.
Effect Before the attack, you can run, shift, or walk as a normal move action; if you are wielding a weapon that normally incurs attack penalties when moving, this movement does not inflict those penalties.
Special If you do not move this turn, wall 6.
There’s too many of them. You keep the arrows coming and plow a road.
Daily Attack 1 (Move and Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near arc 6, all creatures
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 1 damage, and the target is knocked prone and dazed until the start of your next turn.
Miss The target is dazed until the start of your next turn.
Special If you do not move this turn, arc 7.
Barbed Arrows
You may have loosed a storm of arrows, but each one cuts as deeply as if it were carefully aimed.
Daily Utility 2 (Free Action) ● Martial
Trigger You hit with an arc, burst, or wall attack.
Effect Each creature you hit takes an additional 5 extra damage.
Covering Shot
You protect an ally’s movement through hostile terrain.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is immobile and cannot make opportunity attacks until the start of your next turn.
Effect If you do not move this turn, the target is rattled until the start of your next turn (this does not require a hit).
Eye the Enemy
You quickly ascertain your enemy’s tactics and motives. You taunt them to reveal a weakness.
Encounter Attack 3 (Free Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger You hit an enemy with a ranged weapon.
Effect Add your Intelligence modifier to the damage roll of all hits against the target (including the triggering hit) until the start of your next turn.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the start of your next turn. You cannot maintain if the target is staggered.
Black Sky
You unleash a hail of arrows so intense, enemies are sent flat on their backs.
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged 5, one, two or three creatures
Attack Dexterity vs AC, three attacks
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Miss Half damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Special If you do not move this turn, on a hit, the target also suffers 5 persistent damage (save ends).
Standing Barrage
You lay down a rain of arrows against entrenched or approaching foes.
Daily Attack 5 (Move and Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Far burst 1 within weapon range, all creatures you can see
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is immobile until the start of your next turn.
Miss Half damage.
Special If you do not move this turn, on a hit, the target is rattled until the start of your next turn.
Maintain Move and Standard Repeat the attack against the same area.
Chain Shots
It almost feels like a game as enemies drop quickly in your path.
Encounter Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect Until the end of your next turn, roll twice for every attack roll (using ammunition with each roll) and take the higher result.
To the Rescue!
You drop to a knee by a fallen ally and ensure that ally is safe until help arrives.
Encounter Utility 6 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Near burst 6, one dead, prone, or unconscious ally in burst.
Effect You shift into the target’s square. Enemies cannot make any ranged or melee attack against the target, and the target gains a +3 power bonus to all defenses against area attacks. The effect ends at the end of your next turn, when the target stands, or when you leave the target’s square, whichever happens first.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the end of your next turn, or until the target stands, or until you leave the target’s square, whichever happens first.
The Killing Field
You hold your weapon back and wait for the advancing enemy. You have the entire battlefield in your view.
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon, Zone
Far burst 5 within range 20
Effect You create a zone in the affected area. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn. It is considered difficult terrain, except for you. You can make the following attack against any creature that enters any square of the zone as an opportunity action:
Attack: Dexterity vs AC Hit: 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage
Special Note that most characters only receive one opportunity action per turn. Maintain Standard The zone persists until the end of your next turn. You can move the zone to a new area within range as part of this action.
To conserve arrows, you control your shots to specific targets rather than shooting chaotically at your foes.
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one, two or three creatures
Attack Dexterity vs AC, three attacks
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Distracting Arrow
Your attack is more of a diversion to allow others the opportunity to recover.
Daily Attack 9 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger You hit an enemy with a ranged weapon.
Effect The target takes 1dW extra damage from the triggering attack. Two allies in line of sight can make saving throws against one condition a save can end.
Force Back
A nonstop rain of arrows tracks an assaulting or flanking enemy.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Far burst 2 within weapon range, all creatures you can see
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is immobile until the end of your next turn.
Special If you do not move this turn, the target is rattled until the start of your next turn whether or not you hit.
Maintain Standard Repeat the attack. You can shift the barrage up to 3 squares every turn. If you miss all targets in the burst, you can no longer maintain.
Machine of Destruction
This is what it all comes down to. You and your weapon. That’s all that matters.
Encounter Utility 10 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect Until the end of your next turn, you are immobile and the action required for any basic attack or at-will power is reduced from standard to move, or from move to swift.
Battle Position
Enemies are all around you. You need room to shoot. You wave your bow wildly.
Daily Utility 10 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect Shift your speed -2. You do not count as having moved for the purpose of powers that get a benefit if you have not moved.
Clearing the Room
Encounter Attack 13 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged 5, one, two or three creatures
Attack Dexterity vs AC, three attacks
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares. If the target cannot be pushed 2 squares, it suffers an additional 1dW damage.
Special If you do not move this turn, a hit target is pushed 4 squares and suffers additional damage if it cannot be pushed back 4 squares.
Stacked Volleys
You launch two identical volleys of arrows, nearly on top of each other. Opponents don’t expect the second one as quickly.
Encounter Attack 13 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Far burst 2 within weapon range, all creatures
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex, two attacks per target
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier, and the target is dazed until the end of its next turn. If hit twice, the target is dazed (save ends).
Special If you do not move this turn, gain a +1 bonus to each second attack.
Tracking Shots
Your first shot guides your second.
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage. Make a secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: Dexterity +2 vs AC Hit: 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage. Make a tertiary attack against the same target. Miss: Half damage Tertiary Attack: Dexterity +4 vs AC Hit: 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Wildfire Blitz
You spray arrows across a massive area.
Daily Attack 15 (Move and Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Far burst 4 within weapon range, all creatures you can see
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Miss Half damage.
Bandit’s Yell
You scream loudly as you shake off the damage.
Encounter Utility 16 (No Action) ● Healing, Martial
Trigger You are affected by one of the following conditions that a save can end: blinded, dazed, marked, slowed, stunned, or weakened.
Effect You gain a +5 bonus to the saving throw until you succeed.
Encounter Utility 16 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect Until the end of your next turn, gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and a +4 bonus to damage rolls.
Flurry of Arrows
You unleash a flurry of arrows towards an enemy.
Encounter Attack 17 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one or two enemies
Attack Dexterity vs AC, two attacks
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage
Special If you do not move this turn, increase damage to 3dW + Dexterity modifier.
Mosquito’s Nip
It is hard for your enemies to think of anything but you as you continue to rain steel from the sky.
Encounter Attack 17 (Move Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Effect Each enemy you hit with a ranged attack until the end of your next turn is marked until the end of your next turn. If your marked target makes an attack that does not include you as a target, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and a +4 bonus to damage rolls against the target until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Move The effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Mindless Mayhem
You send a tsunami of arrows into the enemy.
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one two or three enemies
Attack Dexterity vs AC, three attacks
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is pushed a number of squares equal to your Intelligence modifier and is weakened until the start of your next turn.
Miss Half damage and the target is weakened until the start of your next turn.
Special If you do not move this turn, you can target up to 4 enemies instead of 3 and make 4 attacks instead of 3; you must target at least two separate creatures.
Suppressing Shots
You cover an area with arrows to keep enemies from moving.
Daily Attack 19 (Standard and Move Action) ● Martial, Weapon, Zone
Far burst 2 within weapon range, all creatures you can see
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is slowed (save ends).
Effect You create a zone in the burst that persists until the start of your next turn. Creatures that enter the zone or start their turns in it take 1dW damage and are slowed (save ends). You use ammunition each time you inflict damage.
Special If you do not move this turn, burst 3.
Maintain Move The zone persists until the start of your next turn.
New Position
The effectiveness of your current location is in question. You quickly move to better ground.
Encounter Utility 22 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect Shift your speed.
You relax as you loose the arrow. It’s not like you can miss.
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Far burst 5 within weapon range, one Large or larger creature you can see
Attack Dexterity +2 vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Special If you do not move this turn, increase to 4dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Clear the Ground
You cut down trees, walls, bushes, and people–anything that gets in your way.
Encounter Attack 23 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Far burst 5 within weapon range, all creatures you can see
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage
Effect Until the end of the encounter, all difficult terrain in the area is no longer difficult terrain.
Special If you do not move this turn, 3dW damage
Cloud of Hellfire
Your shots pepper the ground, sending up debris, hampering vision and movement.
Encounter Attack 23 (Move and Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Far burst 4 within weapon range, all creatures you can see
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage
Effect Until the end of your next turn, the area becomes difficult terrain, except for you, and targets in the area grant combat advantage to anyone outside the area.
Special If you do not move this turn, burst 5.
Maintain Move The zone persists until the end of your next turn.
Cone of Barbs
You sweep your weapon wide, attacking everything in front of you.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near arc 8, all creatures you can see
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is knocked prone and dazed until the end of your next turn.
Miss Half damage, and the target is knocked prone and dazed until the end of your next turn.
Special If you do not move this turn, targets in Near arc 3 take 1dW extra damage.
One on One
Your opponent is a lone creature of incredible power. You aim for this single target and release everything.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 4dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Special If you do not move this turn, you can reroll all 1s on any damage dice for this power until the result is anything but a 1.
Maintain Standard Repeat the attack against the same target. You cannot maintain if you missed on your previous turn.
You keep a careful eye on an ally or allies from an advantageous position, and wait for enemies to poke out their heads.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Far burst 3 within weapon range, all creatures you can see
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Special If you do not move this turn, burst 4
Maintain Standard Repeat the attack against the same area. On a hit, you deal no additional damage but the target is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Finish the Job
After an onslaught of arrows, one target still didn’t fall. You turn your attention and ensure it follows your advice.
Encounter Attack 27 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature you hit this round as part of a Far attack
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Special If you do not move this turn, 4dW + Dexterity modifier damage
Selective Shots
You’ve trained enough to know the difference between friend and enemy. You no longer need to lay down broad volleys of arrows.
Encounter Attack 27 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, five creatures, each no more than 3 squares from another target.
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 3dW + Dexterity modifier damage
Effect The target is dazed until the start of your next turn.
Special If you do not move this turn, each target can be no more than 5 squares away from another.
Fall of Heaven
You crash the pillars and bring down the sky, raining steel, offloading everything you have.
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, all enemies you can see
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is stunned (save ends).
Miss Half damage.
Special If you do not move this turn, 2dW + Dexterity modifier + Intelligence modifier damage.
Measured Response
You respond to an attack with a proportionate level of aggression.
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Far burst 1 within weapon range, all creatures you can see
Attack Dexterity vs Reflex
Hit 4dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Miss Half damage.
Effect If the target is staggered before or after the initial damage, it takes an additional 2dW damage.
Strong Bidding
Key Ability: Charisma
Secondary Ability: Wisdom
Sources: Sylvan (class), Binds Familiar (kit)
You share a special bond with your companion that allows you to fight as one.
Note: “Companion” refers to a familiar, animal companion or summoned creature. Unless otherwise mentioned, your companion must be within line of sight or 20 squares for a Strong Bidding power that uses your companion.
Companion Strike
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Spirit, Companion
Effect Your companion makes a basic melee attack and adds your Charisma modifier to the damage.
Side by Side
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Spirit, Companion
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Charisma vs AC
Hit 1dW + Charisma modifier damage.
Effect Your companion can also move its speed and make a basic melee attack against the same target.
Daily Utility 2 (Counter Action) ● Spirit, Companion
Trigger Your companion is hit by an attack.
Effect You experience all of the consequences of the hit, instead of your companion. If you are also a target of the attack, you are also affected by it as normal.
Share Senses
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Spirit, Companion
Effect Until the end of your next turn, you can use any or all of your companion’s senses as your own, gaining the benefits of any special senses that it has. During this time, you lose any of the senses that you take from your companion, but retain your other senses as normal. For example, you could share your companion’s sight, but keep your hearing.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Boost Level 16 This becomes an encounter power.
Familiar Guidance
Encounter Utility 6 (Counter Action) ● Spirit, Companion
Trigger You miss on an at-will or encounter attack
Effect Reroll the attack and take the second result.
Interfering Companion
Encounter Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Spirit, Companion
Effect Your companion can flank, if it couldn’t already, until the end of the encounter.
Level 11: You get combat advantage against enemies adjacent to your companion.
Level 21: Enemies adjacent to your companion cannot shift. You get combat advantage against enemies adjacent to your companion.
Leap to Companion
Encounter Utility 6 (Move Action) ● Spirit, Teleport, Companion
Requirements There must be room for you in the space your companion occupies.
Effect Teleport to the space occupied by your companion. If they are a familiar, they are hidden away. If they are a different type of companion, they shift 1 into an unoccupied space. If there is no eligible space, the companion falls prone in your space.
Leaping Intercept
Encounter Utility 6 (Counter Action) ● Spirit, Companion
Trigger Your companion is adjacent to you and you are hit by an attack
Effect You take half damage from the attack and your companion takes half damage from the attack.
Safeguard Companion
Encounter Attack 7 (Counter Action) ● Spirit, Focus, Companion
Trigger Your companion is the target of an attack from an enemy adjacent to it.
Attack Charisma vs Will
Hit 1d8 + Charisma modifier + Intelligence modifier and push the target 2.
Recall Familiar
Daily Utility 10 (Counter Action) ● Spirit, Companion
Trigger Your familiar is hit by an attack.
Effect Your familiar teleports to your space and is hidden away.
Companion Form
Daily Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Spirit, Form
Effect You take the form of your companion, including size, source and type, senses and speed. You can also spend one recovery to heal your recovery value. While in this form you cannot use powers unless they have the Wild Shape tag. You can leave this form as a swift action, and you do so automatically if you are reduced to 0 HP or below. Otherwise, it lasts until you take a long rest.
Master’s Form
Daily Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Spirit, Transmutation, Companion
Ranged 10, one companion
Effect Until the end of your next turn, your companion transforms into a humanoid of your race with the same age, gender, and build of its true form, though it always maintains a clearly unnatural remnant of its nature, such as a cat’s eyes or a serpent’s tongue.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the end of your next turn.
Companion Swarm
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Spirit, Focus, Companion
Far burst 1 within range 20 (centered on your companion), all enemies
Attack Charisma vs Fortitude
Hit 4d8 + Charisma modifier damage
Effect Creates a zone that persists until the end of your next turn. Swarm Zone: Enemies that enter the zone or begin their turn in it take 10 damage and are slowed until the start of their next turn. Spend a move action to move the zone up to 2.
Special Your companion is removed from play while the zone remains in effect.
Maintain Swift The zone persists until the end of your next turn.
Enlarge Companion
Daily Utility 19 (Swift Action) ● Spirit, Transmutation, Companion
Ranged 10, one companion
Effect If your companion is smaller than Medium size, it grows to Medium size. If your companion is Medium size or larger, it increases by one size category. Its maximum and current HP are increased by your recovery value. The companion can flank if it could not already. Once per round, as a swift action, the companion can knock an adjacent enemy prone or push it 1 square. You may use a swift action to end the effect; otherwise it lasts until your next long rest.
Third Mind
Key Ability: Wisdom
Secondary Ability: Charisma
Source: Channels Godmind (kit)
Your psychic powers allow you to waylay your enemies and clear the minds of your allies.
Blazing Mantle
Your channel the awesome energies of your Godmind and you literally come ablaze with phrenic power.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Augmentable, Phrenic, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 1, all enemies
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit 1d6 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage. Level 21: Increase damage to 2d6 damage + Wisdom modifier.
Special—Augment: Push each target a number of squares equal to 1 + Charisma modifier.
Gaze of Aeons
You allow yourself to become the outlet of your Godmind’s phrenic power, reflecting in your eyes that burn with divine energy, jarring an enemy.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Augmentable, Phrenic, Focus, Radiant
Ranged 5, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Fortitude
Hit The target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn. Whenever an ally hits the target with an attack before the end of your next turn, they also deal radiant damage equal to your Charisma modifier. Special—Augment: As part of the initial attack, also deal 1d6 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Unerring Guidance
You ask your Godmind to guide your attacks against an enemy and your blows ring true.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Augmentable, Phrenic, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Wisdom +2 vs AC
Hit 2dW and the next ally that attacks the target before the end of your next turn gains a +2 power bonus to their attack roll.
Special—Augment: Add your Charisma modifier to the damage and give all allies +2 to their attack rolls against the target until your next turn, instead of just the next ally.
Aura of Painful Clarity
Your connection to your Godmind extends into a shining aura, empowering all with greater clarity and focus as they attack their enemies. While enemies are within the aura, their vulnerabilities become clear to your allies and your intense focus might burn their minds.
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Augmentable, Aura, Phrenic, Focus, Psychic
Near burst 1, all creatures
Effect Allies that begin their turn inside the aura gain a +2 power bonus to their next attack roll. Enemies inside the aura have vulnerability to all damage 2. Special—Augment: As a standard action, make a Wisdom vs Will attack against each enemy inside the aura. Hit: 1d6 + your Charisma modifier psychic damage.
Surging Meditation
You meditate, entering a state of mental clarity that allows you to heal yourself or an ally, while at the same time refreshing their mind.
Daily Utility 2 (Standard Action) ● Augmentable, Phrenic, Healing
Near burst 10, you or one ally
Effect The target may spend one recovery and one focus surge.
Special—Augment: This power is not expended when used.
Strike the Weakened Mind
You wield your weapon in a blazing arc and as you hit, you shatter both their physical and mental selves.
Encounter Attack 3 (Standard Action) ● Augmentable, Phrenic, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs AC
Hit 2dW + Wisdom modifier damage. The target also loses any psi focus they had (refresh as if spent on a daily) and takes a -2 penalty to their Will defense until the end of their next turn.
Special—Augment: Before making the attack roll, this power gains the Consistent tag.
Siphon the Soul
You intertwine the souls and minds of one enemy and an ally of yours, siphoning away the energy of one to heal the other.
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Augmentable, Phrenic, Healing, Focus, Psychic
Ranged 10, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit 2d10 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage and the target is dazed (save ends).
Effect One ally within 10 may spend a recovery.
Special—Augment: Give the target a penalty on saves against the dazed condition equal to your Charisma modifier.
Aura of Mending
Your aura shines forth, powered by the connection to your godmind. Allies nearby regain their health and you can guide them into drawing upon inner resources.
Daily Utility 6 (Swift Action) ● Augmentable, Aura, Phrenic, Healing
Near burst 2, all allies
Effect Every ally inside the aura at the start of their turn gains regeneration 1. While this aura is in place, you may, as a standard action, spend your psi focus to enable an ally within the aura to spend a recovery. Expending your psi focus in this fashion makes it refresh as after having used an encounter power.
Special—Augment: Add your Charisma modifier to the number of hit points regained each time yourself or an ally within the aura spends a recovery.
Unveiling the Godmind
You stretch out your hand, creating a bridge between your godmind’s unbridled energy and the mind of a lesser creature, burning their mind and body to cinders.
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Augmentable, Phrenic, Fear, Focus, Psychic
Melee touch, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Fortitude
Hit 3d6 + your Wisdom modifier psychic damage, push the target 1 square and the target is restrained until the end of your next turn.
Special—Augment: Add your Charisma as a power bonus to both the attack and the damage roll.
Consumption of the Sinful
Reaching forth into the mind of your enemy, you unleash their darkest sins and give them form, haunting your enemy while aiding your allies in combat.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Augmentable, Conjuration, Phrenic, Focus, Psychic
Ranged 10, one creature
Attack Wisdom vs Will
Hit 2d10 + Wisdom modifier psychic damage.
Effect You conjure a vile manifestation of your enemy’s darkest sins in a square adjacent to the target. The manifestation exists until the end of your next turn. You can move the manifestation as a move action, using the same speed as the target. If the manifestation is adjacent to the target, the target grants combat advantage and gains vulnerability to all damage 5.
Special—Augment: The target receives a penalty equal to your Charisma modifier to attack rolls (save ends).
Maintain Swift The manifestation exists until the end of your next turn.
Aura of Psychic Vengeance
You meditate for a short while before your aura blooms out around you, allowing your mind to become as one with your allies, aiding their attacks.
Daily Utility 10 (Standard Action) ● Augmentable, Aura, Phrenic
Near burst 2, all allies
Effect Each ally who starts their turn inside the aura gains a power bonus equal to your Charisma modifier to their attack rolls until the end of their turn.
Special—Augment: Each ally heals hit points equal to your Charisma modifier each time they begin their turn within the aura.
Veiled Moon
Key Ability: Intelligence
Secondary Ability: Dexterity
Source: Mageblade (class)
You pass through worlds, delivering attacks from impossible vantage points.
Dimensional Strike
By shifting slightly between two worlds, you confuse the senses of your foe so you may land your attack more easily.
At-Will Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs Reflex
Hit 1dW + Intelligence modifier damage. Level 21: 2dW + Intelligence modifier damage.
Disturbing Blow
By establishing counter-resonance within the spirit of an enemy with a well-placed blow, you may disrupt and disturb its next action.
Encounter Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs AC
Hit 1dW + Intelligence modifier damage. The creature grants combat advantage to the next attack against it, provided that attack occurs before the end of your next turn.
Cursed Fate
You can befuddle and bewilder your opponent with this strike, causing a grave imbalance in the psyche of the victim.
Daily Attack 1 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs Will
Hit 2dW + Intelligence modifier damage and the target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
Miss 1dW + Intelligence modifier damage and the creature grants combat advantage to the next attack against it, provided that attack occurs before the end of your next turn.
Ghost Hunting Blow
By reaching across the barrier between worlds, you may strike at disembodied spirits as easily you would strike a normal mortal.
Encounter Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Stance
Effect Your attacks do force damage as well as any other type of damage, and they do damage against incorporeal targets as if the targets were not incorporeal.
Inner Sense
By sensing ripples in the spiritual world around him, you are capable of better avoiding dangerous effects and situations.
Encounter Utility 2 (Free Action) ● Arcane
Trigger You make a saving throw.
Effect Add +2 to the result.
Special You can use this power after seeing the result of your roll.
Leaping Spirit Dance
Light as a feather, you move gracefully in combat, with the smooth and practiced grace of an incorporeal being.
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Stance
Effect You receive a +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex. If you end any turn without having moved at least 2 squares, this stance ends.
Spirit Sensing Stance
Your senses exceed that of natural beings and move into the realm of supernatural awareness. You sense the different patterns that exist within all beings.
Daily Utility 2 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Stance
Effect You know the location to the nearest square of all creatures within 6 squares of you, even if they are hiding, incorporeal or invisible.
Resonance Strike
By funneling your spiritual power into your attack, you may strike an opponent with glowing silvery light.
Daily Attack 5 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon
Near burst 10, one enemy in range
Attack Intelligence vs Reflex
Hit 3dW + Intelligence modifier force damage
Miss Half damage.
Fading Strike
You learn the basic technique for walking between worlds to reach locations that previously could be inaccessible on the mortal world and potentially attack foes at those locales.
Encounter Utility 6 (Move Action) ● Arcane, Teleport
Effect Teleport 6
By momentarily slipping through the barrier between the Material and the Astral planes, you may attempt to avoid an attack by being incorporeal.
Encounter Utility 6 (Counter Action) ● Arcane
Trigger You are hit by an attack.
Effect You are incorporeal for the purpose of this attack (typically, you take half damage from the attack).
Altered Penumbra
Position is relative to your thinking, and your position in the universe is mutable. Using these principles, you may circumvent reality to remove yourself from harm’s way when necessary.
Daily Utility 6 (Counter Action) ● Arcane, Conjuration, Teleport
Trigger You are the target of an attack.
Effect You teleport up to 2 squares. In your space is conjured an immovable illusion of yourself. The conjuration disappears at the end of your next turn, or once it is hit by a melee or ranged attack (potentially including the attack that triggered the use of this power).
Special If the teleportation does not move you outside the range of a near or far attack, you are still subject to that attack.
Maintain Move Repeat the effect.
Brilliant Moon
By partially phasing a portion of your attack out of this reality, you may ignore certain obstacles, such as armor, when striking at an opponent.
Encounter Attack 7 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs Reflex
Hit 2dW + Intelligence modifier force damage.
Breath of the Moon
You use the principles of lunar cycles on the psyche of mortals.
Daily Attack 9 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon
Near arc 3
Attack Intelligence vs Will
Hit 2dW + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the target cannot target you with attacks (save ends).
Miss Target cannot target you with attacks until the end of your next turn.
Fading Leap
With nary a thought and a gesture you may flow like moonlight from one location to another through the Astral plane, moving faster than your earthly body would allow.
Encounter Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Teleport
Effect Teleport 6
Formless Dance
You immerse yourself in a sort of dimensional flux, causing you to be able to see what cannot be perceived and seemingly be in many places at once.
Encounter Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Illusion, Stance
Effect You have concealment and truesight 6.
You step through to the borderland between the Material and the Ethereal planes, becoming an incorporeal figure in both realities for a few moments.
Encounter Utility 10 (Swift Action) ● Arcane
Hit You become incorporeal until the end of your next turn.
Ethereal Reminiscence
The ectoplasmic nature of beings on the Ethereal plane allows you to briefly transport yourself to that realm and use your will to restore some of your form by filling your wounds with spectral energies, displacing your injuries.
Daily Utility 10 (Standard Action) ● Arcane
Hit You become incorporeal until the end of your next turn. You may spend a recovery to heal your recovery value.
Flicker Strike
In a flickering blur of teleportation and movement, you disappear, blink into existence to strike a foe, and then disappear again to appear a safe distance away.
Encounter Attack 13 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon, Teleport
Effect Teleport 6. Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs AC. 2dW + Intelligence modifier damage on a hit, and you can teleport 6.
Essence Shattering Strike
With a powerful strike, you attack the very spirit of your foe with your silver-blue light.
Daily Attack 15 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs Fortitude
Hit 3dW + Intelligence modifier damage and the target is dazed (save ends).
Miss Half damage. The target is not dazed.
Twisting Ether
You sink through the world with your ally and switch places for better effect in combat.
Encounter Utility 16 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Teleport
Near burst 5, one ally
Effect You and your ally simultaneously swap spaces via teleportation.
Stance of the Ether Gate
By shifting your essence partially into the Astral plane, you find that moving through that plane as just as easy as moving through the material plane.
Daily Utility 16 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Stance, Teleport
Effect As a move action, you can teleport 6.
Ether Wave
You concentrate your spiritual energies to your hand, tear into the barrier between the Astral and the Material, and release the energies that form from this in a wracking wave of silvery-blue energy.
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon
Near arc 4
Attack Intelligence vs Reflex
Hit 3dW + Intelligence modifier force damage, and persistent 5 force damage (save ends).
Miss Half damage (no persistent damage).
Warp Worm
By creating temporary breaches between the worlds of the Material and the Astral, you may teleport through a few enemies and emerge from the space between worlds having done your foes great internal harm.
Daily Attack 19 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon, Teleport
Melee weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs AC
Hit 3dW + Intelligence modifier damage, and you teleport up to 4 squares.
Miss Half damage, and you teleport up to 2 squares.
Effect Make two secondary attacks.
Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs AC; 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you teleport up to 4 squares; on a miss, no damage and you teleport up to 2 squares. Secondary Attack: Intelligence vs AC; 1d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you teleport up to 4 squares; on a miss, no damage and you teleport up to 2 squares. Special: No creature may be the target of more than one attack as part of this action.
Anchoring Spirit
You pull yourself fully into the Ethereal and manifest a ghostly apparition of your form upon the Material, and in doing so you lock your immediate area for travel through the Ethereal or Astral plane.
Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Stance
Effect You become incorporeal. Enemies within 12 cannot choose to teleport. Allies within 12 can always choose not to teleport if they would be subject to an effect that would teleport them.
Fade Through
You fold two points in space around you to appear at another location within the span of a heartbeat.
Daily Utility 22 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Teleport
Effect Move up to your speed, with phasing. Make a basic melee attack against each enemy that you move through.
Lunar Penumbra
It is said that the moon is portrayed in some legends as a laughing trickster, and with this powerful ability, you pull an incredible trick upon your foe.
Daily Utility 22 (Counter Action) ● Arcane, Teleport
Trigger You are the target of an attack.
Effect You and the attacker swap places via teleportation. The attacker now becomes the target of their own attack.
Phantom Penumbra
To slip through the worlds is a simple matter for you, and using this to deceive and evade an attacker is effortlessly done.
Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Illusion
Effect A number of times equal to the number of recoveries you have spent so far since your last long rest, you can force enemies within 6 squares to reroll an attack roll. You can only force each attack roll to be rerolled once. Any remaining uses are lost when the encounter ends.
Spiritual Weapon Stance
By channeling ethereal energies along your weapons and body, you become immersed in both worlds, being as solid on the Ethereal Plane as you are on the Material.
Daily Utility 22 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Stance
Effect Your attacks do persistent 5 force damage (save ends).
Dispersal Strike
With a powerful strike and flash of silver-blue light, you slam your foe directly into the Ethereal for a few moments, causing it to become ghostly and unreal.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Intelligence vs AC
Hit 4dW + Intelligence modifier damage.
Miss Half damage.
Effect The target becomes incorporeal (save ends). While incorporeal, their attacks behave as if all targets had the incorporeal property (in most cases, this means they do half damage).
Flashing Ether Touch
With but a touch you send a foe hurtling through the Astral to reappear with frightening velocity to hit the ground.
Daily Attack 25 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon, Teleport
Melee touch, one target
Attack Intelligence vs Will
Hit The target disappears until the beginning of your next turn. Then they appear in the space 12 squares above the space that they disappeared from.
Miss The target disappears until the beginning of your next turn. Then they appear in the space 6 squares above the space that they disappeared from.
Banish to the Beyond
You lay a mark against a target and shunt it gently into the Astral plane where it may ponder its reasons for crossing the likes of a master.
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon, Teleport
Melee touch, one target
Attack Intelligence vs Will
Hit 4dW + Intelligence modifier force damage. If, immediately after this damage, the target’s current hit points are lower than yours, they are transported to the Astral Plane indefinitely. Otherwise, they are transported to the Astral Plane (save ends).
Miss Half damage, and the target is not transported to the Astral Plane.
Eclipsing Moon
Folding space around your form effortlessly, you leap through the ether and attack through the barrier between the worlds in a series of staccato bursts of silvery-blue light, your image blinking as you strike.
Daily Attack 29 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Weapon, Teleport
Near burst 12, all enemies
Attack Intelligence vs Reflex
Hit 2dW + Intelligence modifier damage.
Effect After all attacks had been made, choose a space adjacent to an enemy within range. You teleport to that space.
Prestige Paths
At level 11, each player character gets a prestige path. This path is in addition to their main class, which still gives them some powers. Prestige path powers do not count towards total class powers available.
Table – Prestige Paths and Their Requirements
Name | Requirements |
Assassin | Proficiency with simple melee and ranged weapons. |
Battlefield Healer | Trained in Heal. |
Bounty Hunter | |
Breathstealer | Proficiency with garrote. |
Darkwood Archer | Proficiency with military ranged weapons. |
Deadeye Arbalester | Proficiency with light and heavy crossbows. |
Devotee | |
Ironsides | |
Martial Arts Champion | |
Ring Fighter | Unarmed Combat feat. |
Ruler of Shadows | |
Selfless Protector | |
Shadowsneak | Trained in Stealth. |
Silver Tongue | Trained in Diplomacy. |
Spellwright | Arcane class. |
Tactician | |
Weapon Master | One or more of your powers has the Martial tag. |
Someone hands you an image, an address, or just a name. You move in quickly and quietly, eliminating defenses that lay in your path. You dispatch the enemy efficiently and vanish into the shadows, leaving onlookers wondering who ordered the hit and why.
Requirements: Proficiency with simple melee and ranged weapons.
Class Features
Twice in the Chest (11th level): Spend an action point to add your basic melee attack damage to your last hit with any one-handed melee weapon, instead of taking an extra action.
Once in the Head (11th level): You can score a critical hit with any one-handed weapon on a natural roll of 19 or 20.
Getaway (16th level): Each time you stagger a target with a one-handed weapon, you may shift a number of squares equal to your Dexterity modifier as a free action.
Make Sure They’re Dead
Otherwise you don’t get paid …
Encounter Attack 11 (Free Action) ● Martial, Consistent, Weapon
Near burst 5, the triggering creature
Trigger You stagger a creature with a one-handed weapon.
Attack Strength or Dexterity (your choice) vs AC
Hit 2dW + Strength or Dexterity (your choice) modifier damage.
The Professional
No emotions. No investments. No hesitation.
Daily Utility 12 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect Until the end of the encounter, when you are granted a basic attack outside of your turn (from an opportunity action, ally power, etc.), you do additional damage equal to your Dexterity modifier +2 if you hit. Level 21: You do additional damage equal to your Dexterity modifier +5 if you hit.
Like a Ghost
You move like the wind and strike like lightning.
Daily Attack 20 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one creature granting you combat advantage
Attack Strength or Dexterity (your choice) vs AC
Hit 4dW + Strength or Dexterity (your choice) modifier damage.
Miss Half damage.
Effect Shift up to 10 squares.
Battlefield Healer
You exist for the betterment of others. You specialize in impromptu medical care, in the field, under the pressures of combat. You’re still armed and protect your team with blades and bandages.
Requirements: Trained in Heal.

Class Features
A True Healer (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, all allies in sight can make a saving throw.
Heal Thy Self (11th level): The Rally action only takes a swift action for you.
Profound Medical Advice (16th level): Once per round, you can take the Treat Ally action as a swift action.
Race to the Fallen
An ally falls from a heavy blow. You race to their aid, attacking the enemy desperately in hopes it will back off.
Encounter Attack 11 (Reaction Action) ● Healing, Martial, Weapon
Near burst 5, the triggering ally
Trigger One ally in burst you can see is staggered by an attack.
Effect The triggering enemy is pushed 2 squares, and you make a basic attack against it (in either order). Shift into a square adjacent to the target. The target can spend a recovery and regain its recovery value plus 3d6 additional hit points.
Impromptu Surgery
A foreign implement is causing internal bleeding. You fish it out and try to close the wound.
Daily Utility 12 (Standard Action) ● Healing, Martial
Melee touch, one staggered ally
Effect The target automatically succeeds on one saving throw and can spend up to two recoveries to heal its recovery value that many times.
No Longer Civilized
An ally succumbs to their injuries. You can no longer be a healer. You must be a protector.
Daily Attack 20 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one creature that has reduced an ally in line of sight to 0 hit points or below.
Attack Wisdom vs AC
Hit 4dW + Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is pushed a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Miss Repeat the attack against the same target. The second attack suffers a -2 to the attack roll but deals +1dW damage on a hit. If you still miss, the target takes half damage and is pushed one square.
Bounty Hunter
You don’t analyze the patterns of combat but the actions and motivations of individuals, their goals and intents. You can pinpoint specific threats and coordinate others to properly remove this threat without firing a shot. Thankfully, you have weapons as a backup.
Class Features
Target Focus (11th level): Once per encounter, you can mark a creature as a swift action. When you hit a creature you have marked, you do 1d6+3 damage (2d6+5 at level 21).
All In (11th level): When you spend an action point to make an attack against a creature you have marked, you gain a +2 power bonus to the attack roll and can score a critical hit on an 18, 19, or 20 with the attack.
Threat Compensation (16th level): When a creature you have marked moves, you can shift 1 square as an immediate reaction.
Thought Process
You predict where the enemy will move.
Encounter Attack 11 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Consistent
Near burst 10, a creature you have marked
Attack Intelligence +2 vs Will
Hit The target is rattled and grants combat advantage to all allies in sight until the end of your next turn.
Mental Prediction
Your knowledge of the enemy runs deep, beyond what your allies or even enemies know.
Encounter Utility 12 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near earshot, you and up to four allies
Effect The target gains a +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense against creatures you have marked until the start of your next turn.
Maintain Swift The effect persists until the start of your next turn. You can maintain only once.
This One Especially
Of all the targets, this is the one that must be taken down immediately.
Daily Attack 20 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near earshot, you and up to four allies
Effect Choose a creature you have marked. Each target makes a basic attack against that creature.
You are a silent, cold, calculating assassin. Your skills involve intimate kills, forcing to be close to your enemy. You rise from nowhere and eliminate opponents before others can notice or respond. Crossbows and knives, even when they’re most quiet, still make a noise you would prefer to avoid.
Requirements: Proficiency with garrote.
Class Features
Out of Nowhere (11th level): You can spend an action point on a surprise round if you are granted one. If you spend an action point on your first turn in an encounter, you gain one standard action and one move action (in either order).
Complete Control (11th level): If you have grappled a target with a garrote, you can shunt the target 1 square or render the target prone without having to roll to sustain the grapple.
Special Technique (16th level): Your proficiency bonus with the garrote increases by +2. The damage die increases by two steps (from 1d4 to 1d8).
Torque Twist
You wind the cord and draw it tight employing a technique few others know.
Encounter Attack 11 (Free Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger You hit a creature with a garrote.
Effect The target takes 1dW extra damage from the triggering attack, and is stunned until the start of your next turn.
Compliant Target
Your opponent doesn’t appear capable of struggling when you have a cord wrapped tight around their neck.
Daily Utility 12 (Move Action) ● Martial
Requirements You are grappling a creature using a garrote.
Effect Shift your speed and pull the creature you are grappling with you. You gain a +2 bonus to sustain the grapple until the grapple ends.
Go to Sleep
You feel the breath leave the target as you apply pressure.
Daily Attack 20 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee weapon, one creature you are grappling with a garotte
Effect The target is helpless against your attacks until the start of your next turn or until you score a hit (whichever comes first). On a hit, the target falls unconscious. If the target suffers any further damage, it is no longer unconscious.
Darkwood Archer
Requirements: Proficiency with military ranged weapons.
Class Features
Automatic Reflexes (11th level): When you use an action point, you can use two at-will attack powers with the extra action.
Waste of Skill (11th level): If you score a critical hit with a daily attack power, and the creature you hit was the only target, the power is not expended.
They Thought You Missed (16th level): When you make an attack with a ranged weapon that misses, you still inflict damage equal to your Dexterity modifier.
Splintering Shot
The arrow shatters, damaging targets around.
Encounter Attack 11 (Free Action) ● Martial
Trigger You reduce a creature to 0 HP or below.
Effect Each creature in a burst 2 around the target takes damage equal to 2 + your Dexterity modifier. Level 21: Each creature in a burst 2 around the target takes damage equal to 5 + your Dexterity modifier.
Stalking Horse
Your enemy is certain of your location. They’re wrong.
Daily Utility 12 (Move Action) ● Martial, Teleportation
Near burst 10, an unoccupied space you can see that grants three-quarters cover or total concealment
Effect You teleport to the target space.
Perfect Shot Placement
Once you get the measure of one enemy, their allies are easy pickings. Daily Attack 20 (Standard Action) ● Consistent, Martial, Weapon Ranged weapon, one creature Attack Dexterity vs AC Hit 4dW + Dexterity modifier damage and make a secondary attack against all enemies within burst 3 of the target. Secondary Attack: Dexterity vs AC; 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Deadeye Arbalester
You keep your weapon down until the last second. You prefer to stare down opponents than use your crossbow. However, when you fire, you make it quick and final – single shots, single kills.
Requirements: Proficiency with light and heavy crossbows.
Class Features
Precise Shot (11th level): Spend an action point to add your basic ranged attack damage to your last hit with any one-handed ranged weapon, instead of taking an extra action.
Improved Reaction Time (11th level): You gain a +2 bonus to initiative.
12 O’Clock (16th level): If you ready an action with an attack power, you gain a +2 power bonus to your next attack roll. p
Strafing Attack
You bolt across the battlefield, hardly taking a moment to aim. The crossbow remains steady as you run.
Encounter Attack 11 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is pushed a number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Miss Half damage, and the target is pushed 1 square.
Effect Before your attack, shift your speed. You can attack at any point during the move.
Through the Hat
That last shot had you for certain. You pass your fingers nonchalantly through your hair and reenter the fight.
Daily Utility 12 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Trigger You are hit with a ranged attack.
Effect The attack misses.
Bolt Waltz
Like a ballet, you sashay and sidestep, firing at opponents and avoiding every counterattack.
Daily Attack 20 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Ranged weapon, one creature
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 1dW + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect Repeat the attack three times, shifting 4 squares before each attack.
You specialize in deepening your specialization, rather than expanding your range.
New At-Will Power (11th level): Choose an at-will attack power from a discipline you have access to. You gain that power.
Devoted Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to use an at-will or encounter attack power, you get a +2 bonus to the attack roll and do an additional +2 damage if you hit.
New Encounter Power (11th level): Choose an encounter attack power (level 7 or lower) from a discipline you have access to. You gain that power.
New Utility Power (12th level): Choose a utility power (level 10 or lower) from a discipline you have access to. You gain that power.
New Daily Power (20th level): Choose a daily attack power (level 19 or lower) from a discipline you have access to. You gain that power.
You specialize in the cracks in reality, the passages between worlds. With the right leverage, you can pass from anywhere to anywhere.
Requirements: Psi focus.
Class Features
Accelerated Echo (11th level): When you spend an action point, you may expend your psi focus. If you do so, roll 1d6. On a 4, 5 or 6, you get a bonus action point.
Turn Sidereal (11th level): You gain the compress Tiny movement mode, allowing you to pass through gaps as if you were Tiny size.
Flight (16th level): You gain a fly speed equal to your walk speed (maximum altitude 1).
Sidestep Charge
Encounter Attack 11 (Counter Action) ● Phrenic, Weapon Self Trigger An enemy that has already moved this turn makes an attack against you that misses. Effect Make a basic attack against the triggering creature.
Flanking Echo
Encounter Utility 12 (Swift Action) ● Phrenic, Summons, Teleportation Near burst 5, one unoccupied square Effect You summon a dimensional echo in the target square. When you take a move action, you can move the dimensional echo up to 6 squares. The echo assists your allies with flanks. The echo remains until the end of the encounter, or until you dismiss it with a swift action. When you dismiss it, you may teleport to the square it occupied if you wish.
Accelerated Action
Daily Attack 20 (Swift Action) ● Phrenic Self Effect Make a basic attack or take a move action. Maintain Swift Repeat the effect.
By candlelight in the temple, you were sworn to take the word of your god to the world, to challenge non-believers and bring enemies of the faith to their knees.
Requirements: Channel Divinity.
Class Features
Divine Reach (11th level): When you spend an action point to use a divine power, and that power is a melee or ranger power, you may choose one additional target. If the power is a near or far power, you may increase the area of the power by 1.
Gift of the Divine (11th level): During a short rest, choose an ally. Until your next short rest, that ally can use Channel Divinity once, choosing from the powers available to you.
In God’s Hands(16th level): Once per encounter, you can reroll an attack roll that missed. If you still miss, you are dazed until the end of your next turn.
Blast Infidels
Encounter Attack 11 (Standard Action) ● Divine, Focus, Radiant Near burst 3, all creatures of the alignment of your choice Attack Wisdom vs Fortitude Hit 2d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
Faith Healing
Daily Utility 12 (Swift Action) ● Divine, Healing Near burst 5, you and all allies Effect The target may spend a recovery to heal hit points equal to their recovery value.
Daily Attack 20 (Standard Action) ● Charm, Divine, Focus, Radiant Ranged 10, one enemy Attack Wisdom vs Will Hit The target is controlled until the end of your next turn. Miss 2d12 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
You’re the one they’re going to make statues of. As the hero, you draw the admiration of your comrades and the weapons of your foes. You’re proud, determined, and the anchor for your cause or country.
Class Features
Pick Your Foe (11th level): Once per encounter, you can mark one enemy in line of sight as a swift action. This mark lasts until the end of the encounter.
Against creatures you have marked, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls. This bonus increases to +4 at 21st level.
Unexpected Response (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you can also spend a recovery to heal your recovery value.
The War Shout (16th level): When you spend an action point, you mark all enemies in a Near burst 10 until the end of your next turn.
Remember Me?
A few well-placed shots brings an enemy’s attention back around to you.
Encounter Attack 11 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, the triggering enemy
Trigger An enemy you have marked attacks an ally.
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage.
Miss Half damage.
Effect The target’s attack misses.
Encouraging Stance
You may not be the leader, but you do set the example.
Daily Utility 12 (Free Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, up to three allies
Trigger You score a critical hit on an enemy.
Effect The target can spend a recovery and heal their recovery value plus your Constitution modifier.
The enemy forces are close enough to see your eyes. They expect you to run; you don’t. They realize too late your unshakable will.
Daily Attack 20 (Standard and Move Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near arc 6, all enemies
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 2dW + Strength modifier damage, and the target is knocked prone.
Maintain Standard Shift three squares and repeat the attack. You cannot attack prone targets and you cannot maintain if you have no targets.
Martial Arts Champion
Surrounded on all sides, armed with little more than your iron will, you’ve stood your ground and defeated whatever lies ahead. They can have knives, crossbows, or broadswords; it’s all meaningless to you.
Class Features
Carry Through (11th level): Once per round, after one of your melee attacks does one of the following:
Scores a critical hit; or
Staggers a target; or
Drops a target
You immediately deal damage equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) to one target in reach.
Bad Idea (11th level): You can spend an action point to make a melee basic attack against each adjacent target, instead of taking an extra action.
Unstoppable Momentum (16th level): If you inflict any of the following conditions on a target – dazed, slowed, stunned, or weakened – one creature in an adjacent square to the initial target suffers the same condition until the start of your next turn.
Pressure Point
Your strike causes the touch of death. Encounter Attack 11 (Free Action) ● Martial, Weapon Self Trigger You hit a creature. Effect The triggering creature takes persistent 10 damage (save ends).
Battlefield Dance
You flip, jump, and dance your way past your enemies.
Daily Utility 12 (Move Action) ● Martial
Effect Shift up to 10 squares, ignoring difficult terrain.
Technical Attack
Your attack carries amazing power from a short distance. Daily Attack 20 (Swift Action) ● Martial, Stance Self Effect While in this stance, each time you hit a creature with a melee attack, you push it 4 squares and knock it prone. If the creature cannot be pushed 4 squares, it takes additional damage equal to twice your Dexterity modifier and is dazed until the end of your next turn. If the target is pushed, you can immediately shift into an adjacent square.
Since a child you have been obsessed with fire: its destructive potential, but also its capacity to inspire and transform. But let’s be honest, mostly its destructive potential.
Requirements: A power with the Fire tag.
Class Features
Sirocco (11th level): When you spend an action point, in addition to the normal benefit you also gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed until the end of the turn.
Faerie Fire (11th level): Enemies you are adjacent to do not benefit from concealment or invisibility.
Burnt Over (16th level): You gain resistance to fire 10 and a +2 bonus to saving throws against all persistent damage.
Fire Lash
Encounter Attack 11 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Fire, Focus Melee 5, one creature Attack Intelligence vs Reflex Hit 3d10 + Intelligence fire damage and the target is pulled 4 squares.
Fast Burn
Encounter Utility 12 (Swift Action) ● Arcane, Fire, Focus Near burst 5, all enemies suffering any persistent damage Attack Intelligence vs Fortitude Hit The target takes damage equal to the amount of persistent damage they are suffering. This damage is of the same type they are already suffering.
Heat Death
Daily Attack 20 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Fire, Focus Near burst 5, one creature Attack Intelligence vs Will Hit 2d10 + Intelligence modifier fire damage and the target suffers from persistent 10 fire damage (save ends). Effect Until the end of the encounter, if the target takes fire damage they suffer from persistent 10 fire damage (save ends). If they are already suffering from persistent fire damage, only the higher persistent fire damage applies.
Ring Fighter
You have the belt, claimed the trophy. Few others boast the record you have. You fought hard and trained hard for the respect and it is well earned. In the realm of physical training, there is no better.
Requirements: Unarmed Combat feat.
Class Features
Guard Control (11th level): You gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws against being dazed, stunned, or weakened.
Change Your Guard (11th level): You can spend an action point while grappling an opponent to make any at-will attack or basic attack against that enemy, instead of taking an extra action. The attack automatically hits and doubles any damage inflicted.
Choke/Lock (16th level): Each turn you sustain a grapple, you deal damage equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier to the grabbed creature.
Side Control
You gain the edge and lock your opponent on the ground.
Encounter Attack 11 (Move Action) ● Martial
Melee touch, one creature you are grappling
Effect Strength modifier + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is dazed until they escape.
Tolerance Threshold
The enemy puts on the pressure. You grit your teeth and hold back the pain.
Daily Utility 12 (No Action) ● Martial
Effect Recover from any of the following conditions at the start of your turn: dazed, slowed, stunned, and weakened. You also end any persistent damage conditions you currently suffer from, and gain a +5 bonus to escape from any grapple you are currently in until you succeed.
Mounted Attack
You have complete control. Your enemy is done for the day.
Daily Attack 20 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Melee touch, one creature you are grappling
Effect Strength modifier + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is stunned (save ends).
Maintain Move The target takes Strength modifier + Dexterity modifier damage. You cannot maintain if the target escapes your grapple.
Ruler of Shadows
You are recognized by every brigand and cutpurse, every sneakthief and bandit. Cat burglars are your courtiers; extortionists your earls. The darkness is your cloak and crown.
Class Features
Trusty Action (11th level): When you use an action point to take an extra action, the action always succeeds (you pass your skill check or at least one attack roll in an attack no matter your roll, for example). If you would fail, you succeed but there’s a side-effect or “sting in the tail” – like a tremendous success drawing unwanted attention or a desperate lunge slaying your enemy but leaving you open to their allies.
Do As I Do (11th level): When you make a skill check, allies gain a +2 power bonus to the same skill until the beginning of your next turn.
The Cloak is My Shadow (16th level): You do not grant combat advantage from being flanked.
Just Desserts
You show a foe that two can play at that game.
Encounter Attack 11 (Reaction Action) ● Shadow, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target in weapon range
Trigger The target imposes a condition or persistent damage on you or an ally.
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit 2dW + Dexterity modifier and the target suffers the condition or persistent damage that they imposed.
Out of Mind
You slip out of view and appear somewhere totally different.
Daily Utility 16 (Swift Action) ● Shadow, Teleport
Effect You teleport 20 squares, but must choose an unoccupied space that either no creature can see or that no creature other than you can see. You are incorporeal and have phasing until the end of your next turn.
Cloak Abduction
You sweep someone up in your cloak.
Daily Attack 20 (Standard Action) ● Shadow, Teleport
Near burst 1, one target
Attack Dexterity vs AC
Hit The creature is transported to an extradimensional space and cannot act (save ends). On a successful save, it appears in an unoccupied space adjacent to you. If you wish, the creature takes 2dW + Dexterity modifier damage at the start of each turn it spends in the extradimensional space.
Miss The creature is transported to the extradimensional space only till the end of your next turn, and it takes no damage.
Selfless Protector
You possess a natural instinct to protect whoever is assigned to you. You may never have taken an arrow but likely neither has your target. You can spot threats from miles away and can act to move your ward to a better position if that threat gets too close.
Class Features
Take a Hit (11th level): As a swift action, select one adjacent creature to be your focus. You can only have one focus at a time. Until the end of the encounter or until you change focus, as long as your focus does not attack and remains adjacent to you, they can use your AC and Reflex defense if it is higher than theirs. If your focus is hit by an attack against AC or Reflex, you take the damage instead. When you move, you shunt your focus with you.
Total Cover (11th level): When you spend an action point, both you and your focus gain a +4 bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the end of your next turn and you can shift together 4 squares, instead of taking an extra action.
Keep it Together (16th level): Each time you regain hit points, you can give your focus any or all of the hit points instead.
Protective Instincts
Someone takes a shot at you or your assignment. Your reflexes kick in.
Encounter Attack 11 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Trigger A creature attacks you or your focus.
Effect Make a basic attack, and you and your focus shift together 4 squares.
Evasive Techniques
You throw your client out of the way of imminent death.
Daily Utility 12 (Counter Action) ● Martial
Melee touch, your focus
Trigger Your focus is hit by an attack.
Effect Swap places with your focus and you are the target of the attack. You and your focus shift together 5 squares. You gain a +2 power bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the end of your next turn.
Aggressive Response
Effect The point is to act before your enemy even intends to strike. Daily Attack 20 (Counter Action) ● Martial, Weapon Melee or Ranged weapon, one creature Trigger An enemy moves within range of your weapon. Effect Make a basic attack against the triggering enemy: on a hit, the enemy’s turn ends. Nominate a creature within 4 squares as your focus and pull them to an adjacent square.
You move in darkness behind enemy lines. You sneak under heavy cover into prohibited areas. You know how to avoid cameras, dogs, and roaming guards. You sneak through the shadows or stroll in broad daylight, given the proper circumstances.
Prerequisite: Trained in Stealth.
Class Features
Impossible Maneuver (11th level): As a move action, you can spend a recovery to shift your speed. You can move vertically up to two squares during this shift.
Under any Shadow (16th level): While in three-quarters cover or total concealment, you can spend an action point; instead of taking an extra action, you can maintain three-quarters cover or total concealment until the end of your next turn, regardless of where you move.
Attack from Ambush (16th level): When you attack from three-quarters cover or total concealment, you do additional damage on a hit equal to your Dexterity modifier.
Complete Covertness
You could be standing in front of the enemy, and they still wouldn’t see you.
Encounter Attack 11 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Ranged 10, one creature granting you combat advantage
Attack Dexterity +2 vs Will
Hit Until the end of your next turn, you are invisible to the target, you can pass through its square, and you can make Stealth checks against it with no penalties for movement and without requiring any cover or concealment.
Back of Your Head
Nothing gets past you.
Daily Utility 12 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect Until the end of the encounter, you don’t grant combat advantage and you cannot be distracted. You can walk or run without suffering penalties to Stealth checks.
Looking Nonchalant
You slip by your enemies even with them looking straight at you.
Daily Attack 20 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, all enemies you can see
Attack Dexterity +2 vs Will
Hit Until the end of your next turn, you are invisible to the target, you can pass through its square, and you can make Stealth checks against it with no penalties for movement and without requiring any cover or concealment.
Miss You may reroll a missed attack roll once against each target.
Effect You do +2dW damage on your next weapon attack that hits.
Silver Tongue
You’re the one brought in when weapons cannot be used, when even the brandishing of blades is considered a total failure. You cannot give the appearance of aggression, not even when the situation goes out of control. You’re the wave of the future, where words will solve disputes, not weapons.
Requirements: Trained in Diplomacy.
Class Features
The Art of Compromise (11th level): Gain a +2 bonus to Diplomacy.
I Think We Got Off On The Wrong Foot (11th level): When you fail a Diplomacy or Intimidate check, you can spend an action point to add a +10 bonus to your check and reassess the outcome with this new total. You do not gain an extra action when you use an action point this way.
Confidence Comes with the Position (16th level): Gain a +2 bonus to Will defense.
Volume and Presence
Your opponent’s argument is invalid and ridiculous and your tolerance for their ignorance is over.
Encounter Attack 11 (Move Action) ● Fear, Martial, Psychic, Consistent
Near burst 5, one creature
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit The target is immobile and dazed until the start of your next turn. You gain a +2 power bonus to Intimidate and Diplomacy checks against the target until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Swift You gain a +2 power bonus to Intimidate and Diplomacy checks against the target until the end of your next turn.
Making It Up
Unable to find the right set of truths to make your point, you just take a guess.
Daily Utility 12 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect You treat your next Bluff, History or Streetsmarts check before the end of your next turn as if you had rolled a 20.
Everything You Got
Your arguments are so compelling, your opponent is having a difficult time concentrating.
Daily Attack 20 (Move Action) ● Martial, Psychic, Consistent
Near burst 5, one creature
Attack Charisma +2 vs Will
Hit The target is stunned until the start of your next turn. The target suffers a -4 penalty against any opposed Diplomacy or Intimidate checks and suffers a -4 penalty to Will defense until the end of the encounter.
Effect The target has vulnerability to your attacks 5 (save ends).
You have dedicated yourself to mastering the arcane arts through dedicated study and intense theory.
Requirements: Arcane class.
Class Features
Dark Academia (11th level): You have an intuitive sense of magic. The sense magic and detect magical things uses of Arcana are swift actions for you.
Practiced Casting (11th level): When you use an arcane encounter attack power with the action you gain from spending an action point, roll 1d6. On a 6, the power is not expended.
Instinctive Counterspell (16th level): Choose one tag from Acid, Charm, Cold, Fear, Fire, Illusion, Lightning, Psychic and Thunder. You gain a permanent +2 bonus to defenses against powers with that tag. Your allies also benefit from this bonus whenever they are within 10 squares of you.
Metamagical Violence
Encounter Attack 11 (Free Action) ● Arcane Self Trigger You use an arcane at-will attack power. Effect The attack’s damage type changes to your choice of acid, cold, fire, lightning, psychic or thunder. You can also add one target to a melee or ranged attack, or increase the area of effect of a near or far power by 1. If the attack hits, you do an additional +2d8 damage.
Metamagical Theorums
Encounter Utility 12 (Free Action) ● Arcane Self Trigger You use an arcane power. Effect You can alter one property of the power for this use. ● From a range of Self to Near burst 5, one ally ● From a range of Near to Far or vice versa ● From a range of Melee to Ranged or vice versa ● From Maintain Standard or Maintain Move to Maintain Swift
Arcane Expulsion
You suddenly and painfully unleash the unrealized magical potential of your target. Daily Attack 20 (Standard Action) ● Arcane, Focus Near burst 5, one creature Attack Intelligence vs Will Hit 4d10 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Effect Make a secondary attack centered on the target. Secondary Attack: Near burst 2, all creatures; Intelligence vs Will; on a hit, 2d10 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.
You have probably graduated from a command school or officer college. You emerged as a trained, disciplined leader, ready to rally the uncontrolled masses. You are not some scholar trained from books. You possess natural, applicable talents, earning the respect that goes along with them.
Class Features
Coordination (11th level): Anytime an ally in sight rolls a natural 1, 2, or 3 on an attack roll, you and one other ally in sight can shift 2 squares.
Tide of War (11th level): The first time each encounter that an ally in sight is staggered, you gain an action point. You can spend a swift action to transfer an action point from you to any ally in sight.
Take the Opportunity (16th level): The first time each encounter that you are staggered by an attack, an ally in sight can make a basic attack as an immediate (react) action.
Eyes All Around
You relay enemy weaknesses to an ally, giving them an opportunity to attack.
Encounter Attack 11 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, one ally
Effect The target makes a basic attack.
Reevaluate Strategy
Battles are unpredictable and you make a quick alteration in the plan to adjust to enemy maneuvers.
At-Will Utility 12 (Move Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, up to two allies
Effect The target shifts 1 square.
Superior Strategic Endeavor
You shout out a particularly complicated plan which will work flawlessly if everyone does what they’re supposed to do.
Daily Attack 20 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, up to two allies
Effect The target uses one encounter power. The chosen power is not expended.
Weapon Master
Requirements: At least one Martial power.
Class Features
Quick Change Artist (11th level): As a swift action, you can sheathe a weapon and draw a weapon.
Pincer Attack (11th level): Instead of spending an action point to take an additional action, you can spend it to use two at-will attack powers that require a standard action, one after the other. They do not have to have the same target.
Careful Opportunist (16th level): When a creature provokes an opportunity attack, you can use an at-will attack power instead of making a basic attack. You must make a melee attack.
One-Two Strike
Encounter Attack 11 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Melee or Ranged weapon, one target
Attack Strength vs AC, two attacks
Hit 1dW + Strength modifier damage and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. If both attacks hit, the target is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Fast Learner
Daily Utility 12 (Swift Action) ● Martial
Effect Select a feat you meet the prerequisites for. You gain that feat until your next long rest.
First Blood
Daily Attack 20 (Standard Action) ● Martial, Weapon
Near burst 1, all enemies
Attack Strength vs AC
Hit 3dW + Strength modifier damage if the target is below maximum HP. 5dW + Strength modifier damage if the target is at or above maximum HP.
Miss Half damage.
Epic Paths
At level 21, each player character gets an epic path. This path is on top of their main class, which still gives them some powers, and their prestige path (which stops giving them powers after level 20). Like prestige path powers, powers granted by epic paths are in addition to those granted you a character’s class and do not count towards total class powers available.
Traditionally, each epic path has given the player character a way to cheat death, and a way to achieve to immortality. Some of the epic paths included below are more understated, and do not necessarily include these options. Of course, just because a path does not describe a way to achieve immortality, does not mean immortality is out of reach for that character.
Table – Epic Paths and Their Requirements
Name | Description |
Agent Retriever | You travel across the planes, locating and acquiring whatever your patrons need. |
Master | You are the single greatest expert on the planet on a specific subject. |
Most Dangerous | No one who hunts you knows your real name. You’re a ghost. |
Respected | Every soldier that passes you knows your face and gives you the courtesy you have earned. |
Team | It was always, and will always be, about the team. |
Ultimate | As the legendary fighter, you have too many laurels to count. |
Agent Retriever
Elemental tyrants, the heralds of the gods, the voices between the planets – they all have peculiar needs, and the agents retriever cater to them. You travel across the planes, locating and acquiring whatever your patrons need.
Requirements: You must have retrieved something of value from another plane of existence, and traded it for a fair price.
When your adventuring days come to an end, a number of different fates may await you. What follows is one possibility.
Corner of the World’s Eye: You fade away from public view, but no one can ever confirm your death. Just when people think old age, misadventure or vengeance must have done you in, someone reports spying you in a bazaar, or finding your calling card in the Celestial Vaults, or seeing you for a moment through a pool in the Astral Plane.
Class Features
Appropriation (Level 21): Each night, you dream of a magic item. After a long rest, choose any magic item of your level or lower. That magic item appears under your bedroll, ready for use. It disappears when you begin your next long rest.
The magic item is not created, it is summoned. The GM may want to identify which creature’s possession the magic item was summoned from, and whether there are any hints to your identity when it arrives back in their possession the following day.
Interplanar Contingencies (Level 24): Once per day, when you die, you appear the following round on your initiative count with half your maximum HP and under the slowed condition, in an unoccupied space of your choice at least 6 squares from your dead body. You cannot use any attack powers or recoveries, but you can make basic attacks and you have all the equipment and magic items that were on your person when you died. The equipment and magic items that are actually on your body become shimmering and insubstantial, and cannot be used or picked up.
When you are adjacent to your corpse, you can use a swift action to merge the old and new bodies. You can now use attack powers and recoveries, although you do not recover any powers or recoveries that were already spent. You lose the slowed condition, but otherwise keep the HP and any conditions, persistent damage, etc., of your new body. Choose which square your merged body appears in.
The Economic Flow (Level 30): You are at the center of a vast trade network. If something is for sale anywhere in the planes, for any price, you can purchase it with a snap of your fingers (free action). The object appears in your hand or on your person, if feasible, or otherwise in the nearest unoccupied space(s) that can hold it. The payment price must be on your person (for example, a pouch of gold pieces on your belt) – it disappears at the same time as the purchased object appears.
Force Sphere
Daily Utility 26 (Counter Action) ● Arcane, Force, Zone
Near burst X
Effect Create a sphere of force in a near burst between 1 and 5 squares in radius (your choice). The sphere is impenetrable by any means. The zone persists until the end of your next turn.
Maintain Swift The zone persists until the end of your next turn.
You are the single greatest expert on the planet on a specific subject. All others bend to your word. Long after you have passed on, your papers and essays will be analyzed for hidden truths previously undiscovered. Your name will be uttered in the same breaths of legends from centuries past. Whatever vocation you have chosen, competitors and publishers will jostle for your contract should you leave your present employment.
Class Features
Out of Anyone’s League (21st level): Gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of your choice and a +3 bonus to one skill of your choice.
Against the Laws of Physics (24th level): Pick one your daily utility powers. It is now an encounter power.
Beyond Impossible (30th level): Spend a recovery as a swift action but regain no hit points; instead, you gain a +20 power bonus to your next skill roll with the skill you selected with Out of Anyone’s League.
You’re not tired. You’re just getting warmed up.
Daily Utility 26 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect You heal damage equal to double your recovery value. You recover all your used encounter powers.
Special Once you use this power, you cannot recover it except by taking a long rest.
Most Dangerous
No one who hunts you knows your real name. You’re a ghost. Enemies and allies don’t have just one nickname for you; there are several. Few are aware of all your accomplishments. Most of these victories were erased or never directly connected to you. Others you must deny. You career might never have existed at all. Missions that you took were probably illegal, extremely difficult, with no room for failure. Your handle or moniker labels you as one of the most wanted individuals on the planet.
Class Features
Second Nature (21st level): You reroll natural 1s and 2s on attack rolls and skill checks, but you must take the second result even if it is another 1 or a 2.
Implausible Speed (24th level): You can use two action points per encounter and if you reach a streak, you gain two action points. You cannot use more than one action point per round.
Vorpal Ways (30th level): Once per hit, if you roll the maximum result on one or more of your initial damage dice, you can roll those dice again and add them to your damage total.
Reputation Earned
Your enemy will soon discover why your name is so feared.
Daily Utility 26 (Free Action) ● Martial
Effect You gain two action points.
Your uniform weighs you down with the number of medals and honors bestowed. You have reached the point where brandishing such decorations is meaningless. Every soldier that passes you knows your face and gives you the courtesy you have earned. You can sway thousands by your command. Your advice is taken to heart by high priests, archmages, and kings. You don’t win battles. You win wars.
Class Features
“Try Again and Aim This Time” (21st level): The first time in an encounter that an ally within line of sight misses on an attack, they may reroll their attack roll.
Sacrifice Play (24th level): As an immediate (react) action once per encounter, when an ally is reduced to below 0 hit points, you can grant any other ally in line of sight a standard , a move, and a swift action.
Master Tactician (30th level): Once per encounter, as a standard action, you can give one swift action, one move action, and one standard action to be split among up to three allies of your choice in line of sight.
Not Tolerate Losing
You make every ally in the battle know how you feel about defeat. You make them fear you more than the enemy.
Daily Utility 26 (Standard Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, all allies
Effect The target regains one expended encounter power.
It has never been about personal glory or selfish ideals. From the beginning, you have stood tall among others you have treated as equals, others that have returned that honor a hundred times over. You have all lost count how many engagements you have shared, the taken bullets, the close calls. It was always, and will always be, about the team. It’s been years or even decades and none of you will quit until the others do. You each push to be the best and as a result, you all are.
Class Features
Team Support (21st level): Each time you spend a recovery for any purpose, choose one ally within line of sight. The ally immediately saves against one effect a save can end (except dying).
Where the Need is Greatest (24th level): As a swift action, choose an ally (or yourself). The target loses one recovery. If you do so, choose an ally (or yourself). The target gains one recovery.
Brothers and Sisters of Blood (30th level): For every epic-tier ally in line of sight, you gain a cumulative +1 bonus to all skill checks and damage rolls (maximum +4).
For the Sake of the Team
You give an ally the precious time they need complete the task.
Encounter Utility 26 (Free Action) ● Martial
Near burst 10, one ally
Effect The target takes one standard action.
As the legendary fighter, you have too many laurels to count. In the old age, you would have been given freedom by the Caesar or awarded a lordship and a manor for your deeds. You have the blood of kings. History is written by the winners and you have seldom seen defeat.
Class Features
Why Won’t You Die? (21st level): Attacks cannot score critical hits against you (take normal damage).
Glory of the Fight (24th level): If you kill a non-mook enemy, you gain a +4 power bonus on your next attack roll.
Risky Maneuver (30th level): As a swift action, you can reduce all your defense values to 1 until the start of your next turn. On your next turn, the first attack you make is an automatic critical hit.
Lasting Image
You are prepared to die, but you will be damned if you will let this opponent get away with what it just did.
Daily Utility 26 (No Action) ● Martial
Trigger You begin dying.
Effect You regain consciousness and stand up. You can take a single action on your turn, losing all other actions except free actions. You can still take immediate actions and opportunity attacks. You gain a +2 bonus to all attack rolls and a +5 bonus to all damage rolls until the end of the encounter. You cannot be healed until the end of the encounter, and do not make death saves until then. At the end of the encounter, you fall unconscious and begin making death saves as normal.
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